POV Pierce
Pierce: "I see thank you."
I end the call. Then I look at the others present via a video call.
Pierce: "Fury might have escaped. Black Widow is confirmed eliminated. Hawkeye managed to escape but not without severe injuries. He is considered MIA but likely KIA soon enough. Coulson and Hendricks were eliminated. May got away thanks to the sacrifice of Coulson and Hendricks."
Whitehall: "What do you mean Fury might have escaped?"
Pierce: "He vaporized his vehicle along with Kraven and several meters in all directions. There is a hole in the ground but we can't tell anything other than the blast melted it. If he escaped he would be doing so via the sewers. However, the area around the blast is highly radioactive. So even if he survived he would be heavily irradiated. We have agents at all the safehouses we know of. But without assistance, Fury won't live much longer. May's last known location is too far away from DC. Barton is so injured he will be lucky to survive the day."
Stryker: "Kraven is dead?"
Pierce: "Yes, he couldn't get away from the blast radius in time and all that remains is half of his skull. The rest is ashes."
Stryker: "That's unfortunate he was a great asset."
Whitehall: "Perhaps we should get Killmonger to join the fold."
Zola: "It would be dangerous to do so. Killmonger has his own priorities and is too much of a loose cannon to be considered an asset."
Stryker: "But I need to study him and his powers. It could help us develop a new super soldier serum."
Zola: "We have already concluded that it can't be replicated currently."
Stryker: "But we won't know unless we have constant access to his blood and DNA."
Pierce: "Enough, we are getting off topic. Are the Helicarriers ready to fly?"
Zola: "Yes, but I think it would be better to wait until more weapons are installed."
Pierce: "It won't matter we can install the weapons later. Now we should get them in the air. Before anyone causes issues."
I received a call at that point and I was surprised because it came from Rumlow.
Pierce: "Hello. What? Plumbers?"
I was very confused by the call and the others were clearly interested. Once the call was done I looked at them and answered their unspoken questions.
Pierce: "Agent Rumlow has just reported that the Triskelion is under attack by Waluigi, Luigi, and Mario."
Everyone looks at me like I am crazy.
Pierce: "And they are apparently singing."
Everyone: "What?"
I was disguised as a Team Galactic member. It was time to finally use the assist trophy as I wanted to cause a little Chaos in Hydra. As soon as I used it the thing that came out was odd but I had a feeling I had seen them somewhere before.
(AN: Play We are number one but it's a Waluigi parody at the 25-second mark on YouTube if you want to listen along. )
Waluigi: "Have you ever captured a hero?"
Luigi: "No."
Waluigi: "Have you ever... um... kicked an old man?"
Luigi: "No."
Waluigi: "Hmm... we're going to have to give you a lesson in... how to be a villain!"
Waluigi grabbed a saxophone out of nowhere and started playing it. I instantly recognized the tune.
Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!
Waluigi: "Imma number one! Wah!"
Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!
Waluigi: "Imma number one!"
Waluigi: "Now listen closely..."
Luigi: "Ok."
Waluigi: "If you wanna be like Waluigi... Then you're gonna have to listen to me! If being an evil villain is your goal... Then you have to be a big asshole"
Several Hydra Agents get crushed to death.
Waluigi: "Wahaha!"
Waluigi: "First change your speech and WAH around. Make sure to only make that sound!"
Luigi: "Weegee?"
Waluigi: "No,no, no! Not like that."
Waluigi sneaks up on an agent and screams Wah at them.
Agent: "AHHHHHHH!"
Luigi: "Wow."
Luigi tries the same thing to a big buff guy."
Luigi: "Wa."
He gets punched. Then they start defacing the walls with spray paint and posters.
Waluigi: "Imma number one!"
They hide and look at Mario which I didn't remember summoning.
Waluigi: "Hahaha.. Now look at this Bomb, that I just bought. When I say 'WAH', Be ready to thrah! "
Luigi throws it at Waluigi.
Waluigi: "Throw it at him not me! Ugh, let's try something else."
The Bob-omb blows up but Waluigi seems fine.
Waluigi: "Now listen here, throw this shell! It sure to make him go through hell! Wahahaha!"
Luigi throws a blue shell but it doesn't go for Mario.
Waluigi: "Wait, what? Wait! No, NOOO!"
Waluigi gets blown up and goes flying. But he seems to recover quickly. They chase each Mario throughout the base and cause many casualties and destruction. The Agents try to shoot them but miss. I just stay invisible through this whole song. Then Waluigi stops and transforms Luigi into spaghetti.
'How does that even work?'
Waluigi: "Wa, ha ha!"
Mario: "Hmm?"
Luigi: "No!"
Mario: "WOAH!"
Mario gets put into a cage before he can approach Luigi.
Waluigi: "Imma number one!"
Luigi: "Ohhhhh."
Waluigi: "Wa hah ha ha ha ha ha!"
While Waluigi is distracted Luigi frees Mario and they start running. Waluigi gets a mech suit made of trash from somewhere and I am very confused. While chasing them the song keeps going.
Waluigi: "Imma number one!"
Then a banana peel appears out of nowhere and makes Waluigi's mech slip. But Waluigi sticks the landing.
Waluigi: "Waluigi number one!"
Then the mech crashes on top of Waluigi.
Luigi: "I'm...sorry Waluigi. I guess I'm not cut out to be a crappy villain."
'Yeesh that was harsh.'
While Mario and Luigi walk away and start causing chaos for Hydra I walk over to Waluigi and free him.
Waluigi: "Thank you."
Rio: "Well I couldn't leave you under there. I still need you to distract Hydra."
Waluigi: "My pleasure."
He pulls a rocket launcher out of nowhere and starts going on a rampage. I checked the time and saw that the Wood Clones should have completed the tasks.
POV Rumlow
I was trying to fend off the literal cartoon characters that were attacking the base. I was beyond confused as to where they came from or how they were real. I know they are real because I got punched by Luigi.
'I think I should ask for a raise. When I joined Hydra I never thought I would be fighting Fat Italian Plumbers that sing. I just hope reinforcements arrive soon.'
I called the engineers that were ordered to get the Helicarriers in the air but I couldn't get through to them.
Suddenly a rocket hit the turret we were using to stall the enemy. I looked at what caused it and saw Waluigi carrying a rocket launcher.
'Where the hell did he get that?!'
I started pulling back our troops but after nearly an hour I watched as all three of them jumped into green pipes that appeared out of nowhere. Then after they entered them the pipes sunk into the ground.
'What. Just. Happened.'
I look around at the devastated base. There are posters of Waluigi everywhere and spaghetti smeared on the walls and floors. I walk to the main chamber where the Helicarriers are and see that they have vanished.
'I am so dead.'
I watch as Brumlow falls to the ground and curls into the fetal position.
'Cool I broke him.'
I left the base and went home. I left behind a bunch of piles of ash to indicate that the robots sent to assist in protecting and building the Helicarriers were destroyed. In reality, I just put them in my inventory and placed piles of Ash equal to the number of robots.
'Now let's see if we got the other Helicarrier.'
We stole all three Helicarriers, Liberty Prime, and several stockpiles of materials and munitions. We also destroyed Zola and his Bunker. As well as most of the satellites in orbit. The official story is that Hydra used a weapon to cause numerous satellites to be removed from orbit in order to destroy the Pentagon. In reality, my Wood Clones went up there and collected all the satellites and junk in orbit. Except a few which were mostly our satellites. But a few satellites that were separate from us were spared.
A Few Days Later...
I read the report on all the changes in the US and the world. Once the second US Civil War began 15 States seceded and joined the Crystal Imperium. This came as a shock to both Hydra and the US government. 4 States declared neutrality. 13 States joined the South but the Federalists immediately occupied 2. 9 States joined the Federalists, which the US government calls themselves. The US Military saw mass desertion from its forces. It turns out most are more loyal to their state than the federal government.
'It seems the Emigrations are going smoothly.'
To keep the Imperium safe I used a passive and low-level mind-influencing spell that makes it so those who don't want to join the Imperium will leave peacefully. It works on most people. I do this to get rid of the extremists who are so enslaved to their teachings or party that they refuse to change. Thankfully they aren't that common. It also means that they go to the states where they are most comfortable. Most end up in the South. The next big thing was the creation of the Border Wall. Just like the wall in the rest of the world it was created overnight and makes it so the states that joined us feel safe.
[Image Of US Here]
[Image Of World Here]
Authors Note:
The states that joined the Imperium were mostly based on proximity to States already controlled by the Imperium and distance from Hydra or Federalist territories. As well as how stable their economies would be in the case of isolation. Kraven died because everything in a 5-meter radius was vaporized and everything in a 10-meter radius was heavily irradiated. Coulson and Hendricks died because I couldn't see a feasible situation where they would survive. I decided only one could survive and based on the fact Fury makes May the leader of Shield I thought Coulson would choose to get her to safety rather than himself. Credit to SMG4 for the song We are number one but it's a Waluigi parody. Until next time Ciao.