The 3 Magicteers


After having my brain melt from embarrassment from the talk I had with my mother, I went to my office to look over reports. I was expecting a report on our work in getting Rasputin, Morgana, and Charmcaster into a group to keep an eye on them and possibly deal with Agatha.

POV Charmcaster

Charmcaster: "Thank you for coming."

Rasputin: "I only came here because of your family's reputation. You still haven't proven yourself to me."

I roll my eyes at him.

Morgana: "I came here because I had just lost my last base, and your invitation came at the right time. Now, why did you bring us here?"

Charmcaster: "We have a common enemy. Agatha is a threat to us all. And the Crystal Imperium has caused all of us damage. Thus, I suggest we form an alliance."

Rasputin: "Scoff. With you? As if. You are just a novice. Come back once you can at least be classified as an expert."

Morgana and Rasputin start arguing about the superiority of English vs. Russian magic. I get frustrated by this because I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get them to agree. Then I have an idea.

(AN: Play Better Way to Be Bad Instrumental for Instrumental or MLP:FiM | Music | Better Way to Be Bad | HD for Lyrics. )


Charmcaster: "I think I know a way that we can grow. Time to try something new, something better. No more solo, trust is the way to go. And all we need to do is work together."

Rasputin: "Ah, please! No thanks, no way, I feel the need to say I'm smarter, stronger, and I don't need you two."

Morgana: "Ha! Stronger? Okay, I guess we'll downplay. How bad you got your rear end handed to you."

Charmcaster: "It's time to try a better way to be bad."

Rasputin and Morgana: "Do we really need a better way to be bad?"

Charmcaster: "United as one."

Morgana: "Teamwork? Please, what a fad."

Charmcaster: "Combine all our strength, we'll go to any length. Once we have a better way to be bad. Let's go begin, this time we're gonna win."

Morgana: "The ice you're on is thin, so watch what you say."

Charmcaster: "I know you're in, I think I see a grin."

Rasputin: "For all this pain and torture, I swear you'll pay."

Charmcaster: "This time, we've got a better way to be bad."

Rasputin and Morgana: "Sounds like a long shot, this "better way" to be bad."

Charmcaster: "United as one, we'll make those ponies so sad."

Rasputin: "If we say "okay", would you just go away?"

Charmcaster: "Once we have a better way to be bad. We want to break their friendship. We want to make them weak. You want revenge on Rio. You want that huge physique. So let's increase our chances. By working as a team. To crush our enemies to dust. And laugh as they all scream!"

All: "Laughing evilly."

Rasputin: "I think I see a better way to be bad."

Morgana: "Just put me in charge, make me queen, you'll be glad."

Charmcaster: "No! Listen to me, I'm the best of us three."

All: "Then you'll see a better way to be bad."

Charmcaster: "Wait! This is my thing, a better way to be bad."

Morgana: "You shall do as I command, I will rule this triad!"

Charmcaster: "Hey! This is my song!"

Rasputin and Morgana: "Sorry, not any longer!"

All: "A better way to be bad."

Charmcaster: "Now you're making me mad."

Rasputin: "Won't the ponies be sad?"

Morgana: "That would make me so glad."

All: "Now we've got a better way to be baaaaaad!"

After the song ends, Morgana gets a very confused look on her face.

Morgana: "What the hell was that?"

Charmcaster: "What was what?"

Morgana: "The singing! Why did we just start singing!?"

I look at Rasputin, and he seems as confused as I am.

Rasputin: "What, you've never sang before?"

Morgana: "No! I mean, yes! I have sung before, but why did we start singing all of a sudden?"

Charmcaster: "Everyone does that. Whenever you get intense emotions, you express it via a song."

I gave her a look showing that this was common sense.

Morgana: "That's not normal!"

Rasputin: "Even I know it's normal. Maybe you didn't do that when you were young, but I do it on occasion."

Morgana: "Wha? But... That makes no sense! I just started singing with you!"

Rasputin and I look at each other and decide to just ignore her nonsense.

Rasputin: "Riiiight. Well, I suppose that is interesting, but let's get back to the main topic. I am willing to give this alliance a try. But what exactly is the plan? And I refuse to be a subordinate if it is an alliance; it will be of equals."

Charmcaster: "Fine, equals will do. As for the plan, I was hoping we could come up with something together."

Morgana: "Stop ignoring me!"

Rasputin: "So, are you joining this alliance?"

Morgana: "Yes, fine. As for a plan, I have one, but it's difficult."

Charmcaster: "Well, what is it?"

Morgana: "My time in the Dark Dimension was not easy. If you don't care about corruption or damage to your soul, you could live forever there as time doesn't exist in the Dark Dimension. I didn't do that. As such, I aged. Albeit slowly, it has caused me to become weaker. Thus, I intend on searching for the Fountain of Youth or the Philosopher's Stone."

Rasputin frowns.

Rasputin: "That would likely be pointless. Last I heard, the Fountain of Youth was destroyed sometime in the 16th century. As for the Philosopher's Stone, it has been missing for almost 500 years. Finding it at this point would be nearly impossible."

Morgana: "I need my youth to be restored if we want to have any chance at killing Agatha or defeating Rio."

Charmcaster: "Just defeating Rio?"

Morgana: "I doubt I can permanently kill him, even at my peak."

Rasputin: "Fine, but if we are going to help you, then I demand you do the same. I have a list of artifacts and their last known locations. If we work together, we should be able to collect them all. They should give us a greater edge against the Crystal Imperium and Agatha."

He hands a list of artifacts to me and Morgana. I looked over it and recognized some of them, but a few are new to me.

Charmcaster: "And if we can't find them?"

Rasputin: "Then that will be unfortunate, but with our skills and connections, I think it should be feasible to collect some of them. In order to make sure none of us try to hide them from each other, I suggest we sign a contract."

Morgana: "Fine."

Charmcaster: "Very well."

Once we signed the contract, we each went our separate ways to start looking for the artifacts. Or at least they did. I went to report my findings to Rio.


Charmcaster: "And that is what happened."

Rio: "Sigh. I appreciate the detailed report, but did you have to sing and use puppets?"

Charmcaster: "Yes."

Rio: "Sigh. Okay. Well, it's time to remove Heaven and Morgana. Lure her to this area. Tell her you found a trace of the Philosopher's Stone, but the portal can only be opened by 2 magic users."

Charmcaster: "Sure. Will I get teleported to Heaven as well?"

Rio: "No, just keep that necklace you always wear on and you will be fine."

Charmcaster leaves, and I make sure Heaven is ready. This entire plan is technically Heaven's idea. Or at least I made them think it was their idea. They were very willing to help once I introduced them to the Archangels and Cherubims. I didn't say I created them, as I was able to ascertain that they would see that as heresy instead; I made them think they came from another universe. Since Heaven was very familiar with such things, it was easy to make them come to that conclusion. I arrived in Heaven and flew to Uriel.

Uriel: "Ah, Rio! Perfect timing. I was just about to contact you."

Rio: "I hope it's good news."

Uriel: "It's great news. Morgana is heading to the trap now and should arrive soon. Once she is dealt with, we can deal with that foul undead."

Rio: "Is Heaven ready for the ambush?"

Uriel: "If it was just Celeste, Peter, and I, no. But with our new Angel friends, I have no doubt we can destroy her completely."

Rio: "That's great news."

'Geez, whoever created Heaven was very clear about their purpose. Kill. I mean, they at least usually target more evil beings, but still. They didn't set up Heaven with a long-term mindset. They also didn't design the Angel creation process with enough safeguards. But I mean, they are dead, so I guess I will clean up the mess they left behind.'

I chat with Uriel for a little bit longer. Once I got the signal that Morgana had triggered the trap, I left. I knew enough about Morgana to know that one should never underestimate her when she is cornered. I was almost 100% sure that she couldn't kill me permanently, but I decided to watch from the Astral Realm. I got comfortable in my cloud chair and waited for the main event.

To Be Continued...