The Fall Of Heaven

POV Morgana

In a flash of light, I feel the sensation of being teleported. When I can see again, I see where and I am, and I scowl.

'That tratourous B#%$@! I will get her for this betrayal.'

I try to leave but find that Teleportation is blocked. I have to jump to the left as a beam of gold energy hits where I was standing. I turned around to see who attacked me.

'Great! Just what I needed, Uriel.'

Uriel: "Your evil ways end now, Morgana!"

Morgana: "Uriel, this was an accident. I never intended on coming here."

Uriel: "Yes, I know. But this is a trap meant to kill you."

Morgana: "Hah! You and what army?"

He smiles, and I realize I might have said the wrong thing.

Uriel: "I am glad you asked. This one."

I see nearly a hundred Angels of varying classes behind him.

Morgana: "Oh s*&@."

???: "Language!"

I looked to see who said that, but the Angels used that opportunity to attack me. I dodged the attacks and used a spell.

Morgana: "enogeB ,aruA yloH! thgiL morF eM tcetorP!"

The Holy Auras are dimmed on several Angels, but it wasn't as strong as I was hoping. A Magic Shield is made, and it blocks most of the negative effects of Holy Magic.

'There must be a support mage here boosting the power of the Angels. If I can remove them, this will go much better.'

6 Angels of what I guess to be Cherubim Tier, rush me and activate a chains.

Morgana: "rebbuR fO ydoB!"

My body became extremely flexible, and I dodged the chains while casting a non-verbal spell in retaliation. I don't target the Cherubims as I can tell they are highly resistant to magic. Instead, I target the lower tier Angels in the background.


The spell hits, and several Angels are vaporized.

Morgana: "sdaoR paoS!"

The ground becomes slippery, and I use it to accelerate away from the Cherubims. As I am running away, I start casting a very strong spell that may drain a lot out of me but should get rid of most of the clutter.

Morgana: "dnE ehT tA snigeB efiL llA!"

I use the energy I was gifted from Death when we last talked. I never wanted to use it, but this was the best place to use it as Death can't reach here. The spell kills most Angels, but a few survive. But then Uriel screams in rage.

Uriel: "CELESTE NO!!!!"

I see an Archangel disintegrating.

Uriel: "You dare slay a chosen of God! I will purge your soul from existence."

My instincts scream at me, but I can't dodge in time. The spell catches me, and my face goes pale when I understand what the spell is.

Morgana: "An Equivalent Exchange Spell! Are you insane?!"

Uriel: "No, but I see that you are a threat that must never be allowed to exist. I have seen you avoid death many times before. Not this time!"

The spell forces my soul out, and it does the same with Uriel. I try everything I can think of to break the spell, but nothing works. A massive spell matrix appears, and a hole in reality is opened. Beyond the hole is something that can scare anyone. The end. The Void. It has carried many names, but the end is the same. Souls without protection are absorbed by it. I feel my soul get pulled, and I realize that this is the end.

Morgana: "enoyrevE fO htaeD ehT roF htaeD yM ,tcaP tneicnA ehT ekovni I! If I am going to die, I am taking you all with me!"

The Pact is sealed, and a bomb is created. I see the Guardian of the Gate cast numerous spells and create a shield. I scoff at the effort. The most that will acomplish is to keep this dimension alive but no one can survive this spell. I feel my soul enter the Void, and I feel my soul start to disintegrate. But I die knowing that they go with me.


I watch as the bomb goes off and the realm is nearly vaporized. I try to learn everything I can about that spell while it is cast and released, but I only understand a piece of it. The Guardian of the Gate doesn't survive, but their efforts do ensure the survival of at least one Archangel I summoned, and the dimension stays intact. Once I am sure that the spell is over and the hole in reality is closed, I go back to Heaven. Once I arrive, I go to the only surviving Archangel. It was clear that they only barely survived as they were leaking golden blood and were rapidly disintegrating.

Archangel: "Her spell was unexpected."

Rio: "It's fine you did well. Now you can rest. I will take care of things from here."

The Archangel smiles and disintegrates. I take the ownership of Heaven and then sell it. I get 250 Million System Points, which brings my total to 8 Billion exactly. I go to the Palace as today I have some work to do.

'Now, all that is left is Agatha and Rasputin. Rasputin is easy to track, but Agatha has disappeared from this Universe. I am not sure what Death called her for, but it must be something big as that was the last connection she had to this Universe.'

As I am thinking of what Death might be planning, I arrive at my office and see Gardevoir waiting there for me. I smile but freeze when I see the stack of papers on my desk.

Rio: "Oh great, what happened?"

Gardevoir: "The Senate had its first session, and they are interested in seeing who will be selected as the members of the Imperial Council. The papers are mostly petitions for who should take what positions. Except these 3. They are about the creation of the School For The Gifted. The second is for the reopening of the Crystal Faire. The last is the formal creation of the military organization act. Which was just passed by the senate."

Rio: "Let me see. The School is for studying the more advanced fields, right?"

Gardevoir: "Yes. Magic, Science, Military, etc. The criteria for joining is the highest but those that study there will learn from the best of the best. It is also for any ages. Sendak insisted on the creation. Saying that higher learning is the duty of everyone."

Rio: "That sounds like him. I approve it. Now, as for the Crystal Faire, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't organize it."

Gardevoir: "It's not just in the capital where it will be held but across the Imperium."

Rio: "Still, I think that it would be a great thing. Let it run for 24 hours so everyone can experience it no matter where they live."

Gardevoir: "Very well."

Rio: "The last one looks good to me. The branches are organized into the Navy, Sea Guard, Army, and Spec Ops. I see no reason to veto it."

Gardevoir: "I let the Senate know of your decision. Now, as for the Council."

Rio: "Ah, yes. If I recall, the positions are the Minister of Finance, Minister of Defense, Minister of Security, Minister of Knowledge, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Internal Affairs, and lastly, the Prime Minister. Has anyone put themselves forth for the positions?"

Gardevoir: "Orochimaru has requested the position of Minister of Knowledge. Tsunade has requested she not be considered for any position. There were a few others who have requested to not be given a position, but Tsunade was the most vocal."

Rio: "And all those papers are people petitioning me to select specific beings for the Council?"

Gardevoir: "Or to be not considered for the position."

Rio: "Sigh. Okay, I will look through them later. Now what else needs my attention?"

Gardevoir: "There is a large backlog of people requesting a species change. A surprisingly large amount are requesting to be turned into anthropomorphic animals."

Rio: "Ah, yes, the Furries. That isn't that surprising. How goes the resettlement program?"

Gardevoir: "Fantastic. We have accepted 2.8 Billion Humans as of now. All of them have been settled in their new homes. The free but very bland food has made it so we have a low unemployment. Since things not needed for survival are not free, most still do work to earn some money for luxuries. Estimates show that the Human population is shrinking rapidly as few wish to stay human when given the opportunity to become something more unique."

Rio: "Population growth, whether high or low, is irrelevant as our technology and magic can allow most beings to live to 200 easily. If people get lonely or want to have children, then we have numerous options. Speaking of children, how goes the Orphanage Project?"

Gardevoir: "No problems with them. The only thing of note is that the children are requesting that you visit again. With Santa if possible."

Rio: "Hahahaha! Schedule it for next week on Thursday. I think my schedule is open that day. But Santa won't be here until Christmas, so I will have to disappoint them."

Gardevoir: "I am sure they will be excited no matter what."

I hear a knock on the door and tell them to come in.

Amore: "Rio, I was just thinking, and I think that now that you have ascended the throne, it is time for you to get married."

I frown.

Rio: "Ugh. Not this again. I am still young. I have many years to think about that kind of stuff."

Gardevoir: "Citizens have an open petition for you to get married. And the Senate is worried that you don't have any heirs."

Rio: "I have children!"

Amore: "You do, sweetie, but they aren't related to you by blood, and one of them will rule a kingdom."

Rio: "Chrysalis is too young for her to be ruling a kingdom. And while I am not related to them by blood, they are still my children. I will name Lucario my heir... In a few years. I want him to have more time to be himself before he has to do all that royal education stuff."

Amore: "Oh, that reminds me. It's time for your etiquette class."

I panic and think of an excuse.

Rio: "Uh, look at the time! I need to take my clothes out of the oven."

I try to make a run for it, but I am caught by my mother, and I look at her with the best sad puppy eyes I can manage.

Amore: "Nice try, but I didn't get to teach you these things earlier in life, and while Dooku taught you some things, he didn't complete your schooling."

Rio: "Gardevoir, help me!"

Gardevoir looks torn.

Amore: "Help him, and I will remove you from the list."

Gardevoir looks super happy, and I can sense great fear from that threat.

Gardevoir: "Please excuse me. I need to make sure Rio's clothes are taken out of the Oven."

Rio: "Wait! That's my excuse!"

I feel a sudden chill and look at my mother.

Rio: "Uh... I mean... My reasonable explanation as to why I needed to go."

Amore: "Double lessons now."


(AN: Darth Vader Scream)


Authors Note:

The Void is the gap between Universes. Morgana's Spells are reverse words and sentences. Like Zatara from DC. Who do you suggest should be given what council seats? What was the list? I know, but I won't tell. Amore is scary. The next chapter will be Gacha, so send in any suggestions. Until next time Ciao.