The Massacre Of Kaer Morhen


I sit atop a tower and watch the gathering forces of Eredin. A high-tier illusion surrounds me so they can't see or detect me. I am trying out a new Super Tier Spell for the first time. If what the book said was correct, this should work. I will have to be very focused to make sure I cause as little collateral damage as possible. I frowned as I failed to see Eredin.

'At least Imlerith seems to be here. Let's hope this works as well as I am hoping.'

It takes a few minutes but the spell is ready to be cast and I make sure that Vesemir, Geralt, and Ciri are still inside the barrier before I cast the spell. Once that is confirmed, I cast the spell.

Rio: "Great Malediction Curse-Killing Poison!"

The spell circle flashes, and suddenly, a mass of dark green sludge bursts forth. The liquid causes anything touched by it to wither away. The first soldier to be touched by it is melted.

'That was gruesome looking. But so far, the spell is working, and the control is not too bad. Now I just need them to do the dumb thing and retreat.'

It didn't take long for a Navigator to try and drag Imlerith through a portal. I use a spacial locking spell that forces the portal to stay open. Then the portal acts like a drain, taking all of the poison to the new location. As the last bit of the poison enters the portal, I look around at the damage around the fort. Everything in a nearly mile radius is a lifeless plain. Or a desert that doesn't have sand.

'Okay, now for the harder part.'

I focus and draw the poison that has seeped into the ground. I gather it into a ball and toss it through the still-open portal. It didn't heal the land, but it did make it so the land could be restored. I created a Crystal Clone and sent it through the portal while I healed the land.

POV Crystal Clone

I leave the portal and have to immediately start flying. Below me is an ocean of dark green liquid. I try to sense any life or signs that someone escaped and find a small trace. I follow it to a mountain top. On the peak is a cerulean blue shield with what looks like 5 individuals. 3 are maintaining the barrier, and the last two seem to be Eredin and Caranthir.

'It looks like Imlerith was too slow to survive. Hmm, now how to deal with this. I think the easiest way is to use Earth Bending.'

I take a deep breath and get into a wide stance. Once I am focused enough, I make a sharp right chop and then a left. Then, I slowly lift my hands to the sky before crashing them down. With that final move, the mountain starts to shake and crumble.

'Not quite enough.'

I start making a circular motion with my hands and slowly increase my speed. With each rotation, a portion of the mountain is shaved off and falls into the ocean of poison below. Finally, I stop once I am sure the mountain is weak enough for me to finish the job. I get into a stance again and wind a punch. With a fast punch forward, the mountain is cut in half and falls into the ocean of poison. I can see Eredin trying to flee, but they fail as the Spacial Lock is already in place. Travel to and from this Pocket reality is now impossible.

'Another job well done.'

I start to leave but freeze when I sense someone is still alive. I look behind me and see Eredin with an arm missing and part of his left leg melted.

Eredin: "What have you done?!"

Rio: "You attacked the Imperium. This is the cost of your foolish actions."

Eredin: "No, No, No, I refuse! You will die here! No matter the cost!"

I roll my eyes and look back at him. I vanish in front of him. And repappear behind him.

Rio: "Omae wa mou shindeiru!"

Eredin: "What!?"

He starts vomiting blood and liquified organs. He looks down at his wounds and realizes too late that the poison has already spread. He shakes and tries to look at me but falls to the ground, dead.

Rio: "Okay, now that is the last one. Right?!"

I look around, waiting for the Universe to do something else, but nothing happens.

'Huh, okay, I guess that cliche isn't always true.'

???: "PARTY!"

I try to look at what made that sound, but I am dispelled.


I felt the dispelling of the Crystal Clone, but due to the type of clone, I got no memories. I just shrug and close the portal just in case. I instead refocus on spreading Nature Energy into the environment and healing the damage I caused.

'Overall, a success. It was controllable and didn't do too much collateral damage. I even collected a bottle of the poison. Good thing stuff in my inventory doesn't age as otherwise, that poison would have melted the crystal potion bottle I made by now.'

Once I was satisfied with the repair work, I went to talk with Vesemir. When I enter, I can sense Ciri's surprise, fear, astonishment, and envy. I just ignore it and tell them the good news.

Rio: "The Wild Hunt is no more. Or at least this version of them."

Ciri: "This version?"

Rio: "Existence has a theoretical infinite number of Wild Hunts or Ciri's out there. But they shouldn't be an issue for us from now on. I think the only thing left is dealing with your homeworld."

Ciri.exe has failed.

Rio: "I think I broke her."

Geralt: "Uh, she will probably be fine."

Vesemir: "You intend on going to Geralt and Ciri's home?"

Rio: "Yeah, it seems like the best idea. Geralt can get some closure, and I can help fix their world. I could also accept some refugees."

Vesemir: "Well, I will stay here. I don't want to leave Kaer Morhen without supervision."

Geralt: "Would Yennefer be able to join us here?"

Rio: "I don't see any reason why not. I intend on inviting all the magic users of that world. But before that I will be Cleansing the world of Sin and Monsters. Which might mean a decent amount of the population dies."

Geralt gets a bit nervous when he thinks about my plans.

Rio: "You don't have to worry. I am sure Yennefer and Triss will not fall into the Evil category. I am not fully sure how much your homeworld has in terms of population. Nilfgaard may collapse. Not sure how you feel about that."

I ask Ciri. She snaps out of it and thinks for a moment before responding.

Ciri: "Uh, well, I am not sure. I don't really like Emhyr. But I am not sure if I want him dead."

Rio: "Well, if they have fallen below -50 Karma, then they have it coming. But we will only find out once we get there."

Ciri: "How are we supposed to get there? I can't really control my power."

Rio: "That's fine. I have my ways."

I look at the System Alert.


[Trial Quest Issued]

[Trial Cleaning Up The Witcher

1. Stop The Cycle of The Spheres And The White Frost

2. Rid The World Of Monsters

3. Make Gaunter O'Dimm Null And Void

Better Rewards Will Be Given Based On Score Upon Completion. The User Can Use Any Form Of Power During The Trial. The User Can Take Any Willing Beings With Them In The Trial. No XP Will Be Gained From Kills But Kills Will Increase Score. Any Increase In Skills Are Carried Over. While In The Trial, The Timescale Is 1:1. ]


[Killed Aen Elle Elves + 453195 XP]

[Killed Eredin Bréacc Glas + 2500 XP]

[Level Up x 27]

[Level: 182]



HP: 132000 (Endurance x 100 )

SP: 871200 (Endurance x Agility)

MP: 52100 (Intelligence x 100)


Strength: 330 (+100%) = 660

Perception: 330 (+200%) = 990

Endurance: 330 (+300%) = 1320

Charisma: 525 (+200%) = 1575

Intelligence: 521

Agility: 330 (+100%) = 660

Luck: 500 (+200%) = 1500

Stat Points: 145


Ultra Instinct lvl: 12/100


Bending lvl: 70/100


Acting lvl: 68/100



'Nice, at least the Wild Hunt was useful for something. I would like to commit more time to training, but my schedule has been quite busy lately. I am also curious why the Echos Of The Past quest hasn't been completed.'

[Quest: Echoes Of The Past]

[Objectives 2/3]

[Rewards ??? ]

No matter what I did, the System refused to tell me what I was missing.

'I just have to be patient. There is no rush to complete it now. I just wish I didn't have an incomplete quest in my quest log.'

I focus back on the conversation and make sure Geralt and Ciri are ready and willing to come along with me. But I also ask around to see if anyone else is interested, but most aren't once they hear where we are going. While the Witcher World isn't the worst, it is still a grimey and dark world that is very much in the middle ages. As such, I can't blame everyone for not being very enthusiastic about joining our little band of misfits. Once everything is settled and I know everyone will be okay without me for a little bit, I enter the Trial.

POV Sendak

Not long after Rio leaves, a massive shudder flows through the Multiverse. I wasn't sure what had happened, but I knew that it was serious. I called an emergency meeting to make sure the Imperium was safe.

'This is too much of a coincidence. Rio leaves, and less than a day later, something big happens. Let's hope the contingency plans work as intended.'


Authors Note:

Uh oh, something big happened. I wonder what it is.