Trial Cleaning Up The Witcher


After I enter the Trial, I appear with Geralt and Ciri on an island. I wasn't sure, but I had a guess as to where we were.

Geralt: "Is this the Isle Of Mists?"

Rio: "Most likely. Now wait here while I do some scans."

I use the Palantir to get an idea of where we are and at what point in time. Once I am done with that, I go back to see what Geralt and Ciri are doing. I see them looking at a destroyed boat.

Rio: "Well, I got good news, depending on a certain point of view."

Geralt: "What's the news?"

Rio: "I am 97% sure that this is the home Universe of you two. There is no Geralt or Ciri currently living in this Universe. I will start the ritual soon, so Evil Karma individuals are erased. It should erase most monsters. Good monsters should be left alone. Not sure if there are a lot of them, but who knows."

Ciri: "Is there anything we need to do?"

Rio: "Hmm, we might get some visitors that are not friendly while I cast the spell. If you two could keep them away, I would appreciate it."

Geralt: "Do you actually need our help?"

Rio: "Yes, I will need absolute focus as this spell will be killing beings that are normally unkillable. Elder Vampires will be tricky. Then there is a certain Demon that will cause some issues, but I doubt he will approach me."

They set up some defenses while I helped, and once everything was ready, I started the ritual. This would be the first time I would have to be very directive with the spell. I couldn't leave monsters that don't technically have Karma values due to a lack of intelligence, but I also had to make judgments on numerous humans and other species.

'Okay, here goes nothing.'

The Spell is started, and I leave my physical body in order to immerse myself in the spell.

POV Geralt

I look at the massive blue barrier of spell circles and other strange symbols. I didn't understand anything it was doing, but I didn't need to. I looked into the Fog and heard some sounds approaching.

Geralt: "It sounds like some Foglets are coming. Use Necrophage Oil. And don't stray too far into the fog."

Ciri: "Got it!"

What follows is a few minutes of cutting down Foglets, Hags, and even some Harpies. I stopped when I heard a roar.


Geralt: "It's a Fiend! Switch to Relict Oil! Avoid looking into its third eye."

I get the Fiend's attention, and when it looks at me, I throw a Samum Bomb. As it is blinded, I use a spell that I was taught.

Geralt: "Maximize Magic Poison Spray!"

A purple spray is launched and hits the head of the Fiend. It causes the Fiend to rampage and run around blindly. I have to dodge a few times, and so does Ciri, but after about a minute, the Fiend starts to slow down. Once it has slowed down, I cast Haste and rush into close quarters. With a few cuts to its legs, it becomes crippled. Then, with a stab into its third eye, the Fiend freezes before collapsing.

Ciri: "Hah, thank goodness it's dead. And I think most of the monsters are dead."

Geralt: "Most likely. But just in case, stay alert."

We wait for a few more minutes, but nothing else approaches. Then a wave of energy passes us, and I can tell that the ritual has been finished. The mist clears for a second before coming back. When the mist clears, I see that all the monsters are gone. I take a seat, and Ciri sits next to me. We wait for a bit, and after 30 minutes, the spell circle fades, and Rio walks over to us.


Once the spell is done, I take a moment to think about the results.

'Of the 50 or so Million beings on this planet, around 15 Million were cleansed. Then the monsters only had around two dozen survivors.'

I walk over to Geralt and Ciri.

Rio: "Well, I did as good as I could. I will say that an alarming amount of people were judged."

Geralt: "Is there anything else we need to do know?"

Rio: "I will have to deal with the White Frost and close off this Universe. Other than that, there is one last being left to deal with, but I will save them for last as I don't want to let them escape. You guys can stay here, or I can teleport you wherever you want to go."

Geralt: "I have some unfinished business in Skellige."

Rio: "Then I will teleport you there. Don't worry, no Portals."

Ciri: "Hehehe."

Geralt gives Ciri a scowl, and Ciri just looks the other way. I ignore them and send them on their way. Once they are gone, I go to the source of the White Frost. With my immunity to Cold and Ice Elements, dealing with the problem was easy. The much more difficult issue came next.

'Okay, how exactly am I supposed to stop the Conjunction of the Spheres? I could try and recreate the Dragonfires. It won't be easy, but it should be theoretically possible. I might need to convince Villentretenmerth to sacrifice himself to save this world as I need a Dragon to light the fires and keep them burning without the Dragonborn issue.'

Of the 2 dozen or so Monsters that survived, 9 were Dragons. Besides them were 3 Succubi, 5 Dopplers, 4 Godlings, 3 Trolls, 2 Griffins, and 1 Siren. I was going to try recruiting as many as possible, but I didn't think many would agree, other than maybe the dragons and Griffins. My first stop was the Dragons to try and convince their leader to sacrifice themselves willingly.

2 Days Later...

'Okay, that should do it. The barrier seems to be working, and I don't think anyone could breach it without something like the Elderblood. Now, let's try to convince some monsters to join me.'

After numerous talks and negotiations, the end result was that all the dragons and griffins joined me. The Siren also agreed. But all the others refused for one reason or another. I wasn't upset about it as whether they joined or not mattered little. Once I had talked with them, I moved on to my next target. In a flash, I appear near White Orchard. I walk to the Inn. I was in my human form so as to not cause a panic. Once I entered the Inn, I walked to the table at which Gaunter O'Dimm was seated.

Gaunter: "Ah, so you are the one who did that little light show. I know what you are likely here for, and I wish to offer a bargain. We need not be enemies. I can leave this world and never return."

Rio: "Hmm, and where would you go? Last I checked, you were banished from your home dimension."

His eyes go wide, and I can sense fear, surprise, and anger.

Gaunter: "I have my ways. I can always find another world."

Rio: "Hmm, and what is in it for me?"

I had no intention of making a deal with him, but I was curious how much he was willing to give up.

Gaunter: "I would null all my deals or contracts. The Souls I have collected so far would be given to you. I would lastly tell you the location of numerous treasures. All I ask in exchange is that I am allowed to leave this Universe unharmed."

Rio: "Hmm, that is a pretty good deal."

Gaunter: "Then shall we shake on it?"

I smile and reach my hand towards his, and I can feel the greed and desperation in his mind. However, right as we are about to shake, he freezes and goes pale. But by then, it is too late. The spell is released, and the puppet he is using to talk to me is frozen. The real Gaunter O'Dimm was hiding in a cave in the far north. Which is where my real body was as well. His real body was first trapped in Depiction of Nature and Society. Then I further trapped him in Dimension Lost. Lastly, I use the Four Violet Flames Formation. With his real body and soul trapped in 3 layers of barriers or seals, he was incapable of escaping.

Gaunter: "WAIT! We can talk about this! I am not your enemy! All of my deals were fair, and I never breached them."

Rio: "I am afraid that I don't care."

I used Sanguine's Rose to summon Dremora, and then I gave the Dremora Angelic Steel weapons.

Dremora 1: "I smell weakness!"

Dremora 2: "I honor my lord, by destroying you!"

As the Dremora's rush Gaunter, I prepare to strike him when he is distracted. I knew that even with Angelic Steel, there was a chance he could resist its effects. So, I would use Dawnbreaker to ensure he stays dead.

Gaunter: "Stay back, you foolish creatures! You will regret this outsider. Many have faced me before, but all of them have perished."

I just watch as Gaunter tries to avoid dying. Despite his bold claims, he seems to struggle to defeat the Dremora. It makes sense, as every time he is injured, the wounds don't heal. Finally, after a while, I see the opening I was waiting for and stab Gaunter in the back. Once Dawnbreaker pierces him, he freezes and realizes what happened.

Gaunter: "NOOOOOO!"

He starts glowing with white light. Cracks appear all over his body, and I make some distance as he floats up, and I can tell that this is going to be messy. I create a shield as he explodes.


A mass of white light is expelled, and Gaunter O'Dimm is annihilated. Nothing is left behind, and I can see the souls that he took are purified and sent on to the reincarnation cycle. The blast destroyed the Dremora. Once I was certain that Gaunter O'Dimm was gone, I released the barriers and seals.


Authors Note:

The next chapter should be the last chapter for the trial. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Until next time Ciao.