Trial Cleaning Up The Witcher Finale


I left the Depiction of Nature and Society and returned to the Witcher World. Once I arrived, I looked at the next thing on the to-do list. The next thing was the stabilizing of the world. This was going to take a while, but I figured that it was fine.

'This should only take a couple of weeks at most. I also need to see if any mages or Witchers want to join the Imperium. I know that Yennefer and Triss will join, and Lambert and Eskel as well. I don't think there were many more Witchers beyond the Wolf School. And most of the remaining magic users are Druids from Skellige.'

I went across the world and helped organize areas with new leaders. Some places didn't need help, such as Toussaint, Skellige, and Novigrad. Others needed a lot of help, such as Nilfgarrd, Redania, Kaedwen, and many others. Thankfully, the massive population reduction has helped with the transition. Like after the Black Death wiped out a quarter of Europe, this world has seen the quality of life increase for most people. Especially since those who died were the worst this world had to offer. The other big boon was that monsters were technically extinct. I gathered those that were not like the average folk and took them to Kaer Morhen. In total, I gathered 5 mages and 7 Witchers.

'Too bad the Druids were uninterested in joining the Imperium.'

The Mages were Triss Merigold, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Keira Metz, Ida Emean aep Sivney, and Fringilla Vigo. The Witchers are Lambert, Vesemir, Eskel, Gaetan, Letho of Gulet, Jad Karadin, and Geralt. I managed to convince all but Jad Karadin, Fringilla Vigo, and Vesemir to join the Imperium. Vesemir refused to leave because he didn't want to leave without Kaer Morhen, and when I offered to take the castle, he still refused. I didn't want to force him, so I let it be. Jad Karadin had a family and life already, so he refused. Fringilla Vigo took up the position of advisor to the Nilfgaardian Emperor. The next group I settled was the Elves. I tried to convince them to come with me, but they were too set in their ways of reclaiming their homeland.

'I think everything is mostly settled at this point. The continent has been stabilized, and the new ruling families are in place. I gave them all the techniques and technology that will increase crop yields so they don't have to fear going hungry. Some kingdoms and nations were consolidated so that future conflicts wouldn't happen.'

The Nilfgaardian Empire was maintained but restructured with a new family at its head. Beyond that, I had the continent all speaking the same language, and despite cultural differences, I gave them knowledge on cultural and ethnic integration. The next nation that was made was the new country of Nordheim. It was the unification of the Northern Realm. Novigrad was made the capital, and I made sure that both the North and South royal families were the best of the best and had good relations with each other. The King of Nordheim was advised by Jad Karadin due to his ability to live for centuries.

'Then there were the side effects of the Dragonfires.'

The Dragonfires sealed the dimension, which also had a slight side effect. Mages could no longer be created, and the ones that stayed would be greatly restricted in what magic they could use. I tried to figure out why this was happening but couldn't find a way to easily fix it. Thus, I just let it be and moved on.

'This world doesn't really need new mages anyway. The Druids and Fringilla are enough.'

The last nation to be created was a new land mass I created. It was made a ways south of Skellige. The Island was made as the home for the Elves and other non-human races. I only made the decision to make it after seeing several cases of racial discrimination. Most non-humans gladly accepted a utopian island that had everything they could ever want or need. I also gave them knowledge on how to create the best sailing ships. I figured they could become the England of this world. Just with better food. They named the new landmass Alicornae after me, who created it.

'With the monsters deciding to live on Alicornae, there should be little issues. Well, maybe the Trolls could cause some issues, but the other monsters can keep them in check. Now I think that is all that is left to do.'

Once I've completed everything, I gather up everyone who wants to come with me and put them in the Suitcase before exiting the trial. In the end, I only spent around 19 days in the trial.


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1 Elder Blood Traning Manual

1 Book On Interdimensional And Interuniversal Travel

1 Armor of Morihaus

1 Low-Med Summon

1 Iron Plate ]

{Name: Elder Blood Traning Manual

This Book Contains Methods Of Training Beings With The Elder Blood And How To Properly Wield The Elder Blood. Also Contains Knowledge On How The Elder Blood Works, Where It Came From, And How One Could Use This Knowledge To Replicate Its Abilities. Cannot Be Destroyed Or Damaged. }

{Name: Book On Interdimensional And Interuniversal Travel

This Book Contains Knowledge Of How To Travel The Multiverse Safely And Most Efficiently. Also Includes Info On The Various Methods Of Traveling Through Dimensions And Universes. As Well As How To Counter And Prevent Them From Being Used. Cannot Be Destroyed Or Damaged. Cannot Be Stolen Or Read By Anyone Without The User's Permission. }

{Name: Armor of Morihaus

The Armor of Morihaus Is An Aedric Artifact Of Kynareth. The Armor Can Cure The Wielder Of Any Poison, Illness, Or Toxin Without Fail. It Grants A 50% Resistance To Magic, The Ability To Absorb Health From Enemies, A Minor Healing Factor, And It Is Indestructible. Cannot Be Stolen Or Damaged. Ownership Can be Revoked At Any Time. Only Those Seen As Worthy May Use The Armor For Any Length Of Time. The Abilites Of The Armor Can Be Applied To Others By The Wielder. }

{Name: Iron Plate

That Which Fills The Other Side Of The World Can Shape The Rage And Mold It. Grants The User Omega Level Magnetism Manipulation. Makes The User Immune To All Metal Based Attacks. Size Can Be Reduced To Allow Wearing By Non-Pokemon. If All Plates Are Collected Then Arceus Can Be Summoned For Free. }

'Decent rewards for such little work. Those 2 books will be quite the unique reads. The Armor is useless for me, but I am sure I can find a champion to wear it. The Iron Plate is exactly what I have been waiting for. Now I can accelerate the terraforming process greatly. There are a few planets I know we were hesitant to start due to lacking magnetospheres.'

Once I returned home, I could sense something was off. I wasn't sure what it was, but it just felt weird. I started settling everyone in Kaer Morhen, as there weren't too many new citizens. Then I teleported to the palace to check what was wrong. As soon as I arrive, I see that the palace is a bit chaotic.

Gardevoir: "Oh, thank goodness you are back. We have a bit of a situation."

Rio: "How bad is it?"

Gardevoir: "According to Vorak, cataclysmic."

I arrive at the Grand Palantir room to meet with Vorak to see what happened.

Vorak: "Ah, Rio, it's good to have you back."

Rio: "What happened?"

Vorak: "Take a look for yourself."

I walk up to the Grand Palantir, and what I see confuses me.

Rio: "It's empty. What exactly am I supposed to be looking at?"

Vorak: "Where you are currently looking is where the Multiverse used to be. From what I have been able to find, there are only 2 Universes left. Ours and one of our neighbors. 3 Days ago, there were 3, but I am not sure what happened. All I know is it's no longer there."

Rio: "WHAT?!"

I use the Grand Palantir to look around and find that Vorak is speaking the truth. There is only one other Universe left in our Multiverse. I wrack my brain trying to figure out what could have caused this.

Rio: "You said another Universe disappeared 3 days ago, right?"

Vorak: "Indeed."

Rio: "Did you see anything like an Incursion or something similar?"

Vorak: "No, I was watching the other universe when I felt the disturbance. When I went to look at the other Universe, all I saw was a flash of purple light and then darkness."

Rio: "Hmm, which one was it?"

Vorak: "The Fantastic 4 Universe."

Rio: "Oh. Then we don't have to be surprised. I put it at 95% odds that Reed Richards destroyed his Universe."

Vorak looks at me like I am crazy.

Vorak: "What? No one could be that strong."

Rio: "Debatable, but he is stupid enough."

Vorak: "But... Surely no one could be that dumb?"

Rio: "Trust me, Reed Richards is more likely to destroy a Universe than he is to save it. The man has no understanding of common sense or safety. If he detected the destruction of the other Universes, I find it very likely he would attempt to recreate it to understand what happened."

Vorak: "I... still find it hard to believe anyone could do something so foolish without safeguards."

Rio: "Hmm, yes, he would have some safety measures, but only ones that ensure his team and maybe his building remains intact. Which probably means..."

I checked my Palantir and saw that what I feared was correct.

Rio: "Ugggghhhhh! Of course, that idiot had to come here. Sigh. Okay, I found Reed Richards. Unfortunately, he is here. Which means he is our problem until we can get rid of him."

'I will need to keep an eye on him to prevent him from leaving any problems for me to deal with later.'


Authors Note:

I had this idea planned for a bit but was not set on when it should happen. Reed Richards is not the brightest tool in the shed. Until next time Ciao.