We're Doomed! DOOOOOMED!

POV Reed Richards

I was working on the ship when Ben came and bothered me again.

Ben: "How goes the repairs?"

Reed: "It would be going faster if people would stop bothering me."

Johnny: "Well, we wouldn't be bothering you if you didn't destroy everything."

Reed: "I told you it was an accident!"

Johnny: "Face it! You messed with stuff you didn't understand, and now everyone we knew and loved is Dead! You just couldn't leave it alone, and now look at us! We are stranded on another earth that is practically ruled by Nazis and talking horses!"

Susan: "Johnny, that's enough. This isn't the time to fight amongst ourselves."

Johnny: "Sis, you can't be seriously taking his side? He destroyed an entire UNIVERSE!"

Johnny is engulfed in flames, and I get ready to stop him if he tries to damage the ship.

Ben: "Johnny, calm down. I want to punch him just as much as you do, but we can't fight here or else we might be found by Hydra."

Susan: "Ben is right, and no, I am not taking anyone's side. But we need to stick together."

Johnny: "Fine!"

Reed: "Thank you."

Susan: "Don't! I am not on your side, and I am still extremely angry with you. So just get the ship working and shut up."

I kept my head down and went back to work.

POV Rasputin

I was worried about the magic disturbance and further the disappearance of Morgana, but I went on my own to investigate the disturbance. I never expected to find what I did.

Rasputin: "What are you? Another Robot?"

Doom: "I am Victor Von Doom. Ruler of Latveria. You may call me Doctor Doom."

Rasputin: "Hmm, you seem to be quite the mage. But I have never heard of Latveria."

Doom: "That is because it is not on this Earth. An imbecile destroyed my home Universe, and now I have sworn revenge on them."

Rasputin: "An entire Universe? That doesn't seem possible."

Doom: "It is quite possible. Now, Lich, who are you?"

Rasputin: "I am Rasputin, the former advisor of the Russian Royal family."

Doom: "Rasputin? As in Russia's greatest love machine?"

I grit my teeth and hold back my rage.

Rasputin: "That was slander! I would never defile my bloodline with mere peasants."

Doom: "Hmm, perhaps we could work together?"

Rasputin: "With you? Why would I do that?"

Doom: "I have knowledge of an entirely different Universe. Magic, technology, anything you could want I will give. All I need is your assistance in eliminating a group of superheroes."

Rasputin: "Hmm, I am listening."


I watch as Rasputin makes a deal with Dr. Doom, and I wonder if this could work.

'If I let them fight it out, I will hopefully not have to bother with them. But Doom is a problem child. He is like a cockroach. You think you killed him, but then he comes back again. Not to mention that armor is a pain to get around. But then the Fantastic 4 are a liability so long as they exist in this Universe. Maybe I can send them to the X-Men Universe. But then again, I feel like that might make that mess of a Universe even more problematic than it already is.'

I wasn't just keeping an eye on our visitors. I had also been trying to piece together what happened. What I learned was both shocking and made a lot of sense.

'Death has made her move. Now, we shall see who survives and who dies.'

Death had called back Agatha to assist in a plan that would give death several universes' worth of souls. She teamed up with what I called the Dark Universe to bring down the Illuminati and gain enough power to challenge TOAA. Which they have already started fighting. On one side is TOAA and the Phoenix Force with whatever followers they can gather. On the other is Death and her massive amount of souls and power. Reed made Death even stronger by replicating the effects of the bomb that Death created.

'Not sure who will win. If I had to bet, I would have to say Death has the higher odds of victory. But at least the fighting won't enter this Universe. It might enter the X-Men Universe. As Phoenix Force has her Avatar there. But regardless of who wins, they will lose. I am going to gamble on Sheogorath and see what happens. And if that doesn't work, then Regigigas should finish the job.'

The aftereffects of the actions of Death were very wide-reaching. Many felt the bomb go off. And that caused the actions of Star Nations to make more rash actions. The Nova Empire, which was doing okay in the war, was now barely holding on, and the Federation was looking to join the war. Then there were the effects that caused Reed to destroy his own Universe. The X-Men Universe has been very active as well. If what I have seen is accurate, they will be able to start traveling the Multiverse soon. This means they will visit my Universe, and I would really rather they didn't.

'I just need to wait for Death and the others to weaken themselves, then I can activate the Amulet Of Kings. With the majority of physical pathways destroyed, we shouldn't have to worry about incursions or uninvited guests.'

[Image Of Multiverse Before The Destruction]

I leave a Wood Clone to continue monitoring the situation and I go to deal with another planning meeting.

Rio: "Okay, I am here we can start the meeting."

Pearl: "Excellent. We were just about to start the meeting."

Rio: "What's first on the agenda?"

Pearl: "The Crystal Faire Commitee wants you to oversee the Jousting competition in the Capital. They also want to confirm the selection of the Dazzlings as the singers of the National Anthem."

Rio: "Hmm, I don't see why not. Have they decided on a date?"

Pearl: "January 15th. But some are thinking that January 31st would be the more optimal choice."

Rio: "Any particular reason for the 15th?"

Pearl: "It was the historical day and also it's a week before your mother's birthday."

Rio: "Then I see no reason to change the original day. Plus it will stave off January Blues. Next."

Pearl: "The Senate has politely inquired about your marital status."

Rio: "Sigh. Tell them the same thing I tell them every time they ask."

Pearl: "Your Highness, the petitions are getting longer and longer every day. There has also been a... uh... Fan Club created for you. They have requested you do a signing."

Rio: "Damn petitions. Ignore them they will get bored eventually and move on to other things. As for the Fan Club tell them I will set up a meet and greet during the Faire."

Pearl writes that down.

Pearl: "I see. Next is the Birthday Ball event."

Rio: "What I thought I canceled that."

Pearl: "Yes, you did sir. But your mother vetoed your veto."

Rio: "Wait she can do that?"

Pearl: "Yes, technically she is still classified as alive under the law. And as such she has Royal Authority to decide these kinds of things. Also, the Senate has agreed to your selections of the Council."


Minister of Finance: Lex Luthor

Minister of Defense: Thrawn/Mitth'raw'nuruodo

Minister of Security: Wullf Yularen

Minister of Knowledge: Orochimaru

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Glitterhoof

Minister of Internal Affairs: Tempest Shadow

Prime Minister: Padme Amidala }

Rio: "That's good to hear now back to what my mother did. As far as I know, she couldn't completely negate my decision without support."

Pearl: "Ehem, well... Uh... Ehem..."

I can sense she is trying not to say who gave her support.

Rio: "Pearl?"

Pearl: "Sigh. The Council and most of the summons supported her decision."

Rio: "Those Traitors! I just gave them those positions!"

I pause and note that she said most of the summons.

Rio: "So who agreed with my decision?"

Pearl: "Uhh... Well... Schmebulok, Lokvu, Odahving, Raditz, and Victor Reznov."

Rio: "Most of those aren't even summons! And wait a minute. You didn't support me either! How could you!?"

Pearl: "I uh, think that socializing would be good for you. And your mother is scary."

I lift my hoof to argue but then slowly put my hoof down and stay quiet.

Rio: "One of those is a valid reason. I will not say which one."

Pearl: "The Party date has been set. December 23rd. Your mother said and I quote 'He will dance with at least 12 beings or else he will be grounded. And if he dares to try and get out of it he will rue the day.' end quote."

Rio: "Ugh. Fine! I won't have to deal with it for a while anyway. Now what is the next thing on the list?"

'At least I can avoid the palace for a while.'

Pearl: "The next thing on the list is the current status of the Enclave."

I take the report and read over it. The Enclave has basically taken over the Federalist Government of the USA. General John Henry Eden leads them. He was a disguised synth that was programmed to be the perfect presidential candidate. He was based on the original President John Henry Eden. So far he had done well in wasting the limited resources of Hydra and its puppets. The goal was to delay Hydra in order to get as many immigrants into the Crystal Imperium before Hydra could manage to radicalize the remaining population.

Rio: "It looks like things are going well. What's next?"

Pearl: "Well..."

Amore: "RIO! Where are you?!"

Rio: "Oh shoot! If she asks I was never here."

I teleport away. Amore enters the office and looks at Pearl.

Amore: "Where is he?"

Pearl: "I plead the 5th."

Amore: "That doesn't make any sense. The Imperium doesn't have such a clause. Now tell me where he is."

Pearl: "Uh, I just realized an error in my body. I must reform. Please come back at another time."

And with that she dematerializes and her gem falls on the ground. Amore squints her eyes.

Amore: "So it is hide and seek? I will have you know I have never lost a game of hide and seek. Let the game begin."


Authors Note:

How do you like my choices for the Ministers? Until next time Ciao.