Forming the Mana Core

"Well, let's check the items shall we"

He moved onto second item the elixirs.His hand trembled in excitement because even after reading half of the novel he never heard about a rainbow colored elixir or potion.This was also because of the S-RANK Skill he got. Ray understood that even if it's the first chamber the rewards here were anything but ordinary.He picked one of the bottle up and scan it closely.As if taking the cue that he didn't know what it is the system window appeared in front of him.

{Description -

[Blood Tree Elixir - An elixir made from the essence of the world tree and blood of an ancient phoenix and with other very rare materials by an master alchemist]

[Uses - It doesn't matter what type of wound it is if the person is even taking his last breaths it can heal him and even enhance his body and mana core is not an exception. It can even heal the broken Mana Core and Mana veins and if the core is destroyed it can remove the old broken core and veins to form a new one.}

Ray's jaw dropped after reading the description of the elixir.The hand holding the bottle trembled even more.

It is a universal fact in this world that once broken the mana core cannot be healed. It can be replaced with an artificially created core but the artificial core never will be able to match the prowess of original one, but here it is this elixir contradicting the fact.

And if one wasn't enough he had six, yes six elixirs.

"Hey tell me system did you know that this elixir will be here when you told me move to take the items?"

(Yes,i already knew about it. This elixir is one of the reasons that you transmigrated in this body even when the core was destroyed)

"One of the reasons, are there any other reasons why this specific body was chosen"

(Yes,there are three reasons for why this specific body was chosen for you. Do you wanna know?)


(Ok,i will tell you, first this is the only body in the world that can handle the true extent of your powers (the seven element) that is if you can survive . When I say world i literally mean it. If not for this body you would have to be reincarnated as a new born child instead of transmigrated.

Second, this body doesn't have any lingering attachments or resolves so there are no chances of synchronisation.It purely belongs to you no not belongs it is you now.

Third, you will see it yourself when you would see yourself in front of the mirror.)

"Okay, I get the first and second reason but what's this third reason about."

(I told you to see for yourself (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)).

'Ugh, this system and his emojis' Ray thought inwardly.

"Fine, let's drink it and form mana core before taking the egg and getting out of hear."

(You are forming it here instead of outside. Why?)

"Heh,and here you were boasting about how great you were."He teased

(Hey, that's rude! Just tell me why here already!)

"It's because of the quantity and quality of the mana here. This chamber contains a huge amount of mana big enough to form a core five times over. So, if take the reward than this chamber or labyrinth will be cleared and all the mana would be released in the atmosphere.So instead of taking the reward first I just use the mana to form the core. Then leave.

(Oh, I get it now but how do you know that the mana here is very pure when can't feel it )

"Well, it's because of the elixir.

(Elixir ?)

"Yes, you know it contained the essence of the world tree and as you already know like the trees that releases oxygen in the air on earth, World Tree does the same with mana. So it's guaranteed that the mana here is the purest."

(I had already said it once but i will say again owner really is intelligent.)

"Well, I was always the first in the school on earth so I can say that I am a bit intelligent.Okay let's just get over with it. I had already learned how to form the core and mana veins from the first piece.

Ray voiced out he couldn't contain his excitement at the thought of using magic. But he calmed himself down as he knew better than to take forming the core lightly.So he decided he will use his skill (Accelerated Perception) to enhance his focus to decrease the chances of mistake.

"Well,here goes nothing"

*Gulp, Gulp

Ray after sitting down in the of room and getting ready started drinking the elixir.The taste of the elixir which he thought would be somewhat different from the normal potions as he knew how they taste from the novel was a bit disappointed. The elixir was tasteless,but it was as thick as honey as he downed the elixir from from his mouth. Just as he finished drinking the elixir, his body started to feel a bit warm, as the energy of the elixir started rising. The heat in his body also rose and soon it started becoming unbearable. The heat was so much that he felt like he was lying on fire as his whole body turned into bright red color.

He gritted his teeth and bit his lips to endure it. As the metallic taste of blood spread into his mouth he felt it. As if burning the residual of the veins and the core from his body steam started to rise from his body and all the waste, toxin, mana veins and core completely vanished.Like the potion had will it had gone a bit overboard to avoid any mistake by burning some of his body fat. Ray felt his body completely cleaned and his senses enhanced.

Unwilling to break the rhythm he instantly used his skill and started forming the mana core.

(Accelerated Perception activated)

His focus and concentration rose to an unprecedented level. It felt like he was in a trance.He started absorbing the mana from his surroundings in his body and started forming the core.The mana in his body moved like branches of the tree. Half of mana moved in his blood vessels mixing in his blood strengthening them and the other half started to form it own network of veins in his body connecting the circuit in the middle of his chest where a round orb of energy started to form as the mana accumulated.

Following the method, he started concentrating more and more mana in the orb. After repeating this process this tedious process for around half an hour his core started to vibrate. As the vibration reached it peak as if a vaccum had been turned on. The core started to absorb more and more mana from its surrounding. And after what felt like hours Ray's mana core was formed.