An Extra

Mana, what is it ? What does it do that if a person who had been using mana his whole life will feel like his limbs had been cut off when he can't use it anymore ?

Mana is the essence of everything in the world. It can transform into any elemental form regarding the person using it. If a person has wind affinity he can create soft breeze and can also turn it into an giant tornadoes in one thought. If another had earth affinity he created a boulder in air out of nowhere. That is the power mana contains in it.

So, if the person who had been using mana his whole life suddenly can't use it he will be devastated. He would be simply crippled. The difference between a person without mana and a person with mana simply cannot be covered.

Right now, Ray is feeling that difference himself. His whole senses grew to another level. He can listen the sound of the wind moving in the chamber. He can easily see to a great distance in the dark hallway and he felt like he can see everything if he concentrated mana in his eyes. It felt like he can jump and the ceiling of the chamber without even using mana that's how much his body was strengthed from the mana.

(Congratulations Mana Core Formed)

(Well, owner how are you feeling right now?。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕)

"Awesome" he said.

Right now he felt like he was flying in the air but this was short-lived as in the next moment his whole body started to ache heavily.

"Aaw Aaw, ugh aaah, hey system what's happening.? Why this sudden pain, aah i can't even move my body" he asked as writhed in pain.

(Oh, it's because of your skill.)

"What do you mean by skill ? Ugh, speak in detail"

[What i am trying to is when you uses the skill (Accelerated Perception) your whole brain is working at an super fast speed as your neurons are turbocharged. So in order to work efficiently it's neglects or you can say it accumulates pain and even exhaustion to a certain extent (like until you were deeply cut or anything).

While forming the core you literally reached the state of trance. When you were in trance the skill timed out but as you were in intense focus that certain limit of feeling pain lifted off and you can maintain your focus until your core is formed. When your core formed and you got out of the trance like a dam had broken all the pain and exhaustion comes to greet you hello.]

"Fuck,this skill can really be dangerous. Fine let's just endure and take the egg and leave this place when I can move my body." Ray said and closed his eyes.

He thought about his day. In a single day he had experienced ten times more pain than he had in his life on earth. Even now he feeling it. His mind also drifted to this world and Leon Aekins. Though this world wasn't in any immediate danger of being destroyed. The threat still remains and he knew if had to live in this world and not became cannon fodder he had to become strong, so he was determined to train as hard as he can survive.

And if we are talking about the plot he will atleast try to keep it on the line until to the point where he had read in the novel. But he will not become like those novel protagonists who hides his strength and acts weak by losing and getting their ass kicked by bullies and protagonist.

He knew better than to show you are weak as in this world the weak are not on the bottom. They are straight out dead. So he will use his strength but in limit. If there were ever need to use his powers he would rather do it under the shadows.(He is talking about his elemental affinities here)

"I can also try get along with Leon and the others. Wait, i don't get the time to think about it until now but I never heard about the name RAY CROWNHEART in the novel"

"Hey system, do you have any information about Ray from the novel"

(No,in the novel RAY CROWNHEART was never mentioned.)

"So, does that mean"

(Yes, you are an extra (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠))

"Damn, this day had been full of surprises one after another huh. Why are you even that happy?" He asked curiously listening to system enthusiastic tone.

(Just, think about it host a person never mentioned in the story comes into the limelight with his mysterious powers of having all affinities and with the legacy of the person who was also regarded as the strongest. You will be the anomaly that came from another world to save it (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ).

"Quite the imagination you got there. Also mind telling me about the saving the world part isn't there protagonist and his party to do that already and there are also many powerful people in this world."

(Owner, if the protagonist can save the world, then those who summoned you wouldn't have to search around the whole universe to find the best potential out there.)

"So, you know about the future, system!"

(No ,i don't but the ones who summoned you have glimpses of the world being destroyed . You will know yourself when the time comes so don't worry about how you came here.

Instead take this advice with a grain of salt that was left with me. You had to become powerful . It doesn't matter if you have to flow your blood and sweat because if you don't you will really die this time.)

(Also didn't you have a chance to start a whole new life totaly different from the earth. I have seen it through your memories. On earth, your whole life was just pathetic. You didn't even get a chance to do anything for making your life better but here it's different. You have the chance and potential both if you can save the world from upcoming calamities you can live a whole different life with doing whatever and however you want.)

The words spoken by the system hit Ray's heart deep. He took system's advice very seriously and understood what it was trying to say to him. The two words - chance and potential resounded in his mind again and again renewing his determination.

Whatever challenges will come doesn't matters. Even if they were to broke him again and again he would get up again and take what he want by doing anything. The resolve of living a nice life was strengthed to another level.

"Thanks, system didn't know you were an motivational speaker also."

(I told you owner don't underestimate me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. I have a part of will in me , that's why I can understand your emotions and even give answers and advice to a certain extent.)

"Okay, got it, got it. Let's see what we can do the egg."