Nothing ever really catches the fancy of stuck up Shawn Jason, but the little woman at Ovens'n'Batter happened to just amuse him due to her outburst on the crazy old man who threw his iced-coffee on him, the man was lucky that it wasn't hot otherwise he would have wished that he never spoke to him.
The Firecracker girl was still on his mind, he was really lost in the moment of enjoying the crazy old man being scared to death that he really didn't take notice of the girls' features, not that he could anyway. He sighed, well maybe he could just waltz in there and ask of her, what was her name again, he asked himself, ah ha Angela was her name, he smiled to himself like he won a million dollars just by remembering her name in the Who wants to be a Millionaire show. "What is wrong with me?", he slams his palm on his forehead, I'm grinning like a teenager high on hormones. Enough about Firecrackers, I have a lot to do than daydream about some girl.
Shawn might look like a normal guy but nah, he is way more far away from being normal, he is in fact a heartless son of a b***h who does a lot of really bad stuff, the crazy old man had luck on his side cause Firecrackers came to his rescue otherwise he would have been a goner, he wasn't going to kill him if that's what you're thinking, come on cut the guy some slack.
Shawn is a really tall guy above six foot tall, muscular but not like those body builders or wrestlers but really close enough to have a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger, pitch black hair and honey brown eyes which would want to drown in when a ray of sunshine reflects on beautiful and stare-worthy.
His phone rang and the caller ID was from the restaurant that he visited yesterday where he got drenched in iced-coffee, they're probably calling to apologize for the accident. He answered the call and the voice on the other end sounded really sorry and apologetic, he decided to mess with him a little.
"What do you expect, I should just let it go, huh?"
"We are really sorry sir, it will not happen again"
"How sure are you, I'm really quite sure anyone can just come in there and start throwing food around, isn't it so? I got lucky it was iced-coffee, just imagine that it was hot, it could have burned me. What do you have to say about that?"
"We're really sorry sir"
"Sorry? Listen man 'sorry' won't fix my coffee-stained cloth that is completely ruined, you know what, I'm going to sue you people, I want to speak to your manager"
The employee at the other end of the line started to stutter and beg Shawn who was really enjoying the distress that he was causing the guy
"hmmm alright, I will think about it" Shawn replied which made the person at the other end to sigh in relief after which he promised that they would make it up for him after sometime he ended the call with a wicked smirk on his face. "Employees always skittish" he chuckled. "I have better things to do" he said to himself then he went ahead to call his right-hand man who apparently is his best friend Ricardo who is an immigrant from Spain. They have been best of friends since high school although Ricardo is more of the reserved type, Shawn is more on the outspoken type.
"Hey Ric what's up man?" Shawn asked when he met up with his friend in the nearest coffee shop that was close-by his house.
"I'm okay man. Nothing much is actually happening around here you know me, boring life, thank God I have you around to remind me that I'm not alone in this world" Ricardo held his chest in a dramatic way to have Shawn roll his eyes at him. Ric always had his own weird sense of humor.
"If you are done being dramatic, I have something to tell you anyway"
"Interesting, what really happened that you could not tell me over the phone that you had to drag my ass out to this dump. So, what is it?" Ric was really interested in knowing what his best friend was making a fuss about earlier this morning.
"Well, yesterday I went to this restaurant to get something to eat because I was starving and a crazy old man threw his iced coffee at me…" Shawn was cut off by Ric's hysterical laughing because he knew that Ric was imagining how his face was when he the iced coffee was thrown at him. Knowing Shawn had a really short temper he could see his face turning red with anger which made him laugh the more.
"I'm sorry, please continue" said Ric who was still trying to control his laughter.
"Anyway, I didn't do anything to the man to begin with. He must have dementia because he said I stepped on his shoes, which I'm very well aware that I didn't. Then he started calling me names which really pissed me off but I calmed myself down and apologized…."
This made Ricardo to burst out laughing again which brought the attention of the other people in the coffee shop but both him and Shawn couldn't care less.
"I'm sorry" Ricardo said in between laughs "Did you just say you apologized?" he stressed on the word apologized because he knew Shawn rarely apologized even when he was not right not to talk of him apologizing when he was the one that was wronged.
"Man, I sure wish I was there, what a shame" he smiled because he would have laughed his butt off at the scene.
"Please continue what happened next, did someone else throw ketchup on you too and you apologized" he taunted Shawn.
"Well, when you are done laughing, let me know" Shawn sipped his coffee which was bitter and black just the way he liked it. Ricardo was able to control himself but you could see that he was obviously enjoying this little piece of information that he is going to use and torment Shawn for the remainder of his days and he was really looking forward to it. He scratched behind his ears and adjusted his glasses before motioning to Shawn to go on with his story.
Shawn sighed and shook his head before saying "I was about to give the crazy old man a piece of my mind then she came like my guardian angel to..." Shawn stopped because his face was covered in coffee that Ric spat on his face out of shock because when he was taking a sip out of his cup, he mentioned a girl if you know Shawn you should know that he never mentions women after what he had been through with one daughter of eve he shuddered after remembering what happened and hold up did he just call her his 'guardian angel'? this day couldn't get any better. He hurriedly took the napkin on the table and tried to wipe of the coffee on Shawn's face, who had a grim look on his face but he took the napkin and wiped his face instead. Maybe this is universe's way of telling him that coffee has something against cause two times in a roll within two days he thought to himself.
Ricardo was still looking at him in a daze and he knew why but before he could say anything else, his phone rang. On seeing who was calling him, his eyebrows furrowed and Shawn could easily guess who was calling him.
Ricardo's father. He was about to decline the call but Shawn told him not to but that he should take it. Reluctantly he answered only to hear the father's worried voice urging him to come home which was really odd because his father rarely begged, the worried look on his face didn't go unnoticed by Shawn who told him that he can go because it really seemed urgent. Ricardo left hurriedly promising that they would continue the conversation some other time.
After Ricardo had left, Shawn's mind drifted back to the event that happened yesterday and a small smile crept up his face when he remembered the Firecracker girl.
"Well little firecracker, since you have caught my attention, I might as well give you all of it" he smiled, he waved for the waiter, paid for the coffee and left the little coffee shop.