Bad energy

The strange-looking girl and whoever that man was, ever so slightly turned their attention away from me like my existence had annoyed them.

I do not understand what was wrong with these people; they do not have any sense of enjoyment at all, and when they see someone getting playful, they would cast an angry look at them like they( other people) didn't deserve to be happy.

My intuition suspected that they were rich kids, and since I wasn't like them, they weren't feeling me. I do not even want them to.

My blue eyes wandered to the side where I caught sight of my brother Axel. He had dressed in some sort of color code I've seen a few people wear (Black and Gold) accompanied by their black graduation gown.

Axel had his hair swept back neatly, and donned on top of it was his graduation cap. He waved at us, from across the road and asked us to come and join him. The other side of the road was bustling.

After watching for the cars that were passing, we finally crossed the road to where he was standing.

"The ceremony has already ended. I thought I told you people the time" He started to complain.

Mom was quick to throw shades at me. "All thanks to her. Today, she spent so much time in the bathroom that I wondered if there was even any dirt on her body that she was exfoliating away"

Axel looked in my way. "Sorry" I muttered, "Just wanted to look good for you today. My brother is looking fine, I cannot be caught lacking" I explained to him. Axel seemed to understand what I was talking about and a smile spread across his face. Relief washed over me. I genuinely thought he was going to be mad at me.

"Oh dear, Carol" Mom continued, " Even if you take lesser time, you'll still be the most beautiful"

Hearing this, my face couldn't help but turn a shade of pink. "Is this a compliment, mom?"

"No" She hastily said. I knew it was a lie, but everyone laughed at it.

"Honestly, it would have been better if you were there when I wanted to collect my prize. Just look at this brother of yours" Axel uttered with pride, flaunting the prizes he had won and he even pointed at some place, stating that he still had many there. Axel wasn't the best graduating student but he had received plenty of gifts because his grade points was very high.

He directed to our mom and grand ma, "Please let's gather to take pictures so we can remember this day"

Grandma replied, "How thoughtful of you" She seemed to be already tired of the banter we were having. It always happened.

We came together. Axel being the man stood in the middle while mom and grandma stood in both sides.

Axel had said, "Carol, be a dear and take the first picture of me and grandma" Hence, I was the one taking the pictures. After adjusting the lighting, I took at least three pictures of them. I'd select the best one later and delete those that were below average.

Next was me, grandma and Axel. Mom took the picture this time. Grandma took the last picture, of me, Mom and Axel.

"Alright" Axel clapped his hands together. "We just need someone to take our full picture..."

Just in time, a friend of his seemed to be aimlessly walking around that time and Axel was quick to call him. The guy turned to look at us, he was a brown skinned guy with spiky hair. Axel called him Ky.

"Hey, Ky, do you mind taking our full picture?" Axel inquired, and before the latter could even say a word, my brother shoved his phone in Ky's hands. The latter smiled while looking at us and gave us a respectful bow. He proceeded to take the picture like he was asked.

Axel came forward to give him a hug. "Thanks, man" He said.

"You're welcome" Ky responded before walking away from our sight. He seemed to have things to do as well, maybe he wanted to meet his family and take pictures with them too.

"Mom, please stay on the bench with grandma. I'll come back with Carol while bringing us something to eat"

She bobbed her head at us. "Okay, dear. Please be safe"

I waved at them with a smile on my face, knowing that I was about to have fun with Axel and there wouldn't be judgemental looks cast in my way then. I took hold of my brother's arm and we both walked away from where Mom and Grandma were. Along the way, Axel introduced me to some of his friends. We took pictures with them and finally made our way to where we would purchase some snacks.

"That place looks fun," I said to him, pointing at a crowded spot. It had a wooden plaque, "Snack bar" was boldly written on it.

"Fine then" Axel agreed, and we began to walk side by side.

I don't even know what we're going to do about the long queue. Mom and Grandma were waiting for us and we shouldn't be wasting any time. But the place genuinely looked fun, everyone had smiles on their faces as they consumed what they bought. Snacks must be made right there, and I couldn't help but want to try them.

"So... who's the best-graduating student? I reckon that he must be given thousands of prizes, including cash prize" I muttered under my breath as we neared the arena.

I noticed how Axel's face suddenly turned grim. He seemed disturb that I had asked that question.

"It's just a guy" Was all he said, but then I wanted to know more about the person. Axel didn't say much except, "That comes from a very rich home"

I glanced up to look at him, squinting my eyes because of the sun. "Are you saying it's because of his money he got there in the first place?"

He shook his head. "That's not true. Although I do not know much about him, I can very much say that he's very intelligent and deserves the first place"

"So... If he deserves it, why were you annoyed a while ago?"

Axel's lips twitched. He didn't even answer my question and began to walk ahead as we had gotten to the snack bar. I stood behind, and kept my gaze fixated upon his back. He hadn't joined the queue and had gotten to the front. He cut into the line and was beginning to make orders.

The people there didn't say anything. Nobody shouted at him for causing dis-orderliness. Wow. Axel truly had something.

While Axel stood, waiting for his order, his thought drifted back to Carol's question. The truth was that he was jealous. The best graduating student not only was intelligent, hardworking and popular. He was a very rich young man, coming from a powerful family to back him up. He had excellent looks. Everything just seemed natural to him while Axel and the rest had to struggle their whole life.

Axel wished his life was better than this. He wouldn't have to worry about Carol, his mom and everyone he cared about. They would live in a fine house and have plenty of food and drink to eat everyday, money wouldn't be a problem for them.

But then, their current situation was what shaped Axel into becoming the man he was today. He knew to take his responsibility seriously.

So, in a way, he was thankful.

Who knows if that guy also has a family problem that their money couldn't solve?

Axel came back to me shortly, holding some packages. As I gazed at him, I realized that his mood had gotten better. His once grimly looking face had dissapeared and a smile graced his lips. This was the Axel I knew.

He tossed over to me an ice cream cup. "It's vanilla. You like that flavor" He pointed out.

"Thank you" I whispered and started to open the lid. I placed my spoon inside to scoop a bit of the ice cream and tasted it. My eyes lit up at the heavenly taste that melted in my mouth.

I teased, "I'll definitely spend all my money there once school resumes"

Axel chuckled. "Just be careful. We're not rich Carol. The money you have should be saved for something better. Besides, I'll give you some once in a while to treat yourself to ice cream"

It was truly a blessing to have an elder brother. Someone like Axel. He was unlike every other person. He treated me with kindness and spoiled me. I definitely want to repay this favor when I graduate and land a good job. In fact, I'll change our lives for the better.

I knew it was possible. I held unto that promise very dear to my heart.

We arrived after a couple of minutes. I could see mom glaring at us with a displeased frown. It was only forty five minutes, mom. Please chill, I thought inwardly.

However, she didn't utter a word. Axel handed over to them the snack he bought. It was unlike ours, it contained less sugar. Because if Mom was to figure out what we were eating, she was going to reprimand us in front of everyone. Embarrassing myself again was the last thing I wanted today.

We continued to chat, laugh and share exciting things till it was time for us to go home. Today had been eventful and I could feel my body weighing down. I needed a cold bath this night and also sleep on a comfy bed. Axel remained in school while we drove off. Since today was the last day most of them would be seeing each other, they decided to hold a party that would only come to an end in the morning and Mom had consented to it.

With Axel's graduation day gone, I began to count down the days left for me to resume school. Axel had gotten a job in one of the biggest corporations in the country. Everyone had been excited for him. It was said that, these corporations always looked into institutions when employing their staffs. They ensured to get the best from each universities or those with high grade points. Most of them wouldn't be allowed to work immediately but become an intern and learn the ways of the company. Axel had many experiences working online. It was to his advantage and he had began working directly.

He worked far away from Grandma's house and only comes by when it was weekend. Everyday, it was just me, mom and Grandma. Things weren't the same in his absence but we were still happy that he was doing what satisfied him.

I didn't spend the days idly. I applied for menial jobs around the city and worked my ass off till night approached. I wanted to make my own money, so that I wouldn't be too much of a burden on Axel. Countless times, he would say that i was his responsibility. I knew, but just didn't think it was fair to place all my needs on him. I would need some extra money when I go to school, that's a given.

Mom also had gone into a soap making business and she sells to people around. Grandma would sometimes visit her shop and they would chat. This was how we lived our lives in the absence of the men in our family. While one, who was my brother was making us proud, the same couldn't be said about my dad. A part of me had wished that he would show up on Axel's graduation day to at least congratulate his son for excelling in something he couldn't... but he didn't. He didn't care about us.

And I needed to stop caring about him too. He had been a good dad until now. And anyone with bad energy, I needed to kick them away far from me.