
On a Saturday morning, I got up from my bed and did my usual routine. Yesterday night, I succeeded in washing my hair thoroughly and cleansing my body. I only went to bed after I was satisfied with the candy scent I succeeded in infusing into my body. I knew there wouldn't be much time today for me to do those things without running late, so I did them yesterday night. I could still smell the scent on my body.

I would be heading for Crown University in a minute. Yeah, you heard that right. School would be resuming on Monday and Mom advised me to go to school on Saturday. To finish my clearance process and settle in, so I could be mentally and physically prepared.

I gathered a lot of money during the past couple of weeks. Including the pocket money Axel, Mom, and Grandma had given me; I was sure it would sustain me for a longer while.

Me and Mom had gone shopping some weeks ago. I found myself some corporate shirts and skirts, jeans, pants, oversized tees, gowns, flat shoes, sneakers, sandals, and some accessories. I did so because I didn't have much in my wardrobe and I was looking for a valid reason to change them. This was a better reason.

I couldn't visualize going to a school of high prestige while wearing the clothes I wore at home that were either fading or torn.

I already packed my luggage and it was time to go. While walking across the room, I stumbled upon the mirror on the wall and it reflected my image. I had worn a beige gown and paired it with a sandal. The gown was slightly above my knee, and attached to it was a belt. It was cute.

I left my hair to cascade down my shoulders and pulled some strands from either side of my head before securing it with a bow at the back of my head. Two tendrils dropped down on the sides of my face, framing them to look much younger. I bobbed my head, satisfied with how I looked.

As I walked out of the room, I met everyone already waiting for me. Nobody whined about anything, hence, I assumed that I didn't take much of their time today.

"How are you feeling?" Axel inquired as he turned slightly on the couch to look at me.

I replied with a low voice, compared to how enthusiastic I'd always been about this day. "Anxious"

Axel was about to say something when Grandma beat him to it. "You'll do fine, Carol" She spoke, her voice filled with warmth and compassion as she gazed at me. I stared at her, my lips curling into a smile as I rushed forward to hug her.

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Granny?" I asked, glancing up to look into her eyes. Underneath them, the skin had folded slightly depicting signs of old age.

She shook her head. "I better stay at home and recuperate," She answered and coughed.

"I'll get better soon and visit you" She informed.

I nodded, wrapping my arms around her this time and placing my head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat. She chuckled. "Carol," Her soft voice reached my ears, they turned out to be a whisper as if she didn't want the rest of them to catch a whiff of our conversation.

"You're still young. Have as much fun as you want to, as long as they're worth it, and do not rush into anything. Do well to follow your heart, always" She advised.

A tear escaped the corner of my eyes which I quickly wiped away. It pained me that I was going to leave her. I wouldn't hear her voice, her laughter like I used to.

"Thank you, Granny" I smiled at her.

"Alright, let's leave," Mom said while pushing my luggage out. I stepped outside after Axel had, and we waved at Grandma before departing from the house.

On our way, I was unusually quiet. I didn't know what was wrong either, maybe because I just realized I would be alone in Crown. I wouldn't get to see Axel, Mom, or Grandma, and the thought of a changing environment overwhelmed me. I never thought that I would feel like this. My stomach twisted, and not in a good way.

The car soon pulled over in front of the School I've been excited to attend since all this while. The security officer checked us in and my gaze fell on the environment I had placed in my memories. Compared to the other time, the school was a little bit scanty. Just like me, I saw others moving in with their luggage.

It definitely would be bustling when Monday arrives.

We stopped in front of the main building and Axel switched off the engine of the car. "You can do this alone, right?" He inquired.

Of course, I could. I'd never allow him to suggest following me around the school. I never wanted anyone who saw me to imagine that I was still a little kid that doesn't know her way. I definitely can do this, it's nothing that I haven't done before.

Everyone stepped out of the car. Mom had already brought out my luggage, where the wheel rolled against the cobblestone. I could feel water gather in my eyes as I watched them wave at me. It didn't feel good leaving the people I knew my whole life.

I hurriedly ran towards them to hug them. They both embraced me tightly. "I'll miss you," I whispered while wiping my tears away for the second time today.

"You can always visit, Carol. We're not going anywhere" Axel said, hoping to make me feel better.

Mom chimed in. "Don't give others the impression that you're a baby Carol. You're nineteen already!" She yelled at me, her tone turning an octave higher.

"Be strong, okay? And make us proud. We'll be here for you" She added. This time, she leaned in to kiss my forehead and I smiled. I felt good all of a sudden, that they would always be there for me.

I waved at them for the last time and the car soon sped away from my view. I stood watching until they vanished completely from my sight. Swiveling on my heels, my gaze landed on a large building, tall in size and widely spread. It was grand, a castle-like structure. It loomed over me and was painted in some sort of greyish color.

I breathed in gently to calm my nerves and proceeded to walk into the building.

I can do this! I cheered myself on.

After climbing the few stairs in front of me, my gaze landed on an opaque door made of glass.

I stretched my hand, wanting to touch the door. I had no idea how it worked because it didn't have a handle. It didn't even say 'push or pull'.

How, then, was I supposed to open the door? I looked around, only to see people going around and minding their business. By the way, it would be embarrassing if this was the first help I would ask for.

<Scanning complete. Please enter> I suddenly heard a system voice.

The door unfolded dramatically in front of me. 'Thank God I hadn't made a fool of myself' I thought inwardly as I made my way in.

As soon as I stepped in, I felt a wave of electricity surge through me. The coldness of the hall hit through my nose. It was very different from the natural air inside. This place must be filled with plenty of air conditioning system.

The floor was a polished white marble, Every corner of the hall was painted in a white color.

This wasn't some kind of hospital, was it?

Different lighting systems were hanging from the ceiling, and ahead of me, I could see a wide cabinet, where some people were stationed behind it, their gaze fixated on the screen before them.

Soon, my ears caught the sound of an engine warbling towards me, I turned to look. And in front of me was a rectangular robot flying mid-air, and a blue smiley face stared at me.

<Please make your way towards the administration center to complete your process. On the first section, you'd collect your ID, on the second, your library card, the third, your dorm details and schedule, including other necessary materials> The robot informed.

Wow, I could only say inwardly. "Thank you"

<You're welcome> The polite robot answered.

I would've never thought that technology in this school would be different. It was beyond my expectations. Everything felt as if I was in some sort of Sci-Fi movie. My brother loved that genre a lot, so I was able to know things regarding that aspect.

Along the way, I spotted some robots that were either cleaning or managing the plants that were scattered across the lobby.

Finally. A human, like myself, I exclaimed inwardly as I neared the wooden table. It was brown and perfectly fitting for the whiteness of the hall.

Before me was a middle-aged woman who had glasses resting on the bridge of her nose.

I stood in front of her for a while, and she did nothing to acknowledge my presence. I was being careful because some people didn't like people talking to them. I expected that she'd just hand in a paper for me to fill out before giving me my ID card.

But nothing happened. "Excuse me, I'm Carol Davis, and I'm here for my ID card" I quietly introduced myself and told her my purpose.

Just then, her hands moved to the side where she pulled out some papers from a stack of papers. She slammed them in front of me, without tearing her gaze from the computer.

"Sign them" She ordered. And resumed typing. Her fingers clicking loudly against the keyboard.

I didn't utter a word. She was being rude, but who was I to say anything at all?

I fetched out my pen from my purse and started to fill in the paper. My name and every other details that were requested. I placed my signature across the other papers and handed them back to her.

A machine beside her whirred for a minute, before slipping out a thin rectangular-shaped ID card containing my image and some information.

For the first time, she glanced at me. "Do well to get a rope for the card. Once you lose it, that's the end"

I nodded. While proceeding to the next section where I would be given my library card.

In the second section, there was another woman. She was younger than the woman in the other section. She had a smile on her face when I approached her desk.

"Welcome, lovely. What's your name?" She inquired.

"Carol Davis" I answered.

She nodded before glancing at her screen. She then picked another paper and gave me to sign.

I was busy filling the form when she leaned across the table and whispered;

"I have a younger sister... Her name is Carol and she looks just like you"

I sucked in a deep breath, closing my eyes and cursing inwardly. I just made a mistake on the paper I was writing on.

Who the fuck asked you? I questioned inwardly, angry that she had made me slip.

However, I couldn't let the woman see this side of me. I didn't want to create any trouble. I stared at her with a blank expression before returning to fill in the rest of the papers. I signed where I was supposed to, and handed the papers back to her.

She stared at the pages where I made a mistake and then shrugged her shoulders. She tossed the paper aside before handing me my library card. "If you have any problem, feel free to come to me" She smiled.

I returned the smile. A fake one. What a talkative.

Luckily, the next section was a man who didn't waste my time at all. He handed in my dorm keys and just asked me to sign on a paper before shooing me away. I prefer this type, they do not waste anybody's time...