
'Oh my God, what is she wearing?'

'On the first day of school, how could someone be this filthy?'

'She's pretty but messy... These kinds of girls, I do not even like them'

As I made my way into the hall, I couldn't help but notice the derogatory remarks from the people around me. Including a guy with glasses who shared his displeasure towards my appearance on the first day of school. Despite this, I chose to ignore their negativity and confidently walked up the stairs with Coco by my side.

She spotted a seat in the middle center, "Is this okay?" She glanced at me, seeking my approval. I nodded, and we took our seats.

I settled into the plush chair, casually draping my arms across the expansive table. Each table had the capacity for at least five people. The lecture hall was undeniably spacious and designed to accommodate a large number of students.

We decided to sit in the middle since the front seats were already taken. It seemed like some of them had arrived even earlier. But who wouldn't in flying jackets, or maybe their systems alarmed them as early as 4 in the morning? I couldn't help but think that was quite early, but everyone had their routine.

Students continued to make their way up the stairs to occupy the back seats.

Those people didn't bother me. But what did bother me was the constant image of that incredibly good-looking guy. No matter how hard I tried to push him out of my mind, he always seemed to swim to the forefront, as if he were my main concern when in reality, he was nothing more than a stranger.

He had taken me by surprise. I had anticipated a passing acknowledgment, but instead, he paused, apologized, and bowed. It filled me with a sense of joy as I recalled his lingering gaze, making me feel like the most captivating person he had ever seen.

I saw him heading into this hall.

Was he here somewhere? I thought inwardly and began looking around.

Coco was engrossed in her mobile phone, playing a video game again. Despite her habit, it didn't diminish her brilliance. As I glanced around, I noticed him seated at the back and to my right. I immediately turned my attention to the front before he had a chance to notice me.

My heart. It was beating hysterically now in my chest.

What was happening to me?

As I glanced back, he was deep in conversation with the person beside him. Without thinking, I rested my arms on the table and propped up my cheeks, gazing in his direction. That jawline... it exuded power. I couldn't help but imagine tracing it with my fingers.


Julian as if feeling someone's persistent gaze on him, looked ahead, where he caught sight of the girl. The one whose shirt Harper had ruined. He didn't know what to do as he silently gazed at her, but then she suddenly turned her head away. Very quickly. And fidgeted with her hands.


After a few minutes, I felt a jolt of anticipation as the teacher entered the hall. I gently tapped Coco's shoulder, signaling for her to pause her video game. She quickly silenced her phone and arranged her books on the table.

As my eyes met the teacher's, I noticed his mature appearance, characterized by a pair of glasses and an air of authority. He placed his book on the podium and fixed a stern gaze upon the room, quieting even the most talkative students.

Attached to his ear and mouth was a communication device, ensuring that his every word would be heard through the speakers.

"Welcome, everyone," The man started, his eyes taking in the new set of students. "I see a few of you yawning, dozing off like you didn't get enough sleep. If you feel like sleeping, you can as well get out and make up for it during your exams"

The threat was enough to make their lazy eyes remain wide open and fixated on the teacher.

"I am Wyatt Gray, and I will be taking your history class. Note that attendance is very important, and participation is necessary," He continued, his gaze not wavering.

He continued assessing us when someone emerged from the door. I observed a tall man whose side profile was incredibly attractive. If I thought the guy I saw earlier was good-looking, then this individual was stunning enough to make me feel lightheaded. His movements exuded power, and his broad shoulders added to his commanding presence.

He didn't come to sit with the rest of us but approached the teacher. Was he a senior?

The man suddenly chuckled. "This is Roman Golden, my assistant for now until his program has been completed"

Roman Golden.

He was a graduate!

The best graduating student my brother wouldn't talk about. I only figured out when I came across an article on the internet, it caught my attention and I could only read it. I hadn't seen his picture but I saw his name. His academics were outstanding.

The school ran a program for graduates to guide properly the freshmen for a couple of months. Some of them could be assistant teachers, while others could conduct other programs for freshmen. They would receive a hefty sum of money in return while also doing their own jobs. The school selected a few, but my brother hadn't been chosen.

Mr Wyatt proceeded, "I'll be leaving you all in his care. Listen to him, as you'll gain knowledge. Pay rapt attention in classes because your exam questions have already been set, if your grades are not up to the requirements, you can kiss the school goodbye"

Are exam questions set on the first day of school? Was this a new way of teasing students?

With the instructions given, Mr Wyatt tapped on Roman's shoulder lightly before starting to exit the hall. And the dumb students began to clap at his departure.

What were they clapping for when he had apparently just frightened us?

Mr Wyatt left with his books and in front of us was Roman Golden.

His posture was impeccable, standing tall and unwavering as he gazed at the unruly crowd. As I took in his entire countenance, I was captivated. His features were meticulously chiseled, with a sharp jawline and defined cheekbones. His piercing golden eyes shimmered with a hint of danger. Full, soft lips complemented his flawless, smooth skin. His jet-black hair was perfectly tousled, strikingly framing his face. Notably, he possessed strong, broad shoulders and a powerful physique.

He exuded confidence, charisma, and an irresistible aura, making women's hearts flutter.

The students had begun talking, whispering things to themselves. Mostly the girls, shrieking about how breath-taking he was.

I pondered how he would navigate this challenging situation. It seemed as though others perceived him as someone who could be easily taken advantage of. However, in an instant, his demeanor shifted, emanating an icy, unyielding resolve.

Raising his hand into the air, he commanded attention and then slowly curled his fingers, signaling for the clamor around him to cease.

And just like that, the commotion came to a halt.

He parted his lips to speak, his voice began to reverberate across the hall. It was deep and firm.

"History class is a general class for all freshmen. It is one of the simplest classes you would come across as an accounting student. You don't need calculations, just your brain to recall the things being said in class... There's a reason why Mr. Wyatt asked every one of you to pay attention, that is because you'll not be tested only on the note you take in class but the words being said"

Roman confidently strode across the polished hall, gracefully leaving the podium behind and venturing into the midst of the eager students. "This doesn't mean you shouldn't take notes," he declared, his voice commanding the attention of the room. "I'll personally provide you with comprehensive notes, and I'll make sure that each and every one of you transcribes them"

"I'll hold the classes from now on, give you assignments, conduct impromptu tests and presentations... in other words, I'll leave you breathless," He said.

Strangely, he hadn't gazed at everyone but me. His intense gaze locked onto mine, and I felt my heart quicken in response. At that moment, it felt like the rest of the world faded away, leaving just the two of us suspended in time.

A simple phrase from him, "I'll leave you breathless," seemed to awaken something deep within me, stirring a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Carol. Are you okay?" Coco nudged at my arms, glancing at me for a brief moment before Roman could catch her. But he saw her anyway but decided to overlook it.

I was pulled out of a trance. "Y-yeah" I blinked severally, wondering what had happened a while ago.

"I do not tolerate laziness, tardiness, untidiness..." He drawled slowly, his words elongating as he stepped forward, moving in my direction. My eyes widened with apprehension as he neared.

His gaze bore down on me, intensifying as he focused on a particular spot. I followed his line of sight to see him staring fixedly at my shirt, his expression inscrutable. "I'm sorry sir, It was spilled on me"

"Did I ask a question?"

I shook my head slowly.

I felt a lump in my throat as I tried to comprehend why he was staring at me so intensely, as if we had some kind of history together, even though I had never seen him before. His demeanor was so stern that it made me tremble in his presence. Although Mr. Roman hadn't asked me a question, I felt compelled to explain myself before he dismissed me from the classroom.

"You know what..." He said, furrowing his brow. "Go stand in front of the class."


Did I hear him correctly?

The thought of standing in front of all these people and facing them was even more daunting than leaving the classroom altogether. Roman looked at me impatiently, his jaw tensing with each passing moment that I remained seated.

I wished I could refuse. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful; I just had an aversion to crowds. I suffered from a fear of public speaking.

Slowly, I rose from my seat and made my way to the front of the room. The murmurs of my classmates filled the air, as if they hadn't already said enough about me that morning. Once in front of the class, I kept my eyes fixed on Coco; her presence helped to calm my nerves. It was the only way I could prevent myself from fainting in front of everyone.

"Everyone, I present your class leader," Mr. Roman announced, and the same people who had been gossiping about me moments before began to cheer. Hypocrites.

But why was Mr. Roman subjecting me to this? I wondered silently, glancing back at him. He only scowled in return. "Let's see how well you handle this responsibility," he added with a challenging tone.

Oh no. This was not going to end well.

I had become his target, and it seemed like he wouldn't stop singling me out.