
When the class finally began, Mr. Roman exuded confidence and knowledge, and we knew we were in for a captivating learning experience.

True to his word, Mr. Roman delivered comprehensive notes and explanations that were easily digestible for everyone. I found myself standing at the front of the class, observing him closely. His teaching prowess was evident, and it seemed as though he was meant to be in front of a classroom, guiding and enlightening students.

As the lesson progressed, I couldn't help but notice the discomfort in my legs from standing for so long.

I wanted to voice my discomfort, concerned that my presence at the front of the class might be distracting the other students but refrained. Who knew what he would do when he hears my voice? Just my presence alone disgusted him.

Despite my discomfort, I remained rooted in place, my gaze alternating between the floor and the sympathetic smile of my classmate, Coco.

As I was asked to return to my seat, I felt a mix of relief and exhaustion after standing in front of the class for what seemed like an eternity. My legs trembled with every step I took. Trying to conceal my nerves, I clenched my trembling hand and discreetly tucked it behind my back. Only when I sank back into my seat did I feel the tension at ease, and I began scribbling my note, using Coco's as a guide.

The class dragged on until Mr. Roman turned to us with a series of questions. To my dismay, I was singled out to answer most of them. Luckily, I had been attentive during the lesson, sparing me from the full force of potential embarrassment.

After two hours, the history class finally came to an end. Mr. Roman requested all the students to submit their notes for review. Once again, I found myself at the front of the class, collecting everyone's notes as they filed out of the hall. There were so many students in attendance that I couldn't help but wonder how Mr. Roman would manage to review everything. He put in a lot of effort, and it was obvious that he was dedicated to his work. Despite being the assistant teacher, he had completely taken over Mr. Wyatt's class and handled it as if it were his own. It seemed that Mr. Wyatt trusted Mr. Roman to take charge because he was confident in the young man's capabilities.


As everyone left the hall, they handed me their notes, and soon I was buried under a mountain of books. My arms ached from the weight, but I couldn't show it.

Coco, seeing my struggle and knowing that she couldn't do anything to help, "I'll wait for you outside" She whispered, and I managed a weary smile in return.

The pain I felt was unimaginable to anyone else.

When the last person finally submitted their note, the pile in my arms had grown so high that It obstructed my view. It took every strength in me to keep on holding to them and not toss everything away.

It was a stressful situation, and I never wanted to be in a position of leadership. Even in high school, I dreaded being captain because of the extra work that came with it. I just wanted to live like a normal student. I didn't ask for any of this.

Surely, there were some students who would've loved to be in this situation. Running errands for teachers and doing all sort of things to curry favor but I wasn't one of them, Mr. Roman made me, against my will and there's no one I could complain to.

"Follow me," Mr Roman said, his footsteps echoing on the tiles. I struggled to keep up as we made our way to the staff quarters. Finally arriving, I intended to drop the books and leave immediately.

It was frustrating how I couldn't muster the strength to do so. I could have stumbled along the way, throw the books away but none of that happened. I listened to the sounds of his footsteps all the way till we reached here.

To make matters worse, he shut the door, knowing my hands were full. All because of a chocolate drink that had ruined my clothes!

I stood behind the door, sweating profusely from the entire stress. I was hoping he would realize his mistake and come back. Dropping these books would give me another work of gathering them again, and I didn't want to work. I didn't sign up for any of this.

He didn't come back to open the door.

The distant sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears, drawing my attention. As the door behind me creaked open, I felt a strong presence right behind me. A deep voice commanded, "Go in."

I couldn't mistake that voice. It was Julian's. I could recall it vividly anytime.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I stepped into the office, feeling somewhat directionless. Without any hesitation, Julian swiftly began relieving me of the weight of the books I was carrying. Batch by batch, the burden in my arms lightened, and our eyes met for a fleeting moment.

I quickly averted my gaze and made my way over to Mr. Roman's desk, where Julian had placed the remaining books. I couldn't help but wonder why Julian was here. Had Mr. Roman summoned him for a private meeting in his office? What could it be about?

My attention shifted to Mr. Roman, who was standing in front of a coffee machine with his back to us. I hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "I already have everything settled. Am I allowed to leave?" My gaze lingered on his broad back.

"Yeah," came his response without him turning to face me.

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave the office, offering Julian a grateful nod for his help moments ago.

"As the leader, I expect you to be an hour early for History class," Mr. Roman's voice suddenly rang out, causing me to freeze in place, my hand hovering above the doorknob.

I whipped my head to the side to gaze at him.

The air in the room was heavy with tension as Roman Golden, a man of imposing presence, sat at his desk, stirring his coffee with deliberate care. His piercing gaze locked onto mine, filled with an intensity that seemed to sear right through me. It felt as though any onlooker would assume I had committed some unforgivable offense against him, given the way he was glaring at me. I couldn't believe that I was just meeting Roman Golden, and already, the stress he was planning to cause me was palpable.

I felt a burning hatred towards him as he spoke, warning me of the consequences should I fail to comply with his instructions.

"I don't care about other classes, but mine," he said with an air of authority, his words hanging heavily in the air. "And the tasks assigned to you should be handled perfectly. Not one form of clutter would be accepted"

As I mustered up all my courage, I uttered, "I'll try my best," and smiled at him before swiftly turning the doorknob and making my escape. I couldn't bear to hear his voice any longer.

I cursed him inwardly as the distance grew large between his office and I.

Meanwhile, Julian, Roman's brother, stood like a statue in the office, observing the scene. He despised Roman's arrogance and couldn't fathom why he was picking on the girl.

Quietly, he confronted Roman, asking, "Why are you picking on her?" Although the girl wasn't particularly significant to him, he knew that Harper was at fault, and the girl was being made to suffer for it. It wasn't fair to her.

However, Julian suspected that there was more to the situation than met the eye.

Roman's gaze shifted to his brother as he replied, "Pardon me?"

Julian couldn't help but reveal the truth, even though it was difficult for him. "If you're annoyed because of the shirt, Harper did it. I was in it, too." He mumbled.

Julian understood all too well about his brother's obsessive-compulsive nature and his relentless pursuit of perfection. Roman just couldn't tolerate any form of imperfection, and it was taking a toll on him.

"Harper threw out the drink from the window, and I switched seats with her, therefore I am an accomplice too" He further explained truthfully.

"Don't take it out on her" He added.

So that was the reason for the ruckus in the car? Roman thought deeply. "I don't care about the shirt" Roman's icy voice cut through the tension as he addressed his brother, who had brazenly entered his office uninvited.

His steely gaze bore down on Julian, clearly conveying his lack of appreciation for the intrusion.

Julian's voice, initially measured and contemplative, suddenly spiked in pitch as realization dawned on him."Then could it be about her?" He wondered.

When Julian had seen the girl, he was shocked that she bore a striking resemblance to one of Roman's ex-girlfriend. The one who had left his brother miserable.

Not wanting to go further with the conversation, Roman's voice was composed but carried a sharp edge as he locked eyes with Julian. "Leave, Julian," he commanded.

"You must cease your harmful intentions towards that girl. Understand that your actions will only bring pain to an innocent soul," Julian continued, his gaze unwavering.

Just because they looked alike doesn't mean they were the same person and had the same character, Julian thought inwardly. But Roman in his blindness for revenge wouldn't care.

Roman observed Julian intently, perplexed by his sudden protectiveness towards a stranger that prompted him to speak out. "And why does she matter to you so much?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

" She doesn't," Julian responded quickly. "It's just not right."

A scoff escaped Roman as he injected mockery into his next words. "So you're an authority on what's right?" he challenged.

"If you knew what was right Julian, you wouldn't be stuck in your situation, asking for money around" Roman taunted.

Julian clenched his fist, realizing the futility of reasoning with Roman. Without another word, he furiously turned on his heel and bolted out of the room. This would be the last time he would set foot in that office.