Chapter 12: Horcrux and the Vanishing Cabinet

Chapter 12: Horcrux and the Vanishing Cabinet

However, Avada didn't forget his business. He temporarily stopped observing the things around him and began to use his magical senses to search for the characteristics of something inch by inch in the vast ocean of magic.

Soon, a completely unexplorable magical void appeared in his perception.

"Found it!"

In his experience, magic voids represented intelligent life. But at this moment, he was the only one in the room. So the extra magic void must be the Ravenclaw Diadem that carried Voldemort's soul!

He drew out his wand and walked slowly towards the hole. After sweeping away large pieces of debris along the way, he came to a sparkling and exquisite headdress, then reached out and took it down from the pile of debris.

There was no additional curse on the crown, and it could be touched directly.

But Avada didn't dare to wear it directly on his head for the time being, after all, there was an evil soul stored in it. Referring to what the Horcrux Diary had done, it was difficult to predict what would happen if he used it directly.

"The magic above is too complicated and profound, and it is completely incomprehensible..."

"But even so, it is easy to find that there are two completely unrelated magics on this magic item. The magic structure of one of them is connected to the crown itself. The structure is a little similar to human mental power. It should be the ability of the Ravenclaw crown to increase wisdom."

"And the other magic tightly protects the magic hole, which is the soul fragment. Its connection with the crown itself is not as tight as the previous magic. Needless to say, it must be Voldemort's Horcrux magic."

He stared at the crown in his hand, frowned, and muttered to himself: "But it seems feasible to use mental power to forcibly unlock the structure that protects the soul fragments. This should be the correct way to destroy the Horcrux without damaging the object itself."

"With the strength of my mental power and the complexity of this defense, if I don't eat, drink, or rest, and cast spells day and night... it will take almost half a year to completely break this defense."

Well, that's great. If other people knew that a first-year wizard could theoretically break the Horcrux of one of the most advanced dark magics in the world in half a year, they would be shocked.

However, Avada does not plan to rely on stimulants and glucose drips to force himself to survive half a year before dying together with the Horcrux, so he plans to wait until his own strength improves and he can easily remove the Horcrux's protection before dealing with it.

Although a Killing Curse or Fiendfyre could achieve the same effect, that would destroy the Ravenclaw diadem itself, which was not what Avada wanted to see.

"Next target, the Vanishing Cabinet..."

Avada put the crown in his arms, looked around, and soon found a large, tattered black cabinet that looked as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

When he read the original novel in his previous life, he felt that this thing should be able to change the magical world.

Ignoring the distance, it can instantly transmit objects. The key is that the manufacturing technology is not complicated, and a sixth-grade student can easily repair it. It is cleaner than Floo powder for traveling, and it is countless times faster than owls for sending messages. Imagine if this thing can be miniaturized to the size of a palm, and then modified using Floo powder technology, so that it can be connected to other vanishing cabinets like a fireplace, what will happen?

At least, owls will be out of work.

Avada couldn't understand why the magic world's space technology had already developed to a point that was almost miraculous, with instant teleportation, yet they were unwilling to apply this technology to the transmission of information.

Why do owls also have unemployment insurance?

"It's important to understand its principles as early as possible."

Looking at the broken magic structure on the Vanishing Cabinet, Avada decided in his heart: "I must speed up my self-study after returning, and strive to improve to the level of being able to study space magic as soon as possible. Maybe I can also borrow a few books related to Apparition for reference..."

Finally, he reluctantly looked at the tattered Vanishing Cabinet a few more times before leaving the Room of Requirement.

"I have to relocate the Horcrux first."

Avada put the crown in his arms, left the Room of Requirement, closed the door, watched it gradually disappear on the wall, then concentrated again and paced back and forth in front of the wall three times.

"I need a room that only Avada Kendavia can open. I need a room that only Avada Kendavia can open..."

The door reappeared, revealing a small, empty room of a few square meters. Avada placed the crown in the corner of the room, checked the surroundings, and found no hidden dangers before leaving with peace of mind and heading straight to the school library.

He had to improve himself quickly and acquire the ability to analyze the Vanishing Cabinet and crack the Horcruxes as soon as possible!

"The knowledge of the Vanishing Cabinet should be mastered by the sixth grade. After all, in the original book, Draco Malfoy repaired the Vanishing Cabinet in the sixth grade."

"But the knowledge of Horcruxes is much more advanced. Voldemort didn't even know the specific functions of Horcruxes before his sixth year. The book 'Advanced Dark Magic Revealed,' which records detailed knowledge of Horcruxes, has been hidden in Dumbledore's office. If I dare to ask him for it, he will probably throw me into Nurmengard to accompany Grindelwald on the spot..."

"Anyway, first learn all the knowledge from grades one to seven as quickly as possible, and then try to sneak into the restricted book area to see if I can find some clues. The only problem is that my memory is not that good. I remember that dragon claw powder can temporarily increase intelligence. I can try to get some when I have a chance..."

"Oh, by the way, there is also a potion called Intelligence Enhancer that has the same effect, and you can learn it in the fourth grade! I'll go ask Professor Snape after the Potions class tomorrow. I'm neither Harry Potter nor Gryffindor, so maybe he will be a little gentler than the original book...right?"

Finally, after Madam Pince, who managed the library, reminded him that curfew was approaching, Avada crawled out of the pile of books with a dizzy head and walked back to the Hufflepuff common room in a daze.

"Hey, Ken, why are you back so late?"

Avada's roommate, Sharbi Knott, was standing by the stove. "When you were away, the seniors gave us a Hufflepuff general knowledge popularization. I wanted to call you, but I ran all over the hall and couldn't find you. Where did you go?"


Avada rubbed his temple, feeling that his brain had not yet recovered. "It was only after I went to school that I realized how little I knew about magic. Plus, I'm a Muggle-born, so my foundation is even worse than that of my classmates from wizarding families. I must work hard to make up for it."

"Merlin, stop kidding, you're the best performer today!"

Knott had a look of contempt on his face: "You were the second one to finish in Charms class, and the first one to succeed in Transfiguration class. If you are considered to have a 'poor foundation,' then what are the others? Is others' foundation a pitfall?"

"Let me tell you about Hufflepuff. These are the experiences and customs passed down by word of mouth by seniors. You will never see them in the library."

"Oh?" Avada realized that he was too absorbed in his research and had neglected the emotional exchanges with his own academy. "Tell me about it?"

Knott smiled proudly: "Then let me talk about some customary things. For example, every Sunday afternoon, if the weather is good, the college will choose a place with beautiful scenery to organize a picnic. If you are confident in your cooking skills, you can apply to the class leader to become a volunteer chef; there is also a tea party in the lounge every Wednesday night..."

"The kitchen is right next to the entrance to the lounge. It's the painting of a big basket of fruit. If you scratch the pear, it will laugh and then turn into a door handle. When you pull it open, you're in the kitchen..."

"Also, the house-elves in the kitchen have a good relationship with Hufflepuff students. You can borrow kitchen utensils at will. If you are hungry at night, you can also go there to get some midnight snacks..."

(End of this chapter)