The Demon's Call

Elysiel stood alone in the sacred clearing, where the trees of Elandor stood like silent sentinels around her. The ground beneath her feet, once covered in soft, shiny leaves, was now barren, lifeless soil. The full moon hung in the sky, its pale, cold lights touching Elysiel's skin like a distant reminder of the power the fairies once controlled. She held the old book in her hands, its pages worn with time. The Song of the Soulless was there, engraved in words that seemed to vibrate with dark energy, waiting only for a voice that dared to set them free.

Her heart beat like a drum, each pulse echoing in her mind with the question she asked herself over and over again: "What if there is no return?". But she knew the answer. There was no return. She was already doomed, as was her entire kingdom. Either she did this, or Elandor would disappear from the world's memory, just as the leaves had disappeared from the surrounding trees.

She took a deep breath, feeling the air heavy with anticipation. The place where she stood was old, a place of power that her family had guarded for generations. Here, fairies sang to the stars, conjured nature and invoked blessings from the gods. Today, it would be different. Today, she would sing for something much darker.

Elysiel opened the book, the moonlight illuminating the silver letters that stood out on the page. The language was strange, ancient. It was no fairy tongue, but rather a mixture of guttural and hissing sounds that seemed to resonate with the very emptiness of the underworld. Her hands shook slightly, but she steadied them. "I am the last hope", she thought. "I can't fail now".

With her eyes fixed on the page, she began to sing.

"Corvus'nam, ezhrul'vah,

Amar'thel, omnium da'hraan,

Eshvériah, oh ancient shadow,

Come to my call, devour the light,

Come from the abyss, hear my voice."

Her voice echoed across the clearing, soft at first, almost a common melody. But soon the words of the song took on a life of their own. The air around her seemed to vibrate with each syllable uttered, as if nature itself was reacting to those forbidden words. The sky began to cloud, and an icy wind passed through her hair, cutting her skin like small blades of ice.

"Shal'morai, king of the damned,

Azhrak, lord of the endless void,

Hear the cry of my lost soul,

Come to the world of the living,

Claim your prey and consume the darkness."

The wind around Elysiel intensified. The trees, which had previously stood in respectful silence, now shook, their branches snapping like breaking bones. The shadows around her began to move, twisting unnaturally, stretching and twisting as if they were being pulled by an invisible force. The power of the song was palpable. Elysiel felt as if something was pulling at her very soul, sucking her essence with each verse that left her mouth.

She hesitated for a brief second. The darkness seemed closer now, almost tangible. But there was no time for doubts. She needed to continue.

"Break the chains of eternal sleep,

Awaken from the ashes of hell,

Seraphis, the all-consuming one,

Answer the call, king of the soulless,

I invoke you, lord of the forgotten!"

With these final words, the song reached its climax. The sound of Elysiel's voice spread through the air like a shockwave, resounding through the trees, reverberating on the ground beneath her feet. The wind howled louder, as if the earth itself was screaming in protest at what she had done.

The shadows around her shook violently, and suddenly, the ground began to shake. Elysiel staggered, but stood her ground. She felt the piercing cold of dark magic passing through her body, as if the darkness was trying to get into her skin, into her soul.

Suddenly, a crack opened in the ground in front of her, like a deep black wound, and from it a dense, pulsing shadow began to rise. The surrounding air grew even colder, and Elysiel felt her heart race in panic. A presence formed in front of her, growing and taking shape, until an immense, shadowy figure emerged from the depths.

It was him. Seraphis.

He was not as Elysiel had imagined. It was not a monstrous beast, but a tall, imposing figure, shrouded in a cloak of shadows that moved like serpents around him. His eyes were two red abysses, shining with a cold and dangerous light. His grayish skin seemed to absorb the little light that remained in the clearing. Seraphis's wings, black and immense, spread around him like an extension of his darkness.

He didn't speak immediately. Instead, he observed Elysiel with a curiosity that seemed almost… human. For a long moment, they were silent, only the wind and shadows moving around them. Elysiel, her heart racing, struggled to maintain her composure. Seraphis's presence was overwhelming, and the power emanating from him made every fiber of her being scream in fear.

But she couldn't weaken now. She had done it for a reason. She had risked her soul for a purpose.

Finally, he spoke, his voice deep and reverberating, as if it were echoing from somewhere far beyond this world.

— You called me, little fairy. — His voice was like a wave of darkness that swept across the clearing. — And I came.

Elysiel swallowed hard, trying to maintain control. She had rehearsed this moment in her mind countless times, but nothing could have prepared her for the reality of being faced with such a powerful demon.

— I… — Elysiel's voice trailed off for a moment. She took a deep breath and continued. — I called upon you to save my kingdom. The plague… it's destroying everything. I need your power.

Seraphis took a step towards her, his wings moving slightly. He tilted his head, his red eyes scanning Elysiel up and down.

— You know the price of singing the Song of the Soulless, don't you? — His voice had an almost amused tone, as if he was testing Elysiel.

She nodded, firmly. — Yes. I am willing to pay the price if it means saving my people.

Seraphis smiled, a cold, calculating smile, but there was something else in his eyes. A growing curiosity. He moved closer, his presence dominating the space.

— Interesting. — He murmured. — Many fairies have sung this song before you. They all paid with their souls… and more. — He paused, his gaze deepening into Elysiel's eyes. — But you're different, aren't you?

Elysiel felt a chill run down her spine. There was something unsettling about the way he watched her, as if he were trying to uncover something hidden within her. But she held her head high, trying to hide the fear that threatened to suffocate her.

— I did this for my people, Seraphis. I have no other choice.

Seraphis stared at her for a few moments longer, as if he were making an important decision. Then, a sinister smile formed on his lips.

— So here is my proposal, little fairy. I will not destroy you or your kingdom. I can save your people from the plague… but in return, you must become mine. My queen in the underworld. My wife.

Elysiel felt the shock go through her body. That wasn't the answer she expected. But somehow there was a cruel logic to that offer. He could give her what she wanted, but the price would be greater than her soul.

She would be his.

Elysiel's heart raced, and the shadows around her seemed to draw closer, as if awaiting her decision.