The Tempting Proposal

The air around Elysiel seemed to have solidified, too heavy to breathe. Seraphis's words echoed in her mind, repeated like a depraved spell she couldn't shake. "My queen. My wife." This wasn't what she expected. She was prepared for a sacrifice, perhaps her soul, her essence, her life… but that? Become his queen? Belong to him?

She took a step back instinctively, trying to create some distance between them, but Seraphis's presence was like a constant shadow, a force that dominated the space and filled every corner with its oppressive energy. He made no move, just watched, his red eyes glowing in the dark like embers, lit with a kind of curious amusement.

— This doesn't make sense. — Elysiel's voice was shaking, although she tried to maintain control. — Why would you make such a proposal? You are a demon. It could simply take my soul, consume my life… why demand something like that? A… wedding?

Seraphis smiled, his lips slowly curving, as if he found the question a trivial distraction.

— Ah, but I could have already taken your soul, little fairy. I could have devoured her the moment you sang the song, as I did with so many before you. — His voice was soft, almost gentle, which only made the weight of the words more threatening. — But you are… special. There's something about you that makes this fate so much more interesting than simply destroying you.

Elysiel felt a chill run through her body. He spoke of her soul as if it were a commodity, something he could take and throw away at any time. She clenched her fists, fighting the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. "I am the princess of Elandor", she reminded herself. "I can't give in to him".

— Special? — She repeated, trying to hide the tremor in her voice. —What do you mean by that?

Seraphis tilted his head slightly, as if assessing her resistance. He took a step forward, and Elysiel felt the temperature around her drop even further. Every part of her mind screamed at her to run away, but her body remained in place, paralyzed by his presence.

— Haven't you read all the stories, Elysiel? — He used her name with disturbing ease. — There is more to the Song of the Soulless than just power and destruction. There is a prophecy, an ancient alliance between light and darkness, that foretells the union of a fairy and a demon. This union would bring balance, or chaos, to the kingdoms. — He paused, his eyes never leaving hers. — I believe you are part of this prophecy.

The word prophecy reverberated in her mind. Elysiel had read about her, in fragments of old texts, always mentioned in a vague and esoteric way. There was a legend about the union of opposing forces, a union that could change the course of time and space, but she had never taken it seriously. How could she? They were just legends… weren't they?

— Prophecy? — The word left her lips, almost like a whisper. — It can't be… this is just an old fable. 

— Oh, it's very far from being just a fable. — Seraphis replied with a light laugh that made Elysiel's skin crawl. — This union was prophesied eons ago, long before you or me. A fairy of light, pure and courageous, and a demon of darkness. Together, they could shape the destinies of the kingdoms according to their will. — He paused, approaching slowly, and Elysiel felt her body tense as he stopped just a few centimeters away. — And you, Elysiel, with your heart of fire and your determination, fit this description perfectly.

Elysiel felt a mixture of dread and fascination. It was as if he were seeing something inside her that she herself was unaware of. But at the same time, the idea of ​​joining a demon, of being his queen in the underworld, was completely unthinkable.

She took a deep breath, trying to process his words. — Even if this is true… even if this prophecy exists, why would you choose me? Why would such a powerful demon make a pact with a fairy?

Seraphis stepped even closer, until Elysiel could feel the cold heat emanating from his body. He reached out his hand, but stopped before touching her, as if the mere proximity was enough to overpower her.

— Because there's more at stake here than raw power, Elysiel. — His voice was now softer, more intimate. — You woke me up with the song, yes. But in doing so, something in you was also awakened. You feel that, don't you? The connection between us. It is deeper than any simple pact.

Elysiel tried to deny it, but felt the weight of his words as an inescapable truth. From the moment she started singing, something inside her had changed. The darkness surrounding Seraphis wasn't just scary, it was alluring in a disturbing way. And now, standing before him, she felt an energy between them, like an invisible bond that connected them. It was inexplicable, but real.

— You speak as if I had already accepted this proposal. — Elysiel said, trying to keep her voice steady. — But you forget something, Seraphis. I can still refuse.

Seraphis smiled again, this time wider, revealing a row of sharp white teeth, gleaming in the pale moonlight.

— Maybe yes. But time is not on your side, princess. — He took a step back, creating more space between them, but the pressure of his presence remained. — The plague that ravages your kingdom… doesn't wait. Your people die every day. And even now, as we speak, you know there is no cure. — His voice softened, but the weight of the words was stronger than ever. — I am your only chance to save Elandor. Accept my pact and I will be your ally. I will save your people and your kingdom. Refuse… and they will perish.

Elysiel clenched her fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palm. He was right. The plague was killing her people, and each day lost was a step closer to the complete destruction of Elandor. But at what cost? She knew what he was asking. It wasn't just a pact of convenience. He wanted more. He wanted her soul, her body, her life. Not only that, but he wanted to possess her.

— What if I accept, Seraphis? — Elysiel finally asked, her voice low and full of doubt. — If I accept to be your wife and your queen… what will happen to me?

Seraphis watched her for a moment, his eyes seeming to penetrate every layer of her soul.

— You will be mine. And it will be powerful, Elysiel. More powerful than any fairy that ever existed. You will rule by my side in the underworld, and together, we can shape the destiny of the kingdoms. — His eyes were shining with a veiled promise. — But never forget… a pact with a demon is never without risks. By accepting me, you also accept the power of the darkness I carry. And once it gets inside you, there's no going back.

Elysiel felt a knot form in her stomach. The proposal was tempting. The power, the promise to save her people, and even the strange attraction she felt for him. But the darkness he mentioned, the one that could consume her… that terrified her. 

Seraphis took one last step back, the shadows around him shifting as if they were an extension of his own being.

— Think about it, princess. Time is running out. Your kingdom is on the brink of destruction. Make your choice. — He bowed his head, as if saying goodbye for now. — But remember, Elysiel… I'm always waiting.

And with that, he melted into the shadows, disappearing as suddenly as he had appeared, leaving Elysiel alone in the clearing. She stood there, her heart racing and her mind spinning around the choice she had been offered. 

Time was running out.