The Dark Choice

Elysiel walked slowly back to the castle, her mind shrouded in a haze of chaotic thoughts. Each step seemed to weigh more than the last, as if the air was too thick to bear. Seraphis's words echoed in her mind, intertwined with the suffocating pressure of the choice she would have to make. His queen. His wife. He hadn't just asked for her soul; he had demanded her life, her essence, her everything.

The trees around Elysiel, already withered and devoid of life, looked even more somber in the pale light of the moon. The silence that surrounded them was heavy, almost supernatural. The wind whistled lightly through the dry branches, as if the kingdom itself was weeping from the impending devastation. The weight of responsibility crushed her shoulders. She stopped for a moment and closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing and calm the turmoil that consumed her inside.

"Your people. Your home. Your duty".

These were the words her mother had repeated countless times while raising her. Elysiel was the princess of Elandor, the heir to a throne that was now about to disappear along with the kingdom itself. How could she watch the destruction of her homeland without doing anything? But how could she also give herself up to Seraphis, a demon who promised power but whose price was incalculable?

She rubbed her face with her hands, trying to push away his words. Every promise, every whisper he made was ingrained in her mind. The power he offered was tempting, but what disturbed her most was the inexplicable feeling of attraction towards him. Fear, of course, was present, but mixed with a curiosity and fascination that she couldn't understand.

Suddenly, the soft sound of flapping wings brought her out of her thoughts. Elysiel looked up and saw Arabella land gently at her side. The moonlight reflected off the golden glow of Arabella's wings, now dull from fatigue and struggle. Her friend and warrior looked tired, like everyone else in Elandor, but her eyes still shone with the determination that Elysiel had always admired.

— Lys, are you okay? — Arabella's voice was serious, but soft, full of concern. — I saw you going out into the forest alone. Is something wrong?

Elysiel hesitated for a moment. She had always trusted Arabella, her friend since childhood, the warrior who fought courageously alongside the fairy army to protect the kingdom. But how could she tell her about what she was considering? How could Arabella understand that she was contemplating making a pact with a demon?

Arabella watched Elysiel closely, her golden eyes shining in the moonlight. She took a step closer, touching Elysiel's arm lightly.

— You don't need to hide it from me. — Arabella insisted. — I see you are carrying something heavy. We've been through so much together. Let me help.

Elysiel looked at her, her heart sinking. For a moment, the desire to confess everything was almost irresistible. But how could Arabella understand the magnitude of her anguish?

— Bella… — Elysiel began, her voice hesitant. — I found something. A solution, perhaps. But it's dangerous. Very dangerous.

Arabella frowned, the worry in her eyes growing more intense.

—What do you mean by dangerous? Lys, whatever it is, we need to find a solution to save Elandor. But you can't risk your life. We have already lost a lot.

Elysiel lowered her gaze, the weight of the decision beginning to suffocate her again. She felt a wave of guilt. Arabella was right. Her people had already lost so much—their families, their homes, their hope. But what was left? Elandor was slipping away before her eyes, and she had no more time.

She looked at Arabella and, for a moment, remembered simpler times. They used to train together, flying over the green fields of Elandor, laughing in the golden sun. That memory seemed distant now, almost like a dream from another life. The kingdom was dying, and so were the happy memories.

— I don't know if I have any other choice, Bella. — Elysiel whispered, her voice weak, almost inaudible.

Arabella narrowed her eyes, a determined gleam appearing in her expression.

— There is always another choice. We can't give up. We need to keep fighting. There is still a chance to find a cure, to save our people.

Elysiel shook her head, her hands gripping the sides of her tunic tightly. Treatment? If there was one, they would have found it by now. All efforts were in vain, and time was running out.

— There is no cure, Bella. — Elysiel finally responded, her voice cold with the bitter certainty that consumed her. — I know that now. All healers, all sages, even ancient magic have failed. Elandor is doomed if I don't do something. I found a… way. But the price is too high.

Arabella watched her silently for a moment, her eyes narrowed with deepening concern.

—What did you find? — Arabella asked cautiously, her voice low, as if she already knew that the answer would bring something terrible.

Elysiel opened her mouth to speak, but the words stuck in her throat. How could she explain what she had done? What had he invoked? And more importantly, how could she explain the proposal that Seraphis had done?

She turned to face the dark, devastated horizon of Elandor. The plague was killing their land. The trees were dry and diseased, the main river had almost completely dried up, and the air, once filled with magic, was now thick and dead. The people, so bright and full of life, were now slowly dying. How many fairies she had already lost? How many would she still lose?

Flashbacks of life in Elandor before the plague flashed through Elysiel's mind. She remembered the children laughing and running through the flower-filled hills, the feasts honoring the magic of nature that flowed through the kingdom, the nightly festivals where fairy lights filled the sky. This was the life she had always known — a place of peace and harmony. But now… there were only ruins and death.

—If I don't do this, Elandor will disappear. — Elysiel murmured, more to herself than to Arabella.

—And what is this, Lys? — Arabella's voice became firmer, more demanding. — Tell me. What are you considering?

Elysiel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Arabella wouldn't understand. Maybe no one would understand. She was alone in this decision, and time was running out.

— I can't explain. — Elysiel said, sadness evident in her tone. — All I know is that the price is high. And I'm willing to pay it.

Arabella was silent for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh.

— You're hiding something from me. — Her voice sounded firm, but it also carried a touch of desperation. — Whatever it is, if that price is your life… — Arabella took a step forward, holding Elysiel's arm tighter. — You know your people won't survive without you. If you fall, everything will be lost anyway.

Elysiel turned to face her, seeing the plea in Arabella's eyes. Her friend had always been a fierce warrior, but there was a fragility in her expression at that moment. That's what made everything more difficult. Elysiel knew that Arabella was right in many ways. She knew her sacrifice could bring the end of her life, but what about the kingdom? What would be left if she did nothing? Every second, more lives were lost. Time, as Seraphis had said, was against her.

— I… — Elysiel began, but the words didn't seem to want to come out. — I will do whatever is necessary.

Arabella loosened her grip on Elysiel's arm and took a step back. Her face was a mixture of frustration and hurt.

— So you've decided? — Her voice sounded lower, almost resigned. — Are you willing to pay any price? Even if it means getting lost?

Elysiel looked away. Be lost. That was the word. She knew that if she accepted Seraphis's pact, something inside her would change forever. Darkness surrounded him, and she already felt that shadow hovering around her from the moment she summoned him. But the fear of losing herself was small compared to the terror of seeing her kingdom perish.

She took a deep breath, the decision crystallizing in her chest. — I will do whatever is necessary. — he repeated more firmly, but without daring to look Arabella in the eyes.

Arabella shook her head, clearly shaken. — If that's the path you're going to take, Elysiel, then I can't follow you to the end. — The words were painful, but true. — I hope you know what you're doing.

With these words, Arabella opened her wings, flapping them hard in the air and took flight, leaving Elysiel alone with her decisions.

When Arabella disappeared into the night sky, Elysiel felt empty. She knew she was doing what she should, but at the same time, the feeling of moving away from everyone she loved was unbearable. Clarity, however, was before her. There was no other choice.

Back at the castle, Elysiel walked through the silent corridors, with the tapestries faded by the darkness that was slowly settling in the kingdom. The palace, once vibrant with the presence of his family and advisors, now resembled a tomb. The echo of her footsteps sounded lonely, reflecting the isolation she felt. On her way, she passed her father's room. The door was slightly open, and from inside, she heard the faint murmurs of her mother, tending to her father, who was slowly wasting away, just like the rest of Elandor.

She stopped for a moment, feeling the pain of helplessness. "Would they recognize me if they knew what I was about to do?" Her hands clenched the sides of her skirt, and her eyes closed for a brief moment. I am the princess. I have to do whatever is necessary.

The final decision was made.

Elysiel walked out again, her wings heavy but her purpose clear. The path to the sacred clearing was familiar, even at night, and the moon seemed to follow her every step. The cold glow of the moon touched her skin, reminding her of the past, of festivals and dances under the starry sky. Now that same sky seemed to be a mute observer of her desperate choice.

When she reached the clearing, the wind blew lightly, bringing with it a cold breeze. Everything was silent except for the sound of her breathing. She was alone there… or maybe not. Elysiel knew he was close, watching, waiting for her decision.

— Seraphis. — Her voice broke the silence like a spell.

The shadows stirred around her, twisting as if taking on a life of their own. And then, he appeared. From the depths of the darkness, Seraphis emerged as a figure carved from the night, his cloak of shadows flowing in the wind, massive black wings stretching behind him. His eyes, red and intense, focused on Elysiel with a curiosity and power that made her body shiver.

— So, have you made your decision? — He asked, his voice soft but carrying an almost palpable strength. — Are you ready to make the pact?

Elysiel looked at him, feeling the weight of the moment. There was no going back now. She knew that. Every fiber of her being screamed at what she was about to do, but the urgency to save Elandor quelled any remaining doubt.

She lifted her chin, keeping her gaze fixed on Seraphis's eyes.

— Yes. — Her voice was firm, despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her. — I accept the pact. I'll be your queen. Do what you promised and save my kingdom.