Echoes of the Prophecy

Seraphis' words echoed in Elysiel's mind like a sweet poison. "We are destined for each other." The whisper of the prophecy, the weight of fate, and the intensity of his gaze were all she could think about, even as she tried to focus on her duties as princess of Elandor. She should have been concentrating on ensuring the kingdom's safety, but instead, her mind wandered to the pact and what it meant to be so deeply connected to Seraphis.

She tried to maintain composure while walking through the castle halls, but her mind was in turmoil. What disturbed her most wasn't the prophecy itself, but the growing connection between her and Seraphis, which seemed more and more inevitable. His touch was still fresh on her skin, and the proximity between them, the power he radiated, drew her in ways she could never have predicted.

Arabella had every reason to be worried. Elysiel knew that. The warrior was right to fear what was happening, but it was too late to turn back. She had made her choice when she accepted the pact, and now, she felt that something greater was unfolding. Something that couldn't be stopped.

That morning, while walking through the gardens, Elysiel overheard the whispers of nearby faeries. They spoke softly, but their gazes followed her with a mix of distrust and fear. The whispers were about her—the princess who had made a dark pact, the princess who brought healing but also darkness.

— She's different. — One of them said. 

— Since that demon appeared… nothing has been the same. — Another fairy added.

Elysiel felt the weight of those words but didn't turn to face them. Instead, she continued walking toward the more secluded wing of the castle, where the air was colder, denser. There, far from the eyes of the kingdom, she knew she would find answers.

The path led her to a small room, a space she rarely used but where she felt somehow connected to the ancient power that flowed through Elandor. The walls were adorned with ancient symbols of protection, and there was a mirror at the center of the room, framed in silver darkened by time. She had always known the mirror held magical properties, something that previous generations of her family had used to glimpse the future and uncover hidden truths.

Elysiel stood in front of the mirror, feeling a tingling sensation crawl up her spine. Her fingers trembled slightly as she touched its cold surface, as if something was calling to her. Lately, the feeling of being on the verge of a great revelation had been growing, and she knew the mirror might be the key.

— Show me what is to come. — Elysiel whispered, her voice filled with determination and fear.

Her reflection vanished momentarily, and shadows within the mirror began to stir, like black waves moving hypnotically. Then, the image began to form. It wasn't Elysiel's face that stared back at her, but a distorted version of herself, wrapped in shadows, with eyes full of a darkness that seemed to consume her soul. Behind this version of herself, Elysiel saw the bone throne that had already appeared in her dreams—Seraphis' throne. And there he was, sitting, watching her with the same calculated and predatory smile as always.

— Are you ready? — His voice echoed from the mirror, and for a moment, Elysiel felt as if she were back in that nightmare, trapped in an endless cycle of darkness and fate.

Suddenly, the image in the mirror changed. She saw Seraphis and herself together, side by side, their hands intertwined, ruling over a kingdom that wasn't Elandor. It was a darker place, deeper, as though the shadows of the underworld had consumed everything around them. The vision was powerful but disturbing.

— Is this what awaits me? — Elysiel asked herself, her heart racing.

Before she could process the vision, a strong presence materialized behind her. The mirror reflected Seraphis' figure, who had emerged from the shadows, as though he had been watching what she was doing the entire time.

— I warned you that we are intertwined, Elysiel. What you see is just one possibility… a possible destiny. — He stepped closer, his deep and enveloping voice filling the room. — But it all depends on you.

Elysiel turned slowly to face him, her heart still pounding from what she had seen. Seraphis' power was overwhelming, but the attraction she felt toward him was equally intense. She didn't know if she could resist him, and that realization frightened her.

— What if I don't want this destiny? — She whispered, though she knew the answer wouldn't be simple.

Seraphis stepped even closer, his hand sliding down to Elysiel's arm, the cold touch sending shivers through her skin.

— You'll always have a choice. — He said softly, his eyes locked onto hers. — But the truth is, part of you already wants this, doesn't it? — He tilted his head slightly, as if reading Elysiel's deepest thoughts. — You feel the power, the control… and the desire.

Elysiel felt her breath falter for a moment. Seraphis wasn't wrong. There was a part of her that felt this desire growing. It wasn't just for the power he offered, but for him. Seraphis attracted her in ways that were impossible to deny. What had begun as a dark alliance to save her kingdom was now turning into something much more personal.

— I am not like you. — Elysiel murmured, almost as if trying to convince him—or perhaps herself.

Seraphis smiled, and his smile was both seductive and dangerous.

— Not yet. — He responded, his gaze fixed on hers, as if knowing that sooner or later, she would give in.

The tension between them was palpable. Elysiel felt his body so close to hers, and though her mind told her to pull back, something deeper was drawing her toward him. Their lips were now close, the warmth of their bodies almost touching. There was a force between them that felt magnetic, as if the very darkness was pulling them together.

And then, before she could think to resist, Seraphis pulled her closer, their lips finally meeting.

The kiss was intense, charged with all the tension that had been building between them. It wasn't just an act of physical desire, but a manifestation of the dark bond that was growing between them. The darkness seemed to pulse around their bodies, enveloping them, as if the very pact was celebrating the moment.

Elysiel felt a wave of power flood into her, something beyond the magic she knew. It was Seraphis' darkness flowing into her, and at the same time, she also felt part of her light intertwining with him. It was terrifying and thrilling, all at once.

When they finally pulled apart, Elysiel was breathless, her heart racing, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She looked at Seraphis and saw in his eyes something deeper than mere satisfaction. There was a connection between them now that went beyond the physical.

— Do you see? — Seraphis whispered, still too close. — This is only the beginning. Fate has brought us together for a reason. And together, there are no limits to what we can achieve.

Elysiel was speechless. The intensity of the moment had shaken her, but it had also made her aware that no matter how much she fought, the bond between them was stronger than she had imagined.

She was already in too deep.