Desire and Doubt

The castle of Elandor seemed quieter than ever that morning. The fairies came and went, attending to their daily tasks, but the atmosphere was saturated with a feeling of unease. Elysiel walked through the corridors, still feeling the echoes of what had happened with Seraphis the previous night. His touch, the intense kiss, the power that flowed between them—it all still seemed to pulse on her skin. The pact between them was no longer just an agreement; there was something much more intimate growing.

As she approached the grand throne room, Elysiel couldn't push the thoughts from her mind. The heat of the kiss, the darkness that seemed to curl around her soul, and the disturbing desire growing within her. She tried to deny it, but part of her had already yielded to Seraphis, not just because of the power he offered but because of the irresistible attraction he held over her.

But with the desire also came doubt. Elysiel knew she was treading on dangerous ground, and Arabella's voice echoed in her mind. "You're losing yourself." Her friend wasn't wrong. What had once been a struggle to protect her kingdom was now becoming an internal battle to maintain control of herself. But did she even want to resist Seraphis? Or was she beginning to accept her fate alongside him?

As she entered the throne room, Elysiel found Arabella waiting for her, her expression rigid, her eyes fixed on her as if studying her queen's every move.

— We need to talk. — Arabella said bluntly, her voice firm but laden with concern.

Elysiel knew she could no longer avoid this conversation. What had happened with Seraphis the night before was marked on her skin, and Arabella, with her keen gaze, would surely notice that something had changed.

— I know you're worried, Bella. — Elysiel began, her voice softer than usual. — But we need to understand that all of this is part of something greater. The pact with Seraphis… it brought the cure we needed. 

Arabella crossed her arms, her gaze hardening even further. 

— Elysiel, I'm not just talking about the pact. I'm talking about you. About how you're changing. — She stepped forward, frustration clear on her face. — I've seen how he's influencing you. This isn't just about saving Elandor. Seraphis is leading you down a dangerous path, and I'm afraid you won't realize it until it's too late.

Elysiel took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Arabella's words. There was truth in them, but there was also something Arabella couldn't fully comprehend. The bond between her and Seraphis was undeniable now. It was more than just a strategic alliance, and Elysiel wasn't sure if she wanted to fight it.

— I know it seems wrong. — Elysiel said, her voice trembling. — But you don't understand what's happening between me and Seraphis. There's a prophecy, something much bigger than us. I was chosen for this.

Arabella remained silent for a moment, her wings trembling slightly, a reflection of her unease. 

— Elysiel, prophecy or not, you are to become our queen. Not his. — Arabella's voice was low but intense. — I'm here to protect you, to make sure you don't lose yourself. But if you keep getting closer to Seraphis like this, I fear there will be no turning back.

Elysiel looked away, feeling the pain of those words. She knew Arabella was trying to protect her, but the connection with Seraphis, the power he awakened in her, was like a magnet. The more she fought it, the stronger the pull became.

— I won't let him control me. — Elysiel declared, though the insecurity in her voice was clear.

Arabella sighed, realizing that no matter how hard she tried, she might not be able to reach Elysiel at that moment. 

— I hope you're right. — Arabella said at last, taking a step back. — Because if this continues, I fear there will be nothing we can do to save you.

Elysiel remained silent as Arabella walked away, feeling the weight of their conversation press even harder on her chest. She knew Arabella's loyalty was unquestionable, but at the same time, the attraction she felt toward Seraphis was impossible to ignore. The desire for power, the desire for him, was too strong.

She would have to find a way to balance it all. But how?

Later that day, Elysiel went to the gardens, seeking a bit of clarity. She needed space to think, to understand what was happening inside her. The cool breeze brushed against her skin, and the sound of leaves rustling in the wind seemed to calm her mind. Yet, even in that peaceful place, thoughts of Seraphis didn't leave her in peace.

— Are you trying to escape me?

The deep, familiar voice cut through the silence. Seraphis had appeared without warning, like a shadow that always followed her. He walked slowly toward her, his presence dominating the space around them. His red eyes gleamed with that touch of intensity Elysiel had come to know so well.

— I can't escape you, can I? — Elysiel responded with a faint smile, though she knew there was more truth in that statement than she wanted to admit.

Seraphis moved closer, stopping beside her. The contrast between him and the serene garden was almost surreal. He seemed to belong to a world of shadows, yet here he was, a figure of absolute power, in the gentle light of Elandor.

— You're wondering what all of this means, aren't you? — He said, his voice low but hypnotic. — What happened between us… is inevitable, Elysiel. I told you our bond goes beyond the pact. And the more you fight it, the harder it will become.

Elysiel turned to face him, meeting his eyes. The closeness between them made her heart race, and the connection between their souls felt palpable at that moment. 

— I know. — She admitted, her voice faltering slightly. — But… Arabella… my kingdom… I don't know how to explain this. I don't know how to move forward with all of this happening.

Seraphis raised his hand, lightly trailing his fingers along Elysiel's face, and his touch sent a wave of heat through her body. 

— You don't need to explain anything to them. — He whispered, his voice like a dark promise. — What we have is ours. And the destiny we share is far greater than anything they can understand. They'll see, in time. But until then… it's just us.

Elysiel's heart raced again. The power that emanated from Seraphis intoxicated her, and once more, she felt that disturbing desire grow inside her. He drew her in like nothing she had ever felt before.

Before she could respond, Seraphis leaned in closer, his lips brushing lightly against her neck, almost like the touch of a shadow. 

— You know you want me just as much as I want you. — He whispered against her skin, his voice low and filled with desire.

Elysiel closed her eyes, her body trembling at his touch. There was a battle raging inside her—a part of her wanted to resist, to maintain control, but the other, deeper part had already given in. She knew it, and Seraphis knew it too.

— I can't… — Elysiel murmured, her voice weak, as though convincing herself otherwise.

But before she could say more, Seraphis pulled her closer, his strong hands wrapping around her waist, and their lips finally met again. The kiss was even more intense than the one from the night before, charged with desire and something darker, as though the very darkness was merging with her.

Elysiel responded to the kiss, her body reacting to his touch in a way she could no longer control. The heat rising within her was overwhelming, and the power flowing between them was tangible. At that moment, nothing else mattered but Seraphis and the connection they shared.

When they finally pulled apart, Elysiel was breathless, her heart racing, her mind a whirlwind. She knew that after this, there was no turning back. 

Seraphis smiled faintly, watching her with a look of dark satisfaction.

— Now you understand, Elysiel. We are one.

And for the first time, Elysiel couldn't convince herself otherwise.