The Irrevocable Bond

The air in Elandor's castle felt heavier than usual, as though the very atmosphere was aware of the growing conflict within Elysiel. After her encounter with Seraphis, the feeling that something irrevocable had formed between them followed her like a constant shadow. The kiss, his touch, the desire she felt—everything was now inescapable.

She knew something had deeply changed within her. Seraphis was no longer just a distant figure with whom she had made a dark pact to save her kingdom; he was now a part of her, a constant presence in her thoughts and her soul. And as much as she tried to fight it, the attraction she felt for him was as irresistible as it was dangerous.

Elysiel walked slowly through the castle corridors, lost in her thoughts. The voices of her advisors and soldiers, concerned about the changes in the kingdom, echoed faintly, but she hardly paid attention. Seraphis' presence consumed her, her mind wandering to the moments they had shared and the dark power he had awakened within her.

As she walked, she saw Arabella's figure in the distance, standing at the end of the hallway, her eyes fixed on her. Arabella knew. She had always known. From the moment Seraphis entered her life, Arabella had been the voice of reason, the constant reminder that what Elysiel was doing was dangerous. But now, the distance between them was palpable.

Elysiel stopped, staring at Arabella for a few moments. The words Arabella had spoken earlier, about her losing herself, echoed in her mind. She wanted to believe she was still in control, that she could guide Elandor down a safe path, but deep down, she knew she was losing parts of herself with each step she took toward Seraphis.

Arabella approached slowly, her gaze full of concern and determination. 

— Elysiel. — Her voice was soft, but there was a firmness behind it. — I know you think you can handle this, that you're in control. But you're getting more and more involved with him. I can see it in your eyes.

Elysiel averted her gaze, unable to face Arabella directly. She's right, she thought. But even so, something inside her refused to fully accept this truth. 

— I… I don't know what to do. — Elysiel finally admitted, her voice faltering as the words left her in a whisper. — I feel like I'm losing control, Arabella, but… at the same time, I can't stop.

Arabella gently touched Elysiel's shoulder, her expression full of empathy. 

— You can still make this stop. You don't have to give yourself completely to Seraphis.

But Elysiel knew it wasn't that simple. Something deeper was happening, something that went beyond politics, beyond the power to rule. The connection she felt with Seraphis wasn't just a superficial bond; it was something rooted in her very essence.

— What if I've already given in? — She asked, almost as if testing herself.

Arabella frowned, her eyes shining with determination. 

— Then we fight for you. — She replied firmly. — I won't let you lose yourself completely to him.

Elysiel felt the weight of Arabella's words, but before she could respond, the surrounding atmosphere shifted. The room seemed to darken slightly, and a familiar presence filled the space. Seraphis.

He appeared from the shadows in the corridor, his imposing figure wrapped in a cloak of darkness. His red eyes glowed as they met Elysiel's, and a dangerous smile curved his lips. He seemed to know exactly what was happening between the two of them, as if he had overheard every word.

— My dear queen, am I interrupting something? — His voice was low and seductive, with a softness that made Elysiel's heart race.

Arabella positioned herself beside Elysiel, her wings slightly tense, as if bracing for a confrontation. 

— You're destroying her. — Arabella said, her tone filled with contempt. — She's losing herself, and you're taking advantage of that.

Seraphis chuckled softly, as if Arabella's accusation was almost amusing. 

— Losing herself? No, Arabella, you don't understand. She's finding herself. She's discovering the power she's always had, the power that was hidden until we made our pact. — He took a step toward Elysiel, ignoring Arabella's tension. — She's not being destroyed. She's being transformed.

Elysiel felt the impact of those words, and despite the fear they brought, part of her knew Seraphis was right. The change within her was real, deep, and as much as she wanted to fight it, she knew this transformation was tied to something that had always been dormant inside her. Seraphis had merely awakened it.

Arabella didn't back down. She was determined to protect Elysiel, even if it meant challenging someone as powerful as Seraphis. 

— I will fight for her. Even if she no longer has the strength, I will fight. — Arabella said, her fists clenched, and her eyes filled with fury.

Seraphis looked at Arabella with a cold gaze, assessing the warrior. 

— You are loyal, Arabella, I'll give you that. But your fight is pointless. Elysiel's fate has already been sealed. There's no changing it. What's happening now is inevitable. She's bound to me, and that bond cannot be broken.

Elysiel closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the weight of everything happening. The battle between Arabella and Seraphis was, in truth, a battle for her soul, and she stood in the middle, unable to choose a side. The power Seraphis offered was seductive, and the darkness he brought was rooting itself deeper within her each day. But at the same time, Arabella represented the last connection to the light she still possessed, to the version of herself she feared was slipping away.

When Elysiel opened her eyes again, she found Seraphis' gaze, intense and piercing. 

— You feel it already, don't you? — He whispered. — The power we can achieve together. The prophecy is unfolding, and you know this is more than just a pact. 

Elysiel felt the truth in those words. The prophecy he had mentioned many times. As much as she tried to resist, the bond between them was deepening, becoming something she wasn't sure she could—or wanted to—break.

Seraphis moved even closer, completely ignoring Arabella. He raised his hand and gently touched Elysiel's face with a softness that seemed to contradict his dark nature. 

— Let this happen, Elysiel. You and I, together, are invincible. Destiny has already been written.

Elysiel looked at him, her heart torn. She knew she was standing on the edge of something irrevocable. Arabella watched, ready to fight for her, but part of Elysiel wasn't sure she wanted to be saved.

— Are you sure this is what you want? — Arabella asked, her voice low but filled with hope that her friend could still choose the right path.

Elysiel took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of Seraphis' touch and the weight of Arabella's expectations. — I… don't know what I want anymore.

The silence that followed was heavy, laden with tension. Elysiel was trapped between two worlds, between the light that was once hers and the darkness that now seemed to be part of her very essence.

And deep down, she knew that soon, she would have to make a final choice—a choice that would change everything.