The Approaching Choice

The castle of Elandor was steeped in a disquieting silence. The shadows along the stone walls felt denser, almost alive, as if they had been touched by the darkness that followed Seraphis. And at the center of it all was Elysiel, torn between two worlds that would inevitably collide.

From the moment Seraphis had touched her in the throne room, she knew something was changing irrevocably. The tension between the light that once governed her heart and the darkness now surrounding her was becoming unbearable. She could feel the growing power inside her, something that pulled her with an almost irresistible force. At the same time, there was fear—fear of losing who she truly was, of becoming something she never wanted to be.

Elysiel stood before a large mirror in her room, staring at her reflection. Her appearance was almost the same, but something in her eyes had changed. The softness, the light that used to shine there, now seemed replaced by a subtle yet constant shadow. She knew the choice she had to make was approaching, and despite the promises of power and immortality at Seraphis' side, part of her still clung to what Arabella had been fighting so hard to protect: her soul.

But the more time she spent with Seraphis, the harder it became to remember why she should resist.

Hours later, Elysiel walked through the castle corridors, sensing Seraphis' presence in the distance, like an invisible shadow that always followed her. Since the pact, he had never been truly distant. He was a part of her now, and instead of unsettling her like before, his presence now left her feeling restless in ways she couldn't name—a mixture of fascination and fear.

When she reached the gardens, Elysiel saw the familiar figure of Arabella on one of the elevated platforms. The warrior's golden wings reflected the sunlight, but even from afar, Elysiel could feel her friend's anguish. Arabella wasn't just fighting Seraphis; she was fighting Elysiel herself, or at least the version of her she feared her princess was becoming.

Arabella turned as she sensed Elysiel's approach, her clear eyes fixed on her with a mix of concern and determination. — Elysiel. — Arabella said, her voice soft but firm, as if she were carefully choosing her words. — I fear you already know what's coming. Seraphis is sinking deeper into you. He's wrapping around you, manipulating you… and I can't stand by and watch it happen.

Elysiel stopped a few meters away from Arabella, feeling the weight of the situation press down on her shoulders. She knew Arabella was trying to save her, but at the same time, something inside her resisted the idea of being saved. The more time she spent with Seraphis, the harder it was to imagine returning to the light that had once guided her.

— I know what I'm doing. — Elysiel replied, her voice steadier than she felt inside. — I know it seems like I'm drifting away, but what Seraphis offers… it's more than simple darkness. Yes, there's power, but there's also purpose. Something beyond anything I ever imagined.

Arabella stepped closer, her eyes pleading. — Elysiel, it's not just power. He's transforming you, molding you into something he wants, not what you desire. Don't let him pull you away from whom you really are. I've known you forever. You are the princess of Elandor, not the queen of shadows.

Elysiel took a deep breath, feeling the conflict within her chest intensify. Arabella's words were like a beacon of light amidst the storm, but what Seraphis offered was far too tempting to ignore. She could feel the power growing inside her, the darkness filling her with a sense of purpose, of belonging.

Before she could respond, Seraphis' figure emerged from the shadows around the garden. As always, his presence was overwhelming, dominating the space with his dark aura. His red eyes locked onto Elysiel, ignoring Arabella completely. — My queen. — He murmured, his voice low and dripping with dangerous charm. — Are you two still arguing? Don't you see that all of this is part of destiny?

Arabella stepped forward, positioning herself between Elysiel and Seraphis, her gaze hardening with determination. — She still has a choice, Seraphis. I won't let you consume her completely.

Seraphis smiled faintly, his predatory gaze briefly flicking to Arabella before returning to Elysiel. — She's already made her choice, Arabella. — He said, his voice soft but implacable. — Elysiel isn't being forced. She's accepting what was always meant for her.

Elysiel felt Seraphis' gaze burn into her like a flame. He was right. The pact had not been forced; she had accepted it. And from that moment, something inside her had already changed. But did that mean she had completely lost control? Or was it possible that, deep down, she was choosing to surrender to Seraphis of her own will?

Her breath quickened as she looked from Seraphis to Arabella. On one side, the dark power he offered filled her with a sense of strength she had never experienced. On the other, Arabella represented the light, the friendship, and the loyalty she had always known, but which now seemed so distant. Elysiel was on the edge of a final choice, one that could no longer be delayed.

Seraphis stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that made the air around them feel heavier. — You feel it, don't you? — He said, his voice barely a whisper, but it echoed within her. — The power, the connection between us… you were born for this, Elysiel. There's no reason to fight it any longer.

Elysiel closed her eyes for a moment, trying to focus. Seraphis' words wrapped around her, and the sense that he was right was overwhelming. She had already surrendered in part, but now she knew she was standing at the point of no return.

When she opened her eyes again, she found Arabella's gaze, unwavering. Her friend, always firm and ready to fight for her, stood there, a reminder that there was still a chance to resist. But was that the right choice?

— Elysiel… — Arabella began, her voice soft but filled with urgency. — You can come back from this. There's still time. I'm with you. I always will be. But you have to choose.

The silence that followed felt like it lasted an eternity. Elysiel's heart raced, her mind torn by a mixture of fear and desire. Seraphis watched her with that enigmatic expression, waiting for her decision, while Arabella remained resolute, ready to fight for her.

Elysiel knew that, regardless of her choice, the future of Elandor, her own destiny, and the fate of everyone around her would be shaped by this moment.

Finally, she took a deep breath and made her decision.