Batool inctinctively wrapped her arms around irtaza's neck, she was shaking but it wasn't visible to anyone there because of her heavy and big clothes, only irtaza could feel it, he did not know what was the reason she was so panicking but he was really looking forward to eliminating that reason, irtaza glanced at zhaigum and noted in his mind.
Irtaza had the bride in his arms as he walked up to the aisle without caring about what everyone thought, even if it meant the elders were displeased he did what he wanted, the young girls were giggling while whispering to each other guess they really found it romantic... Well almost all the people there really thought 'that this couple probably knew each other before and were showing off....' but who would have thought this married couple didn't even knew each other's name.
Irtaza put her down on the beautifully decorated sofa that was only there for the married couple, he also sat down but what he didn't expect was batool inctinctively interlocked their hands, she was shaking she probably was unaware of what she was doing she was just seeking comfort by interlocking their hands and irtaza understood that he rubbed her hand lightly to calm her down... And not to forget they were already married they had their nikkah and also signed the marriage papers so no one had a say in anything.
As they were sitting there, photographers were filming videos and taking photos here and there and some were taking the newly married couple's photos when one come up and said to the groom's grandmother "mam, can we take off the bride's veil so we can take good pictures of her".
Batool was much better than before now she could understand what everyone was talking thanks to her husband who's face she didn't even know nor name....but one thing she had already confirmed he was a gentleman, yes a gentleman.... He knew she wasn't in the right mind yet he didn't say anything instead helped her out and not to forget he comforted her through his actions... She was all okay but it was before hearing the photographers words, she tightened her hand that was interlocked with irtaza's.
Irtaza's whole attention immediately turned towards her before he lowered his voice and head "what is it" his lowered voice was deep yet majestic, there was a little surprise on her face before batool immediately forgot it... "i...don't... R-remove..... V-v-veil" because of her voice being hoarse she almost took a whole minute while saying it but again irtaza waited patiently for her to finish her words.
When he heard her complete words he understood it, batool didn't want her veil to be removed... As the grandmother came up to remove the veil of the bride, irtaza spoke up "don't... Not the veil... She doesn't want to show her face" the grandmother immediately frowned and said "but... Son it's important to show her... Fac---" halfway her words were stuck in her throat as she saw the indifferent expression of irtaza and immediately the woman knew she wasn't going to get anywhere if irtaza had already refused, she sighed at his stubbornness and went back.
The grandma refused the photographer, and again everything went to how it was earlier, batool's grip on irtaza's hand relaxed and she whispered "T-thank you" Irtaza slightly nodded and just like that the wedding continued with hundreds of people taking photos with the newly married couple.
Batool and irtaza had to wait well a little too long for their liking almost three hours, batool hadn't eaten for the whole day and not to forget everything was a roller coaster she was tired, hungry and dizzy, batool didn't had more energy or patience to stay there.
Batool's legs were numb from sitting for too long, she moved a little enough for her to be able to whisper to irtaza "mm... Excuse me.. " it really sounded a little too akward just like one will call a stranger even irtaza the serious man found it a little bit funny, he replied "hmm?" Irtaza leaned his ear a bit towards her to hear her clearly but it only intensified the nearby girls screamings and giggling they were talking too loudly, they were even romantizing him just leaning towards her it was the bare minimum every person could do but again young girls have the habit of romantizing anything be it wrong or right, irtaza felt a little annoyed by the girls that were romantizing almost his every move towards the bride even though it was the bare minimum of what every decent human being could do.
Batool was a bit akward "when...can... I mean when will we be able to go.. Mm... Sir" even she herself cringed by the way she said sir, it was too embarrassing too weird but again she didn't know his name, irtaza heard her but he didn't mind he knew how much akward she was, irtaza replied "just another ten minutes than we can go.. " batool was relieved he didn't hear her calling him sir, she sighed and made a mental note to never call him sir again ever.
Batool almost dozed off despite the loud noises around her, she was quite tired.
When finally it was the time to go irtaza got up first and lightly tapped batool's shoulder, batool immediately snapped back to the reality she was almost asleep when she hurriedly got up but almost fell down because of her heavy clothes and not to forget her legs were numb for sitting for too long and she was feeling dizzy because of not having eaten anything for the whole day.
Irtaza grabbed her arm "be careful" batool finally looked up for the first time at him... She realized, realized the height difference between them he was probably taller than her by one ft, but still she could only see blurry things because of her veil even his face was blurry, he slightly leaned down and asked "can you walk?"... She only embarrassedly lowered her head and said "sorry".
He was not a dumb person to begin with, he immediately understood she was apologizing for not being able to walk, irtaza without questioning anything bend down and lifted her again... This time she was shocked a little too shocked... Batool immediately wrapped her arms around irtaza's neck, irtaza also started to walk to the entrance
"w-what doing?!!" batool was caught off guard as she immediately whisper yelled "It's so.... embarrassing".. She hid her face in his shoulder in embarrassment well she didn't feel it the last time but now she was fully awake so of course she would feel it.
"i-it feels weird" she whispered as her face turned beat red, but again no one could see it and she was thankful for it
"it is supposed to, the first time" Irtaza replied nonchalantly, "w-what do you mean by... First time? Are you going to do it again?!!" her eyes widened. "it depends" Irtaza spoke while looking straight ahead he was avoiding almost everyone that was on the way,batool wanted to ask him what he meant by 'it depends' meanwhile the others were following behind him hurriedly as he was quite fast even though he was taking his sweet time in having a elegant posture.
"wait...irtaza wait what are you doing?!!" the grandma who was walking behind them asked hurriedly, irtaza stopped and glanced back before saying "I'm going back to my mansion." the grandma immediately argued "but it's too far and... And we agreed that you'll spend your first night at the main mansion.. " the grandma named Maira, looked troubled.
Irtaza paused "grandma... You should know I don't like being bothered" Maira froze at her grandson's boldness, she was an old soul in this new era, back than this type of talks didn't happen so boldly... But now her very own grandson was boldly telling her he didn't like being interrupt in between, well she was red from embarrassment.
The grandma lost all of her words she was going to say, Maira was glued to her place as she kept looking towards the newly wed couple, her grandson carried his wife before putting her into the car and also sat down in it, Maira watched as her grandson drove away leaving all the guests unattended, after all he was the host.
She confusedly turned towards her husband after witnessing the actions of the newly wedded couple "were they lovers?" Maira asked with a face full of confusion, even sultan was questioning his judgment did they know each other before but it didn't really seem like that from the actions of irtaza before his wedding, "he's just treating her how every man should treat their wives" sultan had a strong feeling that what he said was true because irtaza may have not been a good human being but he respected relations, no matter which.
Maira had doubts but she trusted her husband's words more than anything else "okay? But what about the guests now?" sultan winked "they're easy to handle" Maira just chuckled at her husband's childishness.