Chapter 27: Efforts Are Futile

In the original novel, Rising of the Supreme Sword Immortal, when Yang Lie first challenged Ming Yuen, he had no soul-type techniques to rely on. At that time, his abilities were limited to physical combat, which made him vulnerable to spiritual entities like the one summoned by Ming Yuen.

However, after a month of intense training in the Mystic Evergreen Forest, his sword technique advanced to the Advanced Stage, and he unlocked a powerful soul-type move.

As he continued to refine his skills, Yang Lie became proficient in both soul-type attacks and defenses, making him far more formidable.

This newfound mastery was the key to his effortless victory over Ming Yuen in the Monthly Dueling Event, allowing him to overcome the spiritual forces that had once been his weakness.

But now, with Yang Lie still unaware of any soul-type techniques, he was in grave danger. Reon couldn't help but feel a flicker of concern as he thought about it. Without the skills to counter the evil spirit, Yang Lie was vulnerable.

Yet, despite the looming threat, Reon reminded himself of one thing—Yang Lie was the protagonist. He had plot armor—the unspoken shield of fate that seemed to protect him in dire moments.

Sensing no trace of Death Qi within Ming Yuen, the ominous spirit spoke in a voice that seemed to crawl from the depths of the abyss. "The one who summons me without Death Qi shall pay with five years of life force for a normal single command." Its eerie whisper hung in the air like a deathly chill, each word laced with malice, as if the very shadows were feeding on the light around them.

"I will offer you five years of my life force—beat that bastard to death for me," Ming Yuen commanded, his finger pointing sharply toward Yang Lie.

For a cultivator, five years was but a fleeting moment. At the Qi Refining Realm, a practitioner could live for a century, and in the Qi Solidification Realm, a lifespan extended to 250 years. Ming Yuen, already at the High Stage of Qi Solidification, still had over two hundred years ahead of him, so the sacrifice seemed trivial.

The amount of life force an evil spirit demands depends on its own strength and the difficulty of the task at hand. The more powerful the spirit or the greater the challenge, the heavier the toll on the summoner's life force. However, spirits can only claim this life force after fulfilling the task.

To command their services without Life Force, a contract must be formed—an agreement where both parties settle on terms. Either the summoner aids the spirit in resolving its lingering hatred or unfulfilled regrets, or they negotiate terms of service though most of the time they want Death Qi. In return, the spirit is bound by the contract, compelled to obey and carry out the summoner's will.

"The command has been accepted," the evil spirit whispered, its voice chilling and hollow.

In the blink of an eye, the spirit moved, appearing before Yang Lie with terrifying speed. He couldn't react, let alone dodge or block, as the spirit unleashed a barrage of punches, each one a blur of dark energy.

Yang Lie staggered back several steps, his body trembling under the force, but still standing. Thanks to his Low Stage Foundation Establishment Realm experience card, with one minute of power remaining, he endured the strikes, though each hit tested the limits of his strength.

Yang Lie steadied himself, shaking off the force of the blows, and swung his sword with precision. His technique, having reached the Intermediate-Stage, was sharp and flawless, cutting through the air toward the evil spirit. But no matter how skilled his strikes, they passed through the spirit's form as if it were smoke.

His heart sank once more as the harsh reality set in—despite knowing it, the futility of his strikes hit harder now. The physical attacks had no effect.

The spirit remained completely unfazed, a shadow immune to the blade's edge. Each swing of his sword was in vain, and the overwhelming truth became painfully clear—he was fighting a being of pure malice, impervious to the very weapons that defined his strength.

"Boy, your efforts are futile," the evil spirit taunted, its voice dripping with contempt. "You cannot harm me. Surrender now."

"Damn it," Yang Lie cursed inwardly, frustration boiling within him. "If only I had unlocked the fourth style, the soul-type move that can only be mastered after achieving the Advanced Stage of the Cloud Slashing Technique."

The evil spirit launched another relentless flurry of punches, each blow landing with devastating force. Blood trickled from Yang Lie's nose and mouth.

With every strike, his breath grew shallower, each moment dragging him closer to the brink of unconsciousness.

He fought to stay on his feet, but the overwhelming pain threatened to consume him, leaving him gasping for air as darkness began to creep at the edges of his vision.

"Bastard, this is the consequence of crossing me," Ming Yuen spat from the front, a smug grin spreading across his face.

"FUCK! Do I really have no choice but to use that item too? I've already lost one of my strongest trump cards," Yang Lie thought, desperation gnawing at him as he weighed the risks.