Chapter 28: Unexpected Result

Yang Lie, the protagonist of Rising of the Supreme Sword Immortal, had a habit in the early chapters of the novel: acting like a toad waiting to devour a tiger.

Always cautious and calculating, with a mind constantly two steps ahead. His tendency to stay hidden in plain sight was reinforced by the sheer number of trump cards he kept tucked away, even surprising his enemies when it mattered most.

Some of these were so deeply concealed that the novel itself barely hinted at them, leaving both readers and opponents guessing at the true extent of his abilities.




"Do I really have to use the item I got before joining the Sect, from A Monthly Quest?" Yang Lie thought, frustration gnawing at him.

The item in question was the Phantom Reaver Talisman, a soul-type artifact of Low-Tier Rare Grade. Infused with spiritual energy, the talisman could manifest a blade capable of cutting through both the physical body and the soul—effective even against a Low-Stage Foundation Establishment Realm opponent.

"After obtaining the Cloud Slashing Technique, I thought this would be unnecessary. But who would've thought I'd end up using it here?"

Without hesitation, Yang Lie opened his System Inventory and swiftly retrieved the Phantom Reaver Talisman, the artifact pulsing faintly with otherworldly energy.

"Bastard, don't try anything clever!" Ming Yuen snarled, his eyes narrowing as he noticed Yang Lie preparing to use the talisman. "Evil Spirit, this brat has too many tricks up his sleeve—attack him now, before he can activate that talisman!" Ming Yuen barked, urgency lacing his voice.

In mere seconds, the Evil Spirit materialized in front of Yang Lie, striking with brutal speed. Before Yang Lie could activate the talisman, the spirit's fist collided with him, slamming his face into the ground with crushing force.

Ming Yuen felt a wave of relief wash over him, convinced that the danger had been dealt with. What he failed to realize, however, was that the protagonist's System had already sensed the imminent threat to its host's life—and had automatically activated the Phantom Reaver Talisman in response.

As Yang Lie lay crushed under the Evil Spirit's blow, a faint glow emerged from his hand, unnoticed by Ming Yuen.

A surge of ethereal energy burst forth, transforming the talisman into a shimmering, spectral blade. In an instant, the blade cut through the air, its edges vibrating with spiritual power.

The Evil Spirit, still looming over Yang Lie, recoiled as the blade sliced through both its physical form and soul essence, severing its connection to this world.

Ming Yuen's smug expression froze in place, his eyes widening in disbelief as the Evil Spirit—the powerful entity he had summoned—began to dissipate before him.

The wraith-like form let out a haunting wail before vanishing into dark mist, cut down effortlessly by the glowing talisman in Yang Lie's hand.

"How... how is that possible?" Ming Yuen muttered, his confidence crumbling as shock overtook him.

But his disbelief quickly turned to dread as a sharp pain pierced through his body—the side effect of using the Phantom Mirror of Yore.

His vision blurred, and he staggered backward, his body weakened as the mirror drained his life force not finding Death Qi, a heavy price for summoning such a dark force.

Although the Evil Spirit had been vanquished and couldn't claim its payment in Life Force, the side effects of using a forbidden item lingered. The Phantom Mirror of Yore, a relic meant only for practitioners of the Dark Arts, exacted its toll regardless of the outcome.

It drained nearly ten years of Ming Yuen's Life Force, and worse, it attempted to pull him into its cursed realm, seeking to imprison him within the mirror's twisted dimension.

Ming Yuen struggled against the pull, his body trembling as he fought the dark energy that clawed at his soul. The consequences of wielding such a forbidden item were far greater than he had anticipated.

Despite his efforts to resist, Ming Yuen couldn't hold out for long. The relentless pull of the Phantom Mirror of Yore sapped his remaining strength. 

His vision darkened, his body grew numb, and with a final, exhausted breath, he collapsed to the ground, unconscious—completely overpowered by the side effects of the forbidden artifact.




Yang Lie, on the other hand, struggled to stay on his feet. The beating from the Evil Spirit, combined with the excessive usage of Spiritual Qi to power the talisman, had pushed him beyond his limits.

With his body battered and his energy drained, he collapsed to the ground, unconscious from the sheer strain of the battle.




The disciples who had gathered to watch the match stood in stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief. They had witnessed an intense clash between Ming Yuen and Yang Lie, two formidable fighters who had pushed each other to their limits.

With both Ming Yuen and Yang Lie incapacitated, the match had ended in an unexpected draw—a result that no one had foreseen.

It was a shocking conclusion, one that left the spectators grappling with the implications of such a fierce struggle and the undeniable truth that even the strongest of the disciple present on the spot could falter under pressure.

The realization sent a ripple of unease through the crowd, reminding them all that strength alone was not enough to guarantee victory in the unpredictable world of cultivation.