Rosalind Hellebore

Year 2024

"This is your order. Enjoy your meal" A young waitress said smiling at the customer. It was a hectic day. It was almost the closing time, but the restaurant was packed with customers.

A month ago, Rosie would have squealed with joy if more tables were filled in this lousy restaurant. Even with half the tables filled, as the only part timer she could make a decent amount on her shift.

She just graduated from High school and wanted to make some extra money during the vacation before she starts her busy University life.

But recently, more and more customers came to the restaurant, especially female customers. In addition to serving them, she had to endure their continuous oohs and aahs. Also those annoying pink hearts spilling out of their eyes.

This was all that damn waiter's fault.

Rosie glared at the young man across the hall. That very same young man was chatting with a female customer. He gave her a wide smile as he pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. If this wasn't flirting, then what would it be?

Rosie was frustrated.

Francis was hired a month ago as another part time worker. But who would have thought, his arrival would be the beginning of her nightmare?

After he took up the job, more customers walked in, to enjoy his handsome looks and charming smiles than the food. And all he would ever do was flirt with the customers.

Her mobile vibrated in her pocket, pulling her out of her thoughts. She picked the call without even seeing the contact name.

"Rosie darling, let's go party tonight" Rosie heard a voice almost akin to screaming. She rubbed her forehead with a headache brewing.

"Sorry, I'm still at work. Have fun by yourself" Rosie ended the call before the other person could speak anymore. All she wanted now was some sound sleep. She was in no mood to party.


11:16 PM

Rosie pulled out her phone to see the time. She was supposed to clock out at 10:00PM. But it's almost midnight now. Thank goodness, she gets extra pay or else she would have quit the job a lot time ago. Anyway, her two months contract would end in just a few days.

She walked out of the restaurant before she entered an alley behind the restaurant when she thought she saw someone familiar under the street light. She walked back a little and poked her head from behind the wall to observe, only to see Francis making out with the female customer with whom he was flirting back in the restaurant.

Rosie instantly felt nauseous. She immediately covered her mouth to control herself. She was about to move her head away when she felt a pair of eyes on her. How awkward...

Francis knew he was caught. But that didn't stop him to continue what he was doing. He only made his action more sensual and prominent which would only make the other person even more awkward.

Rosie was stunned and felt her cheeks heat up. What wrong with this guy? How could he still continue after getting caught? She couldn't help but curse him 'bastard'

She shook her head before she walked to the other side of the restaurant. It's useless getting involved with an imbecile.


Rosie was almost near her apartment block when she heard a car honk behind her. She almost yelped in fear. She heard a high pitch voice "Rosie Darling, hop in"

Rosie saw a girl poke her head out of the window. She knew she couldn't escape from her friend, Regina. Helpless, she got into the car, making herself comfortable on the passenger seat at the back. She lied down to relax herself.

"Hey, just drop me at my apartment" Rosie said with a low voice, as if murmuring to herself. She was really exhausted and wants to sleep so badly. But, her friend seemed to have other plans.

"No way. I already brought some cute guys for us to enjoy" Regina said with a wide smile plastered to her face.

"But, I'm stinky. I'm not well dressed. My hair is a mess. My face is so oily. Also we..." Rosie gave all the excuses she could.

"Darling, enough with the excuses. You are coming with me right now and no more excuses" Regina laughed as she steered the wheel with one hand while she ran the other through her hair.

Rosie knew she couldn't fight with Regina now. She decided to close her eyes and catch up on some sleep.

Rosie short for Rosalind Hellebore met Regina Kim in their sophomore year of high school. Regina was a transfer student from Korea.

Although they were culturally and economically different, they soon became good friends and graduated high school together with flying colours.

They even got admissions to atten the same University, which was very unexpected. Rosie was offered with a scholarship for her excellency in academics while Regina's tuition fees would be covered by her family. All that was needed for Regina was to maintain her grades, at which she sucks.

Rosie genuinely loved Regina. She's very kind to her but there's always something mysterious about her. She knew Regina was hiding a lot from her. However, she never crossed her lines and was respectful to her friend's privacy. Everyone had their own secrets. She too had many secrets which she never shared with anyone.

All she knew was Regina came from a different country and lives in the town with her Uncle Mr. Henry Thompson.

Regina parked the car on a hill road with a nice view.

"Rosie darling, we're here" Regina pulled Rosie's arm to wake her up. Rosie who was faintly snoring in her sleep didn't even move her finger.

It's almost midnight. Regina couldn't afford to waste a second more. She had to wake Rosie before the clock hits twelve.

She didn't want the surprise gift she meticulously prepared to be wasted.

"I'm sorry, darling" Regina muttered before she pinched Rosie's arm to wake her up. She tried to be as gentle as possible, not to cause her more pain.

"Ouch. damn, mosquitoes" Rosie rubbed her arm with her other hand before she drifted back to sleep.

This idiot.

Regina slapped her forehead. She had to resort to some other means. What should she do?

Should she slap her?

Should she bite her?

Should she hit her?