1. Start of something new

I awoke feeling completely dazed and confused...and for good reason...I got kicked out of bed.

I turned my head to the offender who kicked me out of bed...a swaying girl who had her mascara running down her cheeks from the obvious crying she has been doing.

I looked at the girl, "What the fuck Kelly?"

Kelly, who stood a whopping foot shorter than me, retorted to my comment, "What is it with you fucking men?"

Now I'm confused. Us men?

I guess I should give some back story.

Kelly and I have known each other since the age of 4 when her dad and my mom started seeing each other. Then at age 6 they married each other and Kelly and I became step siblings.

My mom is a youtube/instagram star in her youth and had various contracts/sponsors to where she lived modestly.

Then she met my dad having multiple dates eventually giving him what he wanted....her. Once my mom became pregnant with me he bolted.

At first she said she was devastated and gained a load of weight once having me.

Not knowing who my father was my mom was forced to raise me alone trying to maintain our new living requirements with her channels that she had.

When her sponsors threatened to drop her because she had became overweight and losing subscribers she turned to the internet.

My mom quickly found Kelly's dad who was also a youtube caster as well as both a huge gamer, one of his youtube channels, and a little bit of a fitness nut, another youtube channel he maintains.

My mom watched Kelly's dad when she realized she was putting on a little too much weight and kind of freaked out and hit the gym.

She started doing the workouts from Kelly's dad's videos referring to them and his nutrition. Soon she started losing weight referring to his videos as Thanks and regaining her subscriber's along with a slew of new subscribers. And securing her sponsors.

After she dropped the weight she constantly recorded her workouts posted them on her channel showing females can work out from home giving shout outs to Kelly's dad referring to his videos.

Kelly's dad noticed the videos and references to his channel and in turn linked his videos to her's showing that anyone can do it.

Then they started collaborating together planning and posting videos together always Skyping each other in their collaboration.

Then Kelly's dad invited my mom to his channel for a work out video that both linked to once they realized they were in the same city. Then they went out. Then they got married.

That whole time took about 3 years to transpire.

When Kelly and I were introduced it was when we were about 4 years old after my mom and Kelly's dad were seeing each other for about 9 months to a year, I don't remember the exact timeline.

Then they got us together for a play date to see how us children would behave with each other. Once it looked like us children were getting along is when our parents started getting serious.

Kelly and I were only months apart from our date of births. Her being 3 months my senior.

When we were 5 they moved in with each other.

At 6 they married each other. Kelly and I became step siblings.

At age 7 we hated each other and fought like typical siblings.

At age 8 we welcomed our new sister, Samantha.

At age 9 we welcomed another new sister, Jasmine.

At age 10 Kelly and I became good friends with each other and helped raise our sisters.

At age 11 we moved from our now small house to a big country home on the out skirts of town. Once we moved into the house we did a lot of remodeling to the house.

At age 12 we build a new building mainly for dad and mom's studio so they can do their videos. Also Kelly was visited by the puberty fairy and she learned the beginnings of womanhood.

At age 13 I had my first wet dream and the beginnings of puberty hit me.

At age 14 Kelly started to join her dad on his fitness channel working out and showing how fitness can benefit girls at a young age and working out because she was quote unquote was putting on weight.

At age 15 I hit my growth spurt and sky rocketed from 5' nothing to 6'. Kelly had a growth spurt as well but it was on her chest. That and all the working out was starting to show. I also noticed a puberty growth but that's in my pants.

At age 16 Kelly is full time doing videos with her dad and she was starting to be completely ripped. I have started doing videos with my step on his video game channel as well as doing fitness videos. And unbeknownst to our rents both of us have started our string of quote casual flings unquote. Not with each other mind you. I want to be very clear on that.

At age 17 we finally finished fully remodeled the basement to be the family entertainment quarters and finally fully remodeled the attic to be my and Kelly's bedrooms after 2 years of remodeling.

The reason why it took two years was because mom and dad first had to find the right contractor to do all the work then went through various blue print redesigns.

Then had to have both city, county, and state to approve redesigns. Then they had to get all the right permits once again from city, county and state because apparently the land the building sit on some of the city controls some crosses two different county's and the state.

Sometimes the permits would expire and they had to re go through that process. Then the inspectors had to come through at each stage because we were messing with both the foundation in the basement and because the attic was being changing into actual living quarters there was more things that needed to be checked off more than normal.

Plus they were remodeling the other bathrooms as well.

Then it became only able to do 'xyz' on this check. Next month we could get 'xyz' done with that check.