2. Sorry

For two years we were living pay check to pay check. Kind of annoying for the process to take as long as it did.

I was kind of sad to see my original room go but I upgraded to a larger room. Same for Kelly. Honestly it was our's parents safety feature of not sneaking in and out without being noticed.

Kelly also hit another growth spurt but it was an all around growth spurt. She jumped 4 inches in height making her now 5'6" and the other spurt made her throw away all her current bras because they no longer fit. Essentially she had to get a whole new wardrobe.

I also hit another growth spurt jumping to 6'6" and had to throw away my boxers they're a little too snug in the crotch department. That and none of my clothes exactly fit anymore. I am just hope I'm done growing.

And here we are shortly a couple of months shy of me turning 19. Full circle me on the ground confused and Kelly standing over me with her mascara running down her face.

I looked up at Kelly and said the first thing that came to my mind, "Huh?"

Sue me I wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders I was asleep for pete's sake.

Kelly flopped down on my bed and started crying. In between sobs she got out, "I'm sorry Gabe I didn't mean to direct my anger towards you." Before she started sobbing again.

I sat up from the ground seeing how I was so rudely kicked out of bed by a hormonal teenage female called my step sister.

Once I sat up that's when I noticed what exactly what Kelly was wearing. She was wearing this tight one piece that cut off shortly above mid thigh and conformed to her curves covering from thigh to collar bone. The zipper in the front stopped around mid chest and I wondered two things. One, how was it holding at her chest without breaking and two the zipper went all the way down I wondered where it stopped. She had thigh high boots where there was about two inches where the boots stopped and the one piece started.

The only thing that kept my mind from calling the outfit bondage gear was the full length coat that she still had on.

I knew I went to bed around 10ish at night I looked at my cell to see it read 1:27am. Before I went to bed I knew Kelly was in her room at least I thought she was.

So it was obvious that she had snuck out and went somewhere.

I finally spoke intelligently, "Where did you go?"

She sobbed, "To Ben Rosen's party."

I nodded my head. I knew about the party but wasn't invited and really didn't feel like crashing. Besides the party scene is not for me. I'm not much for large crowds.

I didn't say anything I just let her cry. I knew Kelly. She would tell me once she was done crying.

After what felt like a long awkward moment that shouldn't have lasted as long as it has already, she finally got herself under control before speaking again, "You're not asking anything?"

I shrugged, "I figured you'd tell me seeing how you kicked me out of bed."

She blushed a little bit and shied away and said, "Sorry again. I just got so mad. I spent an hour to get all dolled up hiding in my room. Then I had to wait until what felt like mom and dad were finally asleep. Then I had to tip toe through the house and put my boots on outside where it was cold as shit. Then drive all the way to meet up with Kevin and what do I get for all my preparation? Kevin in bed with another girl."

Kevin was Kelly's latest "fling". Though I will admit Kevin has lasted longer than Kelly's normal fling rotation. I call them flings because they don't last long enough for me to remember the new boyfriend's name.

I will admit I have my flings but that's because I'm not dating and the girl that I am currently having a fling with understands it's a fling. Actually my current fling is more of a friends with benefit because soon I'll be heading off to college or starting a life. I haven't made up my mind yet but I digress.

I finally spoke, "What is it with you and guys?"

Kelly cried harder and I instantly felt bad. I was about to get up but then I suddenly realized the sheet I took with me on my flight to the ground was the only thing covering me up. Instead I put my hand on her knee and looked at her, "It'll be ok not all guys are jerks."

She sobbed, "I'm done with boys." I lightly chuckled and she instantly glared daggers at me. I retorted, "Coming from the girl who confessed that she loves dick."

That statement made her break and actually smile. I continued, "So just hit the weights hard for the next couple of days like you normally do until you forget his name and then find your next," I quoted her using my fingers, "lover"."