13. Can she do this every time?-R18

Soon Kel collapsed completely breathing heavily and the pink apparatus was now laying on the floor vibrating and dancing.

The bitch was wearing a vibrator and Summer was controlling it through her phone.

I sat there completely flabbergasted. I just watched the scene unfold in front of me in complete awe and saw the end result. Kel laying on the ground breathing heavily and a significant puddle on the ground.

The sight that unfolded in front of me even made my solider begin to stand and I have to remind myself who the person was.

I must have remained silent for too long when I had to shake myself to answer Summer. I looked at her, "Huh?"

Summer lightly chuckled and repeated, "It's an amazing site isn't it?"

I nodded and Summer laughed even harder as she leaned over and closed my mouth. Guess I must have so surprised that my jaw was open.

Then my gears finally started spinning and finally spoke, "Can she do this every time?"

Kel didn't answer she was still breathing heavily. Summer just nodded and added, "Takes her a minute to get to that stage but once it hits her it hits her hard."

Then something hit me, "Does her previous beau's know she can do this?"

Summer looked at Kelly and said, "She says no."

I looked over at Kel and said, "Why not?"

Kel quivered and remained laying down. Summer spoke, "I guess every time she gets close to exploding she stops them until she calms down because she's too embarrassed. At least with the guys that has gotten her close, the majority of them hasn't gotten her close so they wouldn't know about this fun fact of our little Kelly."

I listened as Summer explained Kelly's little secret and finally said, "I have to admit that is hot."

Summer laughed, "I said the same thing."

I laughed at hearing Summer agree with me. Kelly remained on the ground lightly twitching every now and then during our conversation.

I looked over at Summer, "So was that the only flaw that Kelly has?"

Summer put a finger to her chin thinking before she returned her eyes to me, "That was the biggest that held Kelly back. But no that wasn't her only flaw. If we take everyone including Kelly's admittance she needs work in my opinion the big 3."

I rose my eyebrow, "The big 3?"

Summer counted on her fingers, "Yeah the OPP. Oral, Positions, and Performance."

I shook my head, "You're gonna have to elaborate. I get your meaning by Oral but positions and performance?"

Summer smiled, "We need to figure out what positions works best for her and get her out of the usual rut she's. And performance is key in any of these. Let me ask would you rather do the deed to fish or one who is receptive to your needs?"

I looked at her, "Well the one that's receptive obviously."

She pointed her finger at me, "exactly. So she needs to work on her performance in all aspects."

I nodded, "Well that makes sense." I looked down at Kelly and said, "Is she going to continue laying there?"

Kelly spoke out finally, "I can talk you know. And no I'm not going to continue laying here ass."

Summer looked down at Kelly, "Oh goodie you got your fire back. Let's get you all riled back up shall we."

Kelly held out her arm to argue but it was too late Summer had already pressed the button on her phone. Kelly started her performance again of moaning and going through various positions.

After a few seconds Summer pushed something on her phone and Kelly stopped holding herself for a few seconds before she said, "You bitch."

Summer said back, "I'm a bitch am I?"

Summer got up and walked over to the dancing vibrator. Turned it off with her phone. Walked up to the defenseless Kel, leaned down and re inserted the vibrator inside Kel's now wet pussy.

Kel moaned but didn't fight as the torture device was put back in her.

She pushed something on her phone again.

Once again Kelly started her performance again. Then Summer pushed on her phone again and after a few seconds Kelly whimpered, "Please stop."

Summer replied, "Nope. Remember you're in training." Then she turned her attention back to me, "So you want to go downstairs and watch some tv?"

I smiled and nodded. Summer smiled and turned her attention back to Kelly, "As soon as you get your bearings back go clean yourself off and come back to us. I have something to show you and remember the toy stays the entire time I'm here."

With that we walked downstairs.