14. Nutter in every flavour

Summer immediately ran up to my room leaving me in the dust. She got to my room and yelled down at me, "Where is it?"

I yelled up, "Where is what?"

Summer yelled down, "Your items?"

I got closer and said, "Hold on I'll show you."

I got into my room and saw Summer frantically looking around my room and heard her say, "I swear for a guy your room is cleaner than mine."

I remembered seeing Summer's room a few years back before we fully hit our teenage stride and remembered her room was immaculate. I mean her bed looked freshly maid. Her closet all her clothes were hanging and looked like they were freshly ironed. The clothes in her drawers looked freshly pressed and folded like you would see in a posh clothing store. Everything had a place and was in it's place. It was kind of scary.

I retorted, "Coming from a girl who puts a marine to shame when it comes to cleanliness."

Summer looked at me and smiled, "Yeah I like my room clean so I know when certain individuals try to snoop in my room I know."

I rose my eyebrow, "A certain someone being your family."

Summer smiled, "Or boyfriend or..." she trailed for a moment, "Or a re-occurring friends with benefit."

I smiled, "So you would trust me alone in your room?"

Summer laughed, "Hell no but it's nice to know you appreciate having a clean environment." She rolled her hand, "So where is it?"

I sighed, bent down, and pulled 3 flat fabric containers roughly 6 inches high, 18 inches wide and 42 inches long. I unzipped the first to find all my electronic gear for when I go on travel. I quickly zipped that up and slid it back under the bed.

The second I unzipped and found the compartmentalized sections of all the products from Muschi ranging from pills to lotions and oil. I left that open for Summer to look through.

The third I unzipped and found all the toys mainly all the flesh sleeves individually wrapped in a micro fiber cloth with powder and lotion in their own compartments. Along with various cuffs and other items in their own compartments.

Summer looked at everything and squealed, "Jesus you're a freak too."

I laughed and said, "No these are just the items mom has gotten for me when I was in my experimental stage learning my body and all the items from Muschi mom has gotten for me."

Summer looked at me, "I doubt your mom is that much of an enabler."

I shrugged, "What can I say she told me it was better to know than stumble in the dark. A conversation I'd rather not get into thank you very much."

Summer shrugged at my statement and went to looking at all the bottles and started reading the description on each bottle. She smiled and laughed at the bottle that read Nutters.

She held up the bottle and said, "Does this stuff work?"

I grabbed the bottle from her grasp and had to refresh my memory of what Nutters was. I read the bottle to see it read 'Nutters The All Natural Nut Juice Flavor-er'.

I smiled and said, "No idea I haven't had a girl when I first got this stuff and keep forgetting about it every time I do have a girlfriend."

Summer grabbed the bottle and read out loud, "Nutter's the all natural nut juice flavor-er. Just take 4 pills to start the flavoring process and in 4 hrs your nut juice will start tasting like the flavor. Flavoring will last up to 24 hrs. To continue taste take 3 pills every 12 hours after initial 4."

Summer looked up at me and said, "Oh you will be taking this." She looked down at the bottle and said, "But I'm not much for Cherry." She bent down and replaced the bottle and pulled the next Nutters bottle to read the flavor, "Strawberry...no" she put the bottle back. She pulled the next, "Oooo Cinnabon. That could be interesting." She put the bottle next to her and continued, "Mocha...no. Ewww grape. What the fuck there's orange? Who wants their jizz to taste like orange." She went through every Nutter bottle before keeping the Cinnabon bottle.

She tossed the bottle at me, "Here while we go through all this be a dear and take 4 pills." Then her attention went back to the bottles.

She pulled out the next bottle and read the bottle. Her eyes got wide then a shit eating grin hit her face. She turned her attention to me and the bottle clearly visible.

The bottle she held up read 'Gusher's' and I knew what bottle she held in her hands. I have tried Gusher's and they are understating what that shit can do. Gusher's if you use the recommended dosage it will increase your nut productivity multiple times over.

I tried it once and took the recommended dosage and within 6 hours my nuts started to do 2 things. 1. They felt much heavier then earlier. And 2 they started hurting because they needed release. It took me about 3 days and multiple jerk off sessions to where my nuts didn't hurt anymore and they felt normal again.

That was when I was single.