Ari waited until she was sure that the house was completely silent before she quietly slipped out of bed. She hadn’t slept well the night before, and the exhaustion weighed heavily on her, but she knew she couldn't stay hungry for much longer.

Moving as quietly as possible, she cracked open her bedroom door, just enough to peer out into the hallway. She could hear faint noises coming from Mia’s room—probably music or the sound of her moving around—but nothing that suggested Mia was anywhere nearby. Satisfied that she wouldn’t be seen, Ari stepped out into the hallway and made her way towards the kitchen.

The house was dim, the blinds still drawn, and Ari was grateful for the muted light. It matched her mood perfectly. As she reached the kitchen, she headed straight for the microwave, knowing Mia would have left her breakfast there. She felt a pang of guilt for not eating with her sister, for shutting her out like that, but she wasn’t ready to face her yet.