Getting Kidnapped again.


"And here is your drink, sir," Sabrina said with a smile as she placed the drink on the Don's table.

"You are looking extraordinarily beautiful this evening," The don, old and with gentle eyes, complimented Sabrina and handed her a tip.

So far, serving in the club, the old don's table is her favorite table. The Old mafia is always gentle and sincere, tipping her greatly and never taking advantage of her; Sabrina believes even the Don has come to like her.

"You know, if I were twenty years younger, I'd fight for your hand in marriage and would have braved any confrontation for you; I won't even mind burning down buildings to get to you," The old Don teased Sabrina.

"You don't look a day beyond thirty, Don," Sabrina teased in return, but her mind was not in the conversation.

The moment the old man had mentioned burning down buildings, the terrible nightmare forced its way into her mind again.

The man who had bought her burned down the building he had bought her from simply because he didn't want there to be any records that she was brought from a brothel.

The same man she had escaped from, and the same she had been seeing in her nightmare every waking moment.

"Are you okay, Lily?" The old Don asked, patting Sabrina's hand and breaking into the horrendous thought that had clouded her mind.

"I am fine, Don; I have to serve the other tables now," Sabrina said, smiling at him before she left his table.

When Sabrina got to the bar, to refill drinks, Jamie was looking at her skeptically, and Sabrina noticed it.

"Ahem.... The boss wants to see you; he demands your attention in his office right now," Jamie said, avoiding Sabrina's gaze. Sabrina looked at him suspiciously before heading to the staircase that leads to Damien's office.

"Come in," Damien's voice reached Sabrina in the hallway where she stood knocking lightly on the door, but she swung the door open and entered as Damien gave his permission.

Sabrina stopped in her tracks as she entered and saw the expression on Damien's face; he looked furious and utterly forbidden at that moment.

"You called for me?" Sabrina said, trying not to sound scared, she wondered what she had done wrong.

"What in the actual fuck is wrong with you, I warned you against Theo Rossi, did I not?" Damien asked.

"Yes but..." Sabrina was trying to explain, but the anger on Damien's face made her reconsider her choices.

"But what exactly, I warned you repeatedly, yet you went ahead to serve his table,"

"I had no choice, every other person was busy, and my tables were already served," Sabrina explained.

"I'll just let you know one thing: whatever happens to you from now on, just know you are the architect of your misfortune; I promised I would protect you as much as I can, but I can't force you into protecting yourself," Damien ranted, pacing before his desk.

Damien had already promised Jamal he would protect her, and he had done exactly that, even though the hard-assed prince had told him that whatever happened to her outside of the club was none of Damien's business.

Yet, he couldn't help but be worried about her because he had grown fond of the girl; he liked her spirit and her fiery nature; she was hardworking, not to talk of natural beauty too.

"I am sorry, Damien; I never meant to make things hard for you or myself," Sabrina said, and Damien stopped pacing to stare at her.

She looked chastened and remorseful at that moment and he felt like he had been too harsh on her.

"It's fine, just don't go near him again, you can go back to work," Damien said with a more gentle voice, and Sabrina nodded her head before she turned and left his office with Damien staring after her.

When Sabrina reached the bar stand, she stopped and glared at Jamie, and Jamie raised both hands in surrender.

"You betraying bastard," Sabrina said without heat while glaring at the bartender.

"What have I done this time around?" Jamie enquired.

"You snitched on me after you promised not to," Sabrina said, and Jamie burst out laughing to the annoyance of Sabrina.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" Sabrina asked through gritted teeth.

"Look around the club, Sabrina; there are snitches everywhere," Jamie said and started pointing at the camera installed at every corner and angle of the club while Sabrina could only stare with surprise.

"Exactly," Jamie mocked when he noticed her expression.

But Sabrina only glared at him, her expression glacial as her eyes shot daggers at him; if looks could kill, Jamie knew he would be dead by now.

"But it was not my fault that Damien has to monitor those cameras," Jamie said helplessly.

"But it is your fault that I do not know that cameras are installed everywhere in this club," Sabrina said, her tone accusatory.

"But I...." Damien was saying, but Sabrina stomped off before he could finish, returning to the tables she had served earlier, and Jamie could only shake his head at her childish temper.

At least Theo Rossi was not in the club tonight, Jamie thought to himself.



The night breeze brushed past Sabrina's cheek, and the cold heightened her color as she walked through the dark alley to her apartment, thoughts of how far her life had spiraled out of her control occupying her mind.

The incident at the club today weighed on her mind, and thoughts of the man who had paid two million dollars for her and lost her occupied her mind as well.

Sabrina wondered how long Damien would protect her in this dangerous city before he got fed up, and she was left on her own.

Sabrina was so deep in thought that she did not realize when two men, clothed in black, appeared behind her. They closed in on her without her noticing.

When she saw them, she opened her mouth to yell, but she felt a sharp pain on the back of her skull, and then darkness.