Her Knight in shinning armor

"She has been taken to El Salvatore's den," Zaynab said into the phone, standing at the top of an abandoned building and watching the progress of Sabrina's kidnapper with her specialized sniper's scope.

"Keep your eyes on her, make sure she wasn't taken out of the building, don't try to infiltrate, let her suffer for now, I know Rossi is a weakling, he wouldn't do anything to her yet," Jamal replied into the phone, his face blank and not holding any expression.

"Okay boss, on it," Zaynab said as she bent low and sprinted across the building, jumping and landing on the rooftop of another building nearer to where Sabrina had been taken.


Sabrina dreamed of a man, with green eyes, shaggy black hair, an alluring accent and a sweet smile, he was holding her hand, and they were walking through a garden filled with flowers.

The man in Sabrina's dream was smiling down at her, and whispering something into her ear, and his words are making her blush and smile too.

A sharp pain evade Sabrina's dream and she fought hard to hold onto the dream but it was impossible as another pain shot through her.

Slowly, Sabrina tried to open her eyes, her first attempt sent a river of pain coursing through her head, and she closed it, after a while she opened again, and tried to adjust to the pain, then she tried to process where she was, this is definitely not her room, and not her bed.

Sabrina realizes that she was lying on a cold hard ground, and that pain was coursing through her body, her head was pounding with pain, and she wasn't able to move.

Sabrina tried to sit up but she found that both her legs and hands had been tied by a thick rope. Sabrina's eyes rove around the room in confusion. How did she end up in this place.

After few minutes of trying to remember and coming up with nothing, Sabrina closed her eyes in resignation but at that moment, memories slammed through her.

She remembered leaving the club, feeling bad about the incident with Rossi, thinking about the day she had shot a man, and then the sharp pain she had felt at the back of her head, after which she remembered nothing.

The heavy realization dawned on Sabrina, she had been kidnapped, and she had no idea why. Sabrina recalled the dream she had, she had dreamt about the man who had bought her while she was held hostage by another, her mouth twisted in a cynical smile at the thought.

He would probably have been happy to see her like this, maybe this is Karma afterall, she thought she had gotten away after almost killing a man, but here she was being held hostage.

Sabrina tried to struggled up to a sitting position so she could observe her environment better, but pain shot through her head, and she started hearing footsteps coming towards where she was laying down.

So she kept still as the footsteps approached, her heart beating wildly in her chest, she wondered if that was her captor, or if she had been sold again.

After a while, the door to the room was opened and two booted men came into the room, their voices reaching Sabrina's ear.

"She is not awake yet boss, she hasn't moved from that position since we brought her in," The voice said in a low tone, speaking to the man who appeared to be the boss.

"Did you hit her too much?" The chilling voice that Sabrina recognized as Theo Rossi's said, making her skin crawl and confirming her suspicions about who had kidnapped her.

"No we did not, maybe she is not as strong as she looks," the henchman replied, while Sabrina just wondered if she will ever see the light of day again.

"Oh, I think she might be awake and pretending to still be unconscious, I know how tricky she can be," Theo replied in a menacing voice as he walked towards Sabrina body on the floor.

Theo leaned down over Sabrina's body, gripping her hair, and raising her to a sitting position, pain shot through Sabrina and she closed her eyes against the pain.

Not releasing her hair, Theo's other hand snakes out and closed over Sabrina's breast, and tension coiled through her body, repulsion surging through her as he squeezed her breast painfully.

"I said it, the wicca is wide awake, she was just pretending," Theo said, referring to Sabrina as a witch.

Sabrina stared into his cruel face, as pain surges through her from every part of her body, glaring fiercely at him and not showing how much pain she was feeling.

"No matter how much you hate me bitch, I'll end up shoving myself so deep inside of you, you will forget every man that's ever had you," Theo said, his tobacco filled breath in Sabrina's face, and Sabrina's curled away from him in disgust at the image he just described.

"No matter how much you move away from me, your body is mine," Theo said again, his hand leaving her breast, trailing up her neck, as he tried to kiss her.

With no second thoughts, Sabrina spat in his face, and shakes his hand off her.

Theo stood up straight and wiped his hand across his face, rage evident in his eyes as he clenched his fist, Sabrina had no idea what he planned to do with her until he sent a slap across her face.

Another wave of dizziness and pain course through her at the slap but that was just the beginning of the torture.

Theo threw her on the floor, placed his booted feet on her thigh, and smashed, making Sabrina scream with pain , the scream echoed off the wall of the damp room, and then she blacked out.



The bright light penetrating Sabrina's eyelids shot pain through her head, Sabrina squinted her eyes to adjust her eyes to the brightness in the room.

Sabrina tried to move her body, and pain resonated through her entire being, bringing back the memories of the night before, Sabrina stomach cramped in pain, and she threw up on the floor beside her head.

After the pain subsides, Sabrina opens her eyes, and stares hazily at a booted foot standing a few feet away from her, her eyes rove the room and she realizes that she had been moved into another place, the place looks more like an office.

"So what do you want to do with her?" A hard male voice said into the room, Sabrina wondered who that was.

"I don't know yet, but I'd like her to suffer some more for now, then I'll take pleasures from her body in more ways than one," This is said in a voice that Sabrina recognized as Theo Rossi's.

Sabrina watched with blurry eyes as a booted feet approached her, and she felt herself being lifted off the floor into a sitting position, making her body scream with pain.

Sabrina rested her back against the wall, and despite the pain that pounds at the back of her eyelids, Sabrina finally opened her eyes fully and stared around the room with it's dark decor, and it's five occupants.

Her eyes landed on the man seated behind the desk, his eyes hard and emotionless, fear trickled through her, this man is even more fearful than Theo, and he watched her with an inhumane look.

The other three occupants are heavily built henchmen but, the man seated behind the desk must be El Salvatore, Rossi's father.

Sabrina wondered how long it will be before they kill her, and she hopes the death is sooner rather than later, the pain is too much, and right now she is sitting in her vomit.

"You can do whatever you want with her, as long as you confirmed she is insignificant, take her out of here," The man behind the desk declared in a voice used to being obeyed.

"She is not insignificant, she is mine," A cold and familiar voice that send a fearful thrill through Sabrina said, and Sabrina looked up just as the owner of the voice stepped into the room, followed by just two henchmen.