A New Beginning

"She is not insignificant, she is mine," Jamal's voice boomed with chilling clarity as he stepped into the room with two bodyguards.

Sabrina looked at the man whom she thought she had evaded, and who is now here to save her, she wondered if she should be happy or sad, he will probably get himself killed as he is outnumbered.

And even if he did save her, she will probably end up wishing he had not, especially with the history between them.

"If it isn't Al Jazeerah in my den again," El Salvatore said, his voice hard, his gaze cold.

"If memories serve me right, the last time I visited wasn't exactly favorable to you," Jamal said with a chilling confidence, stepping further into the room, and not looking at Sabrina at all.

"This time is different, I am stronger than I used to be, and you are outnumbered," El Salvatore replied, standing up from behind his desk, the ugly scar on his face, gleaming menacingly.

"I am not here for a fight, El Salvatore, your son took what was mine, I just want her back, then I'll be out of your hair before you could blink," Jamal said in a tone that sounded more like a warning.

"I won't be giving her to you, she dared to cross a Rossi, and she will pay for it," El Salvatore replied and Jamal's cold gaze landed on Theo.

"I am taking her either way," Jamal said, and before he could take a step further into the room, all other seven occupants had their gun out of its holster.

The two bodyguards on Jamal's side had their guns trained on El Salvatore and his henchmen, and El Salvatore had his henchmen had their gun pointed on Jamal, even Theo has a gun in his hand.

Sabrina's heart slammed against her ribcage, this is all just some crazy nightmare, there's no way eight men are about to kill themselves because of her, but strangely enough, her master looked unfazed, and he had no weapons in his hand.

"El Salvatore, this doesn't have to be bloody," Jamal warned again, but Salvatore's hand curled around the trigger, ready to pull, and all hell went loose.

Blood splattered on Sabrina's face as two rapid shot was fired at Theo, one from a sniper scope on the opposite building, hitting him straight in the chest, and the other on his left kneecap.

Sabrina looked at the sticky red liquid in her hands, her eyes traveling across the room to land on the fallen body of the three henchmen and Sabrina let out a scream, before falling into unconsciousness.

"I warned you, El Salvatore, I'll let you live but that hand will never be able to hold a gun again, and your son will live, the bullet is a few inches from his heart, but he will remain so useless you will wish him dead," Jamal said, a cruel smile on his face.

Then he went to carry his bundle of trouble, he lifted Sabrina into his arm, blood, gores and all.

And led the way out the den with his two bodyguards following him, while Salvatore moaned about the loss of everything because of his pride.


The rays of the morning sun flitted into the room, rousing Sabrina from sleep, she lets out a yawn and opened her eyes, covering her mouth while trying to stretch her body on the bed.

Pain shot through her body, and she sat up on the bed, trying to figure out where she was. She looked around her at the elegant furnishings, the fairytale room, the beddings like pure silk on her back and she tried to get down the bed in panic.

Sabrina lets out a soft yelp at the pain that shot through her thigh when she tried to move.

Then the memories of the incident with Rossi came pouring in, making Sabrina shiver with fear, she wrapped her arms around herself in fright as she remembered the deadly scene that had happened right in front of her.

After the tremors of the memories subsided, Sabrina opened her eyes and looked down at her body. She was wearing a nightgown made of real silk, and her hair had been washed, she even smelled clean.

Sabrina got down from the fluffy bed to explore her surrounding, the pain shooting through her leg compounded with the panic of not knowing where she was but quite sure she was in her master's care.

Despite the pain, Sabrina managed to get down from the large Queen sized bed and started to explore her surrounding.

Sabrina made her way to the terrace and the only thing she sees is a vast ocean stretched beyond a vast expanse of beautiful desert land. Sabrina stood there, closed her eyes and breathed in the ocean air, marveling at the place's compelling beauty.

Sabrina wondered about her life, wondering if it will turn for the better or for worse, now that she is back in the clutch of the man who had bought her.

You are up," Jamal's voice snapped Sabrina out of her daze and she turned around in panic but she stopped, short of words, studying his devilishly good looking features and his body clothed in a silk robe.

And just as she studied him, his eyes did the same to her, and despite Sabrina's best effort to suppress her body reaction to him, she bit her lips as his eyes zeroed in on her breasts.

Sabrina could swore that he knew they are hardened into a peak, as she closed her thigh together as she tried to suppress the tingly feeling between them.

When Sabrina remembered that this was the same man whom by his command five men had been killed, Sabrina got a hold on herself stared at him blankly, her face closed up.

"Wait, who undressed me?" Sabrina asked, wrapping her arms around herself in defense, wondering if this beastly man had taken advantage of her while she was unconscious.

"Is that how you thank your savior?"Jamal asked in a stern voice, and Sabrina heart leaps with fear, as she had witnessed first hand what this man is capable of.

"I am so…so…rry, I…I…t…thank you for…saving me," Sabrina stammered feeling chastened like a spoilt little child, and she despised him for making her feel this way.

"Much better, to answer your question, I was not the one who undressed you, and I wouldn't have you while you were unconscious, I prefer my woman wide awake and responsive when I slide into her," Jamal said in a nonchalant way.

Sabrina stared at him with an unbelievable expression on her face, he is a bastard of the highest order but at least she is safe for now.

But she can't help but wonder what he will do to her, now that she was already in his clutch, afterall, she had escaped him and injured one of his in the process.

Sabrina injured thigh had started to ache her as she had put too much pressure standing on it too long.

She wanted to move from that position but her leg had started to shake, Jamal noticed this and advanced towards her.

The sudden movement from him startled Sabrina and she lost balance almost tipping backward over the railing.

Sabrina whole life flashed before her, as she tried to hold on to the rail, but a large arm wrapped around her waist.

"Can I ever leave you alone for a second and trust that you won't kill yourself before I return?" Jamal said in that chastising voice again and Sabrina face flushed with mortification.