I was sitting at the back of the classroom, in my usual place.
As I stared at the whiteboard and the words sprawled across it, it seemed to warp.
The letters swam in and out of focus making me slightly dizzy.
The teachers voice sounded somehow... blurry.
I glanced out the window at the street outside, hoping that would relieve the dull ache in my head.
There was new graffiti on the shop opposite. It wasn't even the good kind.
I swear, everywhere you go, you see 'SMILE' spray painted.
Always on walls and fences and high up bridges.
How did they even get up there?
Seeing it made me want to do anything but smile.
It pissed me off.
Like, of all the things you could have written, that was what you came up with? The entire English language at your disposal and you chose "SMILE"?!
Just kill me now.
My gaze was drawn to a cyclist as they glided across the road.
I saw them dismount their bike and park it outside the pub, careful to put a lock on it so it wouldn't be stolen.
The pub looked strangely full considering it wasnt even midday yet, but then again, that made sense. Life was shit.
A muffled buzz in the room turned my attention back from the street outside to the window a few rows infront.
I had to squint slightly as the sunlight hit my eyes.
A wasp had apparently gotten in through the only open window in the room. Great. Just my luck.
I shrank back in my seat slightly, trying to put even a few more centimetres distance between it and me.
I read somewhere that they could smell fear, I don't know if that is true though... is it? I should look it up later. Not that I will remember to. My brain was annoying like that.
Even if I wrote it down I'd probably loose the piece of paper.
The teacher cleared her throat, bringing my attention back to the lesson.
She stood above my seat, glaring daggers down at me.
I stopped spinning the pen in my hand.
I guess she asked me a question.
I looked to the board at the front of the room, hoping I could figure out what she had asked from that.
This is meant to be maths class. Why is the majority of characters letters?
I cleared my throat, trying to buy some time and looked around the room.
Everyone was staring at me.
All of their eyes trained on my every movement.
I could hear snickering.
I could see the smirks on their faces as they watched me struggle for the answer.
I looked back at the board again and decided to say a random number.
"Uhh... 23?"
For a while she didn't say anything and hope filled my chest. Maybe i had guessed right?
Dissapointment grew on my teachers face and she sighed.
"Meet me after class. I expected better from you, Corey."
The snickers around the room grew louder.
I didn't say anything.
I only nodded in response.