

Alfie didn't really know what to expect when he entered his own soul space. He didn't even know what it meant to be staring at his own essence. 

Opening his eyes, he faced a familiar void. An eerie sense of calm washed over him as the grand expanse stared back. 

Alfie was momentarily hypnotized by the sight, but a sudden shock caused him to regain his senses. 

He turned around to look for the source of the shock. Alfie's eyes widened at the sight of a colossal celestial body. 

Compared to his astral body it completely dwarfed him. A sense of dread creeps up on Alfie. 

Although Alfie never had megalophobia, the utter size of the thing in front of him evoked a sort of primal fear. 

What scared him even more was that he knew this wasn't his soul. The electrical sparks that would occasionally fly past him signified its disgusting origin. 

Alfie felt sickened that something from Zeus resided in his soul space, but he couldn't deny his amusement at the same time. 

It stood as a trophy of his humiliation against the so-called Almighty God of Gaia. 

However one day it would be more than just a single part of his soul that Alfie would take as a trophy. He would make sure of it. 

Seeing that Zeus's soul didn't hold anything of value Alfie moved elsewhere. Looking around all he saw was pitch darkness. 

There simply wasn't anything else in sight, it felt awfully weird. Other than Zeus's soul there stood nothing else in his soul space. 

Strangely he didn't see his own soul. It was his soul space therefore seeing his soul should've been a given but nope. 

Alfie felt like he was missing something, something quite obvious. It was then that he remembered [Soul entity]. 

His soul was his entire self, there was no astral form that was taking. Alfie smacked his head due to his stupidity. 

That mystery was solved, but it didn't solve the greater problem. Seeing that there wasn't anything external for him to find, it was time to look inside. 

His soul was the entirety of his whole being and although it was a little bit selfish he wanted to reminisce through some memories. 

He quickly skimmed through all his memories in Gaia, but he focused mostly on his time with Lucia. 

The 7 month span before the great migration, was nothing short of pure bliss for the two. As his memories reached his encounter with Zeus he witnessed a scene that he had no memory of. 

During the split second, he was chained by Zeus his memory's perspective switched from of himself in Gaia to the perspective of his soul in his soul space. 

He saw himself surprised by the sudden appearance of a tunnel and a mysterious figure. He felt his intrigue and wonder at the sight of absolute horror on Zeus's face.

He sensed the disappointment when he only managed to grab half of the fleeting figure's soul. 

It felt quite surreal seeing memories that he had no recollection of. 

Moving past, he ended up seeing memories of his meeting with Anti and the discussion they held. Looking back in hindsight the guy was definitely hiding something. 

It was only a moment later that with a snap of Anti's finger, he got transported to the Lord's universe. 

He was met with the familiar blinding light that always accompanied him onto the arrival of another universe. 

But instead of being greeted with the sight of blue skies and trees, what he saw was the face of a woman. 

He felt the soft blanket that he was held in and the motherly look on the face of the women before him. 

It was then that Alfie took a moment to step back. Was he witnessing the memories of the person he had taken over? 

But if so then why then were these memories within his soul, the very essence of himself. 

Through his talent of 'Spiritual perfection,' he knew that if he had absorbed their soul as he had with Zeus he was sure that it would have appeared as another celestial object albeit a bit smaller. 

So why in the hell were these memories hidden within the depths of his soul. His skill was 'Transmigration', 'Transmigration'. 

Due to his attribute of 'Living Husk,' he always assumed that transmigration was taking over the body of someone else. It listed right there in the description that he inhabited a body that he would never know. 

Had the system lied to him again? Or was it simply not telling him the full truth? 

A frown appeared on Alfie's thoughts as he pondered the legitimacy of the system he had. 

Despite the goodwill the system provided, Alfie considered it as something to be wary of. He'd still take reference to it, but he wouldn't rely on it as absolutely correct information. 

With one question resolved another issue grew. With a deep breath, Alfie dived back into the memories that lay dormant in his soul. 

He felt his mother's weak hands cusp his cheek, it felt warm and tender. Shortly after he closed his eyes. 

That caused quite the ruckus, as he heard his mother call out to doctors and healers asking if there was something wrong with him. 

An infant should be crying at birth, expelling the fluids from their lungs, and breathing in their first breath. 

Strangely enough, Alfie was breathing just fine. They feared that perhaps there had been a shortage of amniotic fluid but that wasn't the case either. 

It seemed the baby in front of them was just built differently. In the faint background, he heard the sound of a door shuttering open.

An atmosphere of reverence and honor evaded the room. Everyone bowed as the figure walked towards his wife and newborn son. 

The man closest to divinity, the warmonger, and the protagonist of humanoids. With a simple wave of his hand, the room cleared. 

He approached the bed, kneeling to gently clasp the hand of his wife and look at his son. 

"Had I not been exhausted, I would've killed you, you know." His mother quipped. 

"I know dear. I know. Good thing you are huh." His father chuckled. 

She gave him a knowing look before ushering him to look toward their newborn son. 

"He's beautiful isn't he?" His mother asked. 

The knowing look on his face signaled all she needed to know about his answer. 

"Since you chose his name do you wanna do the honors?" He asked.

"Welcome home, little Alfie." She whispered.