Chapter 2: Sister Skye

"What are you spacing out for? Hurry up and explain."

The girl waved her small, fair hand in front of Finney's face, looking displeased. "My time is precious, you know. Hurry up and tell me what happened with that guy just now."

"What are you busy with?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Finney frowned and asked, "Are you still investigating that thing? Skye, I've told you a million times, it's dangerous. Now's not the time to dig into it."

Skye Haleseth—that was the girl's name, and she was Finney's sister. Well, not his biological sister, nor some half-sister or illegitimate child. Rather, she was someone he had accidentally summoned using the Golden Great Evolution Technique.

It was also because of her that Finney first managed to successfully use the ability.

After extracting the Golden Great Evolution Technique, baby Finney spent his days doing little more than eating, sleeping, and investigating the system. The Golden Great Evolution Technique was indeed powerful, but there were countless other incredible skills from various anime. He wouldn't mind getting more of them.

How to trigger another extraction became his daily research project.

Finney watched the system's progress every day. After observing it for a whole month, he noticed that the experience bar moved ever so slightly, which left him frustrated. At this rate, who knew how many years—or even lifetimes—it would take to get a second extraction.

But as a toddler who could barely crawl, solving this problem was far from easy in the short term.

As the saying goes, "Misfortune never comes alone." When he was about a year old, Finney noticed that this world was different.

From the moment he crossed over, he sensed that he had arrived in an earlier era. Although his home had many electrical appliances, they all had a slightly outdated feel to them.

It wasn't until one day, when he had learned to speak, that he overheard a news report on TV about the fifth anniversary of Howard Stark's and his wife's passing, and the accomplishments of their son, Tony Stark. That was when Finney realized what kind of world he had come to.

At that moment, his heart tightened. All the dreams he had about getting rich and living a good life were thrown out the window.

Marvel—the name was all too familiar to Finney. He had loved watching the movies in his past life, but he never imagined he would end up in such a world.

This was a world filled with aliens walking around like it's no big deal, where superpowers were as common as dogs, and where the universe itself was divided into countless factions.

After learning about the death of Iron Man's father, Finney began to explore the outside world. Thankfully, as a curious one-year-old, his interest in the world wasn't considered too strange.

Through his exploration, he discovered that there were no mutants in this world, which significantly lowered the daily danger level and gave Finney a small sense of relief. Still, he confirmed that he was indeed in the Marvel Universe, as evidenced by the existence of places like the Captain America Museum.

Whenever he thought about the possibility of turning to dust one day because of a snap from a purple alien, Finney couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of urgency. He wasn't about to gamble on that 50-50 chance. Plus, in a disaster-prone city like New York, he couldn't even be sure he'd survive long enough to see that snap.

And so, while worrying about how to use the Golden Great Evolution Technique, time passed, and before he knew it, he was seven years old. During these seven years, he had tried all sorts of safe and mild methods to stimulate the experience bar, like interacting with low-voltage electricity and consuming more food, but nothing worked.

But perhaps it was fate. In that very year, Finney finally released the Golden Great Evolution Technique for the first time—under the most unexpected circumstances.

Since Finney had the memories of his past life, he had been an exceptionally bright, well-behaved, and adorable child growing up. Of course, he never showed any signs of abnormality, given the ever-present threat of S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA. He knew he'd be done for if they found out about him.

Still, even with this caution, his elderly parents doted on him excessively.

Having lived one life already, Finney wasn't used to this kind of overindulgence. He had tried resisting, explaining, and even attempting to change things, but nothing worked. At this rate, the only thing he hadn't tried was becoming a rebellious brat.

Then came his seventh birthday. After being dragged through the mall by his parents for an entire day and being forced to accept a pile of childish gifts, Finney finally snapped.

That night, sitting on his bed surrounded by a mountain of adorable plush toys, he felt an unprecedented sense of calm. Staring at the chandelier on the ceiling, he began to ponder how to become the most insufferable brat.

At that very moment, a thought flashed through his mind: "It would be great if I had a sister!"

Finney's reasoning was simple. If he had someone to share his parents' affection, things would be much easier for him. And why not a brother or another sibling? Well, most troublemakers he remembered were boys, and he didn't want to deal with that hassle.

As for a little sister, he was only seven, and if a baby girl came along, it might lighten his burden for a while, but she could end up causing even more trouble in the future. So, by process of elimination, he decided on an older sister.

It was just a fleeting thought—after all, he was an only child. No matter how strong his dad was, there was no way he could have fathered an older sister before Finney was born.

But right after that thought crossed his mind, Finney suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and his vision went black. He nearly passed out. Even though he didn't lose consciousness, he felt as groggy as if he had been hungover for three days straight.

At the same time, a cute little girl stumbled and slammed headfirst into the door of Finney's house, clutching her head in pain as she sat on the ground.

Finney was utterly confused by the pain in his head, but the sudden realization that he had just succeeded in manifesting something with his words sent him into a frenzy of excitement.

Seven long years! Seven years of waiting, and this broken ability had finally come through! Did it even know how hard these seven years had been for him?!

After a moment of recovery, he quickly checked his system and was shocked to find that the energy bar, which had been naturally filling up over the years, was now completely full.

He could extract another skill!

But just as Finney was about to draw a new ability, he heard his parents calling from downstairs, reminding him of what had just happened.

"Did it really work so quickly?"

He muttered to himself, putting aside his excitement for the skill draw and heading downstairs.

In the living room, a girl was sitting nervously on the couch. Her large, bright amber eyes, arched eyebrows, and long eyelashes trembled slightly. The only thing that marred her appearance was the large bump on her otherwise flawless forehead.

Finney's parents sat beside her, and across from them were a man and a woman with faintly apologetic expressions on their faces.

"Finney, this is Mar—"

"Skye!" The girl interrupted Finney's father, her voice clear and firm. "My name is Skye!"

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Haleseth," the man across from them stood up and apologized. "We didn't mean to intrude, but we really must return to St. Agnes."

"St. Agnes?!"

Despite feeling dizzy and still unclear about why the skill manifested in this way, Finney wasn't about to let someone who could help him escape his troubles just walk away.

"It's an orphanage," Finney's mother came over, gently taking his hand. "Finney, your father and I are thinking about adopting her. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course!" Finney nodded without hesitation. This was exactly what he wanted—an older sister to share the burden of his parents' affection.

It was clear that his parents were very fond of the girl.

Skye's eyes flashed with surprise at their words, but she didn't seem particularly happy. There was only a trace of loneliness and sadness in her expression. Having been through three foster homes already, she didn't want to experience the pain of being cast out again.

But her feelings couldn't change the effect of the Golden Great Evolution Technique—or her new parents' kindness.

The next day, Finney's lawyer parents quickly completed all the necessary paperwork, and just like that, he gained an older sister.

After summoning Skye with the Golden Great Evolution Technique, Finney began to develop a theory about the system. He suspected that the experience bar's growth wasn't just natural—it was also influenced by the use of his abilities.

However, it was his second skill extraction that truly confirmed his theory.

[A/N: Honestly, I don't know that much about Marvel, and I only followed two seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. So, to be honest, I wasn't planning to write Skye into the story. But in the end, I figured it wouldn't matter much either way, so here she is.]


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