Chapter 4: Chicken Wrap to the Face

"The usual rule—no more than three per person."

After giving his standard greeting, Finney started the day's business. Skye, too, had no time to ask about the events at school earlier. Finney focused on preparing the food while she managed the cash and fetched ingredients.

The Upper East Side of Manhattan was one of the wealthiest areas in New York, and Stark Tower, which Finney had seen earlier, was also located here.

So, even though he was selling each Purple Chicken Wrap at an outrageous price of ten dollars, not a single customer flinched. In fact, many wanted to buy more.

"Hey, Finney, we've known each other for a while now. How about giving me two extra wraps?"

A well-dressed man in his thirties, wearing a sharp suit, smiled as he tried to charm Finney, who was expertly preparing chicken wraps.

"Mr. Wright, you're a big-shot businessman, so you understand the value of integrity."

Finney shrugged with a helpless smile and added, "Besides, look at the ingredients—I've only got so much. If I make an exception for you, the others will definitely start asking for more too. Then, some people won't get any, and if they get mad and smash up my little shop, you'll never get to eat here again."

"All right, all right. Three it is."

Glancing at the angry glares from the people in line behind him, Wright awkwardly chuckled, quickly paid, and found a seat. As soon as he took a bite of the fragrant wrap, a look of pure bliss spread across his face. Anyone watching might've wondered if Finney was selling more than just chicken wraps.

By the time the last customer left and night had fully fallen, Finney hung the "Open Irregularly" sign back up and returned inside to clean up. Seeing Skye happily counting the money, he couldn't help but remind her with a laugh, "Don't get too excited—you only get a tenth of this."

Skye's smile froze for a moment. When she turned around, her expression shifted to a pitiful, pleading look. She even pretended to wipe away nonexistent tears. "I'm your sister! After all my hard work, you're really only going to give me a tenth?"

"How about a twentieth?"

Finney teased, feigning ignorance.


Skye's expression immediately snapped back to normal, and she shot him a fierce glare before going back to counting with a grin.

Although Finney always joked about only giving her a tenth, whenever she needed money, he never hesitated to give it to her. So, the money she counted was practically hers anyway.

Finney chuckled and continued tidying up. Once everything was cleaned and he had changed clothes, he walked over to Skye, intending to mess with her a bit more.

Just then, two people entered the shop. As Finney turned to tell them that they were closed, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Don't move. Hand over the money."

Skye, who had been happily counting the cash, froze, staring blankly at the scene. In all her years, this was the first time she had ever been so close to a gun. Panic surged in her chest as she glanced at Finney, who gave her a reassuring look.

Finney hadn't expected this. This was the Upper East Side, a haven for the rich and successful, where gangsters usually followed the rules. Street thugs knew better than to cause trouble here.

As for skilled assassins, they would never bother with a small eatery like his. His shop wasn't in a prime location, it didn't operate on a fixed schedule, and it didn't pose any competition to other businesses.

So, in the past two years, this was the first time he had encountered something like this—though it was more of a disturbance than a robbery.

Finney raised his hands, not making any sudden moves. Slowly shifting his position, he spoke calmly to the two masked robbers, "The money's all here. Please don't hurt us."

"You, pack the cash in a bag." One of the robbers barked at Skye, gesturing with his gun. He turned to Finney, warning in a menacing tone, "And you, stay put. Don't try anything funny."

Skye's hands trembled as she retrieved a backpack and began stuffing the money inside, glancing at Finney, who gave her a comforting nod.

"Hurry up!"

The other robber snapped impatiently.

As Finney observed the situation, his mind raced. If he were alone, he could probably take them down using his abilities. But with Skye here, he didn't want to take that risk.

From the way they acted, these two were likely just small-time thugs. They probably weren't even part of a gang; otherwise, they wouldn't be stupid enough to rob a place in this area. That would be breaking the rules.

Losing a day's earnings didn't bother Finney much. And against guns, he wasn't confident he could subdue them without getting hurt.

But, as usual, things didn't go as planned.

The robber standing by the door, who had been keeping watch, suddenly turned to look at Skye and made a lewd comment, "Hey boss, this chick's pretty hot!"

Skye's face paled in fear, and Finney's brow furrowed even deeper.

"Shut up and grab the money. We're getting out of here!"

The robber with the gun clearly didn't want any trouble and snapped at his partner, ordering him to prepare to leave.

"Heh, sure thing!"

The other robber laughed creepily as he walked toward Skye, his intentions all too clear.

Finney took a deep breath, his eyes sharpening. If these two had just taken the money and left, he would've let it go. But now, they were pushing their luck. As much as he didn't want to reveal his abilities, he couldn't stand by and let his sister get hurt.

In the eight years since acquiring his powers, he had honed more than just his ability to make chicken wraps.

"Now, look back."

As the second robber approached Skye, Finney silently activated the Golden Great Evolution Technique. Both robbers suddenly turned their heads, compelled by an unseen force.

Like a gust of wind, Finney dashed toward the gun-wielding robber the moment their heads turned.

Using some martial arts techniques he had learned online, he disarmed the robber and knocked him to the ground in one swift move.

But before Finney could catch his breath, he noticed the other robber instinctively reaching inside his jacket.

"He has a gun too!"

The thought flashed through Finney's mind. His next move was clear:

I can't let him draw his gun.

The distance between them was about three meters. Though the robber on the ground was momentarily incapacitated, he wasn't fully subdued. If Finney tried using the Golden Great Evolution Technique to stop the second robber from drawing his gun, it might fail if the man resisted with sheer willpower.

Shooting, on the other hand, was almost guaranteed to hit at such close range.

In that split second, Finney made up his mind. As he fired the gun, he instinctively activated his most familiar skill.

Three steaming Purple Chicken Wraps materialized out of nowhere and smacked the second robber square in the face.

In his panic, Finney had broken through his previous limit—now he could summon three wraps at once. A small victory, indeed.


The gunshot rang out, but to Finney's surprise, he missed. He had aimed for the robber's leg, but the bullet only grazed his pants.

Fortunately, the sound of the gunshot stunned the robber, and after the chicken wraps fell to the floor, he didn't dare try reaching for his gun again.

"Don't move. If you so much as twitch, I'll shoot."

Finney's voice was cold and commanding. Perhaps it was the shock of the shot, but the robber stood frozen in place, not daring to make another move.

Finney quickly turned to check on the first robber, who was still on the ground. He delivered a solid kick to his stomach, ensuring he wouldn't get up anytime soon, then called out to Skye.

"Skye, call the cops!"

Everything had happened so fast. In the blink of an eye, Finney had subdued both robbers. Skye stood there, dumbfounded, unable to process what had just occurred.

It wasn't until Finney called her name that she snapped out of it and reached for her phone to dial 911.

"Boss, boss, we're sorry! Please don't call the cops!"

Hearing that Finney was going to call the police, the robbers panicked and began begging for mercy. Finney, who had been about to ignore them, suddenly paused when he saw the chicken wraps on the floor.

"Skye, wait a second."

Skye had already dialed the number and was about to press the call button, but she hesitated and looked at Finney, seeing his contemplative expression. She obediently put her phone down.

The two robbers were surprised by Finney's decision, but they quickly expressed their gratitude, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Finney, however, was kicking himself for using the Purple Chicken Wrap to cover their faces. If the police arrived and checked the security footage, it could be a real headache.

As for silencing them for good, that thought never even crossed his mind. Handing them over to the police was far simpler and less risky.

Finney sighed and glanced at the two robbers. "Alright, get out of here. But if I ever see you around here again, I won't be so kind."

The two men nodded furiously, thanking him repeatedly before scrambling to their feet and rushing out of the shop as fast as they could.

Skye, still shaken, walked over to Finney, her eyes filled with questions. "What... what just happened?"

Finney smiled weakly and shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "Just a couple of idiots who thought they could rob us. Nothing to worry about."

Skye looked at him in disbelief, but Finney quickly changed the subject. "Come on, let's finish cleaning up and go home. We've had enough excitement for one day."

As they packed up and closed the shop, Skye couldn't help but feel something was off, but for now, she let it go. Finney, on the other hand, knew he'd have to be more careful in the future. Using his powers so recklessly wasn't something he could afford to make a habit of, not in a world as dangerous as this.


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