Chapter 6: Demonic Armor

According to Finney's calculations, he was supposed to unlock his third skill sometime next week, but it had come sooner than expected. He had a good idea why.

Long ago, when he discovered that using skills could increase the experience bar, Finney also realized that applying those skills to people accelerated the process.

Especially when using a skill to cause harm or fight, the experience bar filled up much faster.

However, since the Golden Great Evolution Technique was too weak for self-defense, and the Purple Chicken Wrap couldn't be used in combat, Finney hadn't been able to rely on battle to increase his experience. Plus, he had to avoid being discovered.

Thankfully, using his skills on people in more subtle ways was enough. After realizing this, Finney stopped doubting his intelligence or looks.

I'm super smart, I'm insanely handsome, and I'm going to be invincible!

Well, maybe not invincible yet, but after eight years of using the Golden Great Evolution Technique, Finney had become a well-known genius in his school—top of his class, a prodigy set to graduate high school at fifteen.

Thanks to today's two encounters, the experience bar, which should've taken two more weeks to fill, was now fully charged.

After eight long years, he was finally about to extract a new skill. Finney couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The thought of drawing another weak ability like the Purple Chicken Wrap made him hesitant, so he decided to wait until he got home, take a bath, and maybe even say a prayer before drawing.

Noticing the worried look on Skye's face, Finney could easily guess what was on her mind. Smiling, he reassured her, "Come on, I've kept this hidden for ten years. It's not going to get exposed so easily."

Skye rolled her eyes, clearly not convinced. "That's because I never really thought to look."

She wasn't wrong. Living with Finney day in and day out, there must have been times when he unintentionally revealed something, like the incident that afternoon. But since Skye had never suspected anything, she hadn't noticed.

Seeing that Finney wasn't faking his calmness, Skye temporarily set aside her worries. She glanced at the gun on the table and asked, "So, what do we do with this? Take it home?"

Following her gaze, Finney looked at the gun. It was dirty and clearly not in great condition, but it had fired a shot earlier, so it still worked.

"There are a few rounds left in it. Let's leave it here just in case."

In this country, and especially in this city, a gun wasn't all that rare. Even two low-level thugs had managed to get their hands on one.

Finney stood up, carefully hid the gun in a discreet but accessible spot, and turned to Skye with a smile. "Alright, let's finish cleaning up and head home. You haven't told me how much we made today yet. Since we had a bit of excitement, I'll give you 20% today!"

Skye gave him an adorable eye-roll, though she knew he was only saying that to help her shake off the lingering anxiety from earlier. Still, she grumbled back, "No way! I'm claiming emotional distress compensation. I want half of what we made today as my share."

Finney made a face as if it were an impossible demand, causing Skye to break into a smile, her nerves finally beginning to settle.

After cleaning up, they drove home in Skye's car. As soon as they walked through the door, their parents scolded them for coming back so late and quickly urged them to wash up and eat dinner.

As the warmth of home settled around her, Skye shook her head, trying to push the earlier events out of her mind. She glanced at Finney, who was acting as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but feel that everything from today was a little too surreal.

At the dinner table, Finney's family ate together. His father, Eli, a fairly well-known lawyer in New York, soon noticed something was off with Skye.

"Did something happen at the shop today?"

Eli asked as he ate, concerned. The only reason Skye had a store in the expensive Upper East Side was thanks to the connections Finney's parents had.

"No, no, everything's fine at the shop," Skye quickly shook her head. "You wouldn't believe it, Dad. The customers were begging Finney to open a second branch and invest in it!"

Hearing that, Eli chuckled and looked at Finney. "I still don't know where this boy learned to cook. No matter how hard your mom tries, she can't make it taste the same."

Of course not—it's a superpower!

Skye thought silently, watching Finney smirk but remain quiet. Who would've guessed that the secret to his cooking was an actual superpower?

Offended by her husband's slight jab at her cooking, Finney's mother, Vera, scolded him while muttering under her breath about how her cooking wasn't that far off.

The warm, lively atmosphere gradually made Skye forget her earlier concerns. Soon, she was fully immersed in the family's chatter and laughter.

After dinner and a hot shower—especially a good handwashing—Finney retreated to his room. Since tomorrow was the weekend, he didn't have to worry about school. It was time to draw his third skill.

"Please, please, please, no more cooking-related skills."

After spending five minutes in silent prayer, Finney took a deep breath and began the skill extraction.

Before starting, he thought about using the Golden Great Evolution Technique to influence the result, but for some reason—whether his mind wasn't calm enough or the system wouldn't allow cheating—it didn't work.

Fortunately, the final result wasn't bad at all.

"Demonic Armor"

"Source: Akame ga Kill!"

"Description: A living armor capable of evolution, inhabited by an ancient lifeform."

Finney was ecstatic as he processed the information about the new skill. Although his memory of the anime had faded over the years, he still remembered the armor worn by the protagonist in Akame ga Kill!—a powerful, evolving weapon.

"Wait, wasn't this an Imperial Arm? How can it count as a skill?"

Finney was puzzled at first, but then he remembered that even the Purple Chicken Wrap could be considered a skill. So, including an Imperial Arm didn't seem so strange after all.

Since he wasn't sure what kind of commotion the skill might cause when activated, Finney decided not to try it out in his room. He'd find a quiet, secluded place to test it tomorrow. Even though he didn't know the exact effects yet, he was still excited.

In just a year, Tony Stark would make his high-profile debut as Iron Man, marking the start of a new era. After that, the world would be plagued by one disaster after another. Finney had been constantly worried because the Golden Great Evolution Technique was too weak to be of much help—useful for small matters, but not in a crisis.

As for the Purple Chicken Wrap…

It's not like I can stop an alien invasion by feeding them chicken wraps, right?

"I really hope this new ability is powerful," Finney thought. Though he wasn't yet sure how strong the Demonic Armor would be, he couldn't help but hope it would live up to its reputation.

He didn't need it to be explosively strong right away. He'd be content if it was strong enough to let him go toe-to-toe with someone like Hawkeye or Black Widow—at least for now.


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