Chapter 8

"Get out" I heard him order, and because I was in shock, I stupidly asked. As if I hadn't said enough nonsense already.

"From the bathtub?" I heard someone closing the door on his side and I realized my next mistake.

"Are you in the bathtub talking to me?" He said each word very clearly and with irritation in his voice.

Yeah. Now he's definitely going to kill me. I thought to myself, nodding slowly, forgetting about the conversation. And Stan warned. Don't be cheeky. Behave politely around him.

"Nova" He growled lowly.

"Yes?" I looked ahead with my eyes wide open.

"Is that a question or an answer?" He demanded.

"An...answer" I choked out.

"Are you in the bathtub?" He repeated.

"Yes" I replied quietly.

"Pick up" 

"What?" I asked but he hung up. After a while, an incoming video call appeared on my phone and all the blood rushed to my legs. 

"Kill me" I moaned as I answered the call, trying to make sure only my flushed, red face was visible to him. I was even afraid to look at the phone screen.

"Nova" I shuddered and slowly looked up, seeing him sitting in front of the desk with a serious face.

"Was that slap on the forehead?" He asked and I quickly covered it.

"Can you see it?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes" He replied, supporting his head with his hand. "Tell me what to do with you" He shook his head, looking at the screen.

"Keep alive?" I asked quietly, making the face of a beaten dog. Ethan covered his eyes with his hand, rubbing them hard. After a while he sighed and looked at me in disbelief.

"Don't tempt me, or I'll start seriously considering this option" He threatened and I bit my lower lip and looked down.

"Please forgive me boss... Due to the accumulated stress and fatigue, my brain stopped functioning properly. I promise to go to a specialist soon and fix this problem.." 

"Enough!" He said firmly, gesturing with his hand for me to stop and covering his eyes with the other one.

If only Nova could hear what was going on in his head. Have you ever heard a wolf laughing? NO? Me too. Believe it or not but at that moment Aziel was laughing at the top of his lungs in his subconscious.

Ha.. I don't believe it. I swear he wiped a tear from his eye with his paw. Where has she been hiding?" He tried to calm down but her words kept coming back. Lying on his back, he rolled back and forth, constantly smiling. She's amazing. 

These were his last words because Ethan cut off communication with him. The man looked at the girl's blushing face and sighed heavily.

"Get out of the bathtub and go to sleep" He waved his hand at her, but oh my lord, I didn't understand him once again.

"In front of you? Will you watch?" I asked innocently and he lost it.

"Do you want it!? Should I look?! No problem! I'll be watching!" He shouted, banging his fist on the desk, which cracked under the impact.

"NO! NO! NO! Sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry, boss!" I panicked and started apologizing.

"Good night!" He ended the conversation.

I put the phone aside and decided that the best option for me at the moment was to drown. I immersed myself completely in the water and waited for my end, which did not come.

Just too long to wait...

I could hold my breath for a very, very long time. I lazily got up from the bathtub, changed into comfortable pajamas and, despite all the action earlier, I fell asleep.

I told you my brain doesn't work. I'll panic tomorrow when I'm rested. And so it happened the next day. I woke up in the afternoon, finally getting a good night's sleep.

But what of it, if the events of last night came flooding back in every incredibly precise detail? I was sitting on the bed, staring at the wall, wondering which continent to choose to move to. When I only had to choose between Siberia and the South Pole, someone knocked on my door. I quickly changed my expression from a dark reaper to a cheerful young lady enjoying life.

A woman in her 40s entered the room. She was of average height. She had blonde hair cut short above her neck, and blue eyes.

"How is it going? Have you had enough sleep?" She asked, smiling at me.

"Yeah" I got out of bed like a broken zombie and brushed my hair out of my face.

"That's good. Get yourself together and go downstairs to eat something. What do you want today?"

"First, some strong horror, thriller or anything with a massacre, and then a very funny comedy for relief" I announced with narrowed eyes.

"Oh no, hard week?" She looked at me with sympathy.

"Nooooooo, come on" I said a little too high. "I survived, so It's ok" I added, trying to comb out the tangled hair. 

"Okeeeeeeyy…. Then I'll wait downstairs. Popcorn, spicy chicken, strawberry-banana shake and chocolate ice cream?" 

"You are divine. I'll be there in two minutes" I waved her a kiss and went to change.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating junk food. And that's exactly what I needed. Don't think about all your problems, just relax and gain energy for the next week. After four movies and hours spent chatting about this and that, we went to bed early.

The next day I woke up after nine. I went downstairs, ate breakfast with my aunt, and as always when the weather was nice, and today it was, we went for a long walk. We packed something to eat and drink and hit the road. After a few hours, we rested on a bench in one of the parks, watching people and children playing on the grass.

AAAAAaaa… calm and peace…. This is what I needed. I thought, inhaling the scent of flowers blooming nearby. On our way back, we stopped at one of the pubs and had dinner. As I went to bed, I sighed heavily.

"Next week will be hard" I looked at the ceiling. "Whatever... When it was easy for me" I turned to the side and covered the blanket up to my neck, slowly falling asleep.

I woke up refreshed and fully ready for the hell that was to come. I changed, packed the necessary things, ate breakfast and walked a little slower than usual towards the university.

You could say that the first classes were spent looking around for Barbie and her entourage, a bit like a paranoid, afraid that it would spread to the entire school when she started her 'loud' lessons. Walking down the corridor to the next classrooms, every time I sensed a wolf nearby, I quickly changed my route. I didn't need a scene at school. I was invisible here and that suited me. Outside the university, that was a different story.

And it happened again. Vallentina's team was waiting outside. And don't get me wrong. They waited before every exit...

Wanting to get it over with, I left the building and was immediately surrounded by the entourage.

"We have something to talk about. You'll come with us" One of the girls ordered. 

"Cool..." I muttered rudely. "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry to my training"

The girls looked at me, shocked by my blunt answer. I've never barked back at them before, so I'm not surprised by their stupid expressions.

"Move" She growled at me, and one of the two boys who had reached us shoved my shoulder with his hand.

Stellar growled menacingly. Relax, not yet. I told her. I was escorted to an old, abandoned building that previously belonged to the university. Vallentina was already waiting for us there with yesterday's club group. 

"You're finally here" She hissed. "We have something to discuss, don't you think?" She asked with dissatisfaction.

"Really? What is it?" I played stupid, which pissed her off even more.

"You know what! Because of you, we were kicked out of the club and we can't enter it!" She shouted. 

"It's our club's policy that anyone causing trouble or attacking staff will be expelled from the club and denied further entry. You got what you deserved. I don't understand what you mean" I said, unfazed by her screams.

"You will go there today.... and tell them... that yesterday was your fault... and to lift the ban from us... got it?" She threatened through her teeth. "If not... we will try to convince you in another way" She waved her hand and two boys approached me on both sides. I looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know if you know, but there's a reason why no one attacks club staff after they get kicked out. Let me explain. Our boss…. cares about his staff…. and he is high enough in the hierarchy that no one can get under him. And everyone, apparently except you, knows it..."

"Ha! Do you think I'll believe you?!" She interrupted me. "If he cares about everyone so much, why don't you call him and complain? You definitely have his number" She laughed.

Oh well. Actually, I can try to solve it this way. I thought and took out my phone.