28. The Show Of The Super Queen

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"Kirlia?" Seeing that his opponent was a Kirlia, Brawly immediately frowned.

As the leader of a Fighting-type Gym, all his Pokémon were Fighting-types. Unfortunately for him, Fighting-types are weak to three key types: Flying, Psychic, and Fairy.

Kirlia is a Psychic and Fairy-type Pokémon.

That means Fighting-type moves only deal a quarter of their usual damage to Kirlia.

In essence, Kirlia is the natural enemy of Fighting-type Pokémon.

However, his current opponent was a Meditite, making the situation slightly better for Brawly. He wouldn't be as disadvantaged as he would against a pure Psychic or Fairy-type.

This battle might evolve into a full-on Psychic showdown.

"Are you scared?" Chris taunted, trying to provoke him.

"Scared?" Brawly grinned, as if he'd heard a hilarious joke. "Every challenger knows I'm a Fighting Gym Leader, and many of them bring Pokémon that counter Fighting-types, just like you did. But how many of them have actually left with the Dewford Badge?"

"And you? After losing to me last time, you went out of your way to raise a Kirlia. So, who's really afraid here?"

Though the battle hadn't started, the two Trainers were already exchanging verbal blows, trying to mess with each other's heads. Whether it had any effect would soon be revealed in the battle!

Meditite and Kirlia locked eyes with their respective opponents, and the tense atmosphere between the Trainers spread to their Pokémon.

The referee confirmed both sides were ready and wasted no time. "The battle begins!"

"Meditite, use Confusion!"

"Kirlia, Confusion!" Both Chris and Brawly gave the same command simultaneously.

The two Pokémon unleashed their Confusion attacks in their own unique styles.

In an instant, a strange cracking sound filled the air!

The Confusion attacks collided mid-air, but the struggle only lasted for a brief moment.

Kirlia's Confusion easily overpowered Meditite's, sending Meditite soaring into the sky before slamming it to the ground.

Once, twice, three times!

Kirlia's agitation seemed to have intensified since evolving, becoming even more aggressive.

Kirlia wasn't about to give Meditite another chance to get back up!

As a trainer, Brawly had no way to stop the onslaught. He could only watch helplessly as his Meditite was rendered incapacitated.

"Medicite is unable to battle. Kirlia wins!" the referee announced.

"Kirlia!" Kirlia descended from the air, her skirt fluttering slightly. She glanced down coldly at the defeated Meditite.

"You dared challenge me in a Psychic battle? Do you even understand the power of a true Psychic Queen?" thought Chris.

"Oh, looks like she's already acting like a queen," Chris said with a smile. Despite Kirlia's dainty, ballerina-like appearance, her behavior was that of a regal figure.

Yes, there was great potential here!

"Kirlia~" Sensing Chris's approval, Kirlia transformed her demeanor in an instant. She clasped the corners of her skirt and gracefully curtsied like a ballerina greeting her audience.

"It's not over yet!" Brawly shouted, anger flashing in his eyes as he saw Kirlia's elegant display. The veins on his forehead pulsed. Clearly, she wasn't taking him seriously!

With a swift motion, he threw his second Poké Ball.

In a flash of silver light, a muscular figure landed on the battlefield.

The Pokémon hadn't changed—it was still a Machoke—but now its level had increased from 26 to 27.

"Machoke!" The moment Machoke appeared, he roared, his powerful muscles rippling.

He immediately began to flex, going through a series of Bulk Up poses.

From forest stance to tree stance, Machoke's movements were impressively strong.

It was clear—being the Pokémon of a Gym Leader gave him an edge over any average Trainer's Pokémon!

Machoke's physique was simply incredible.

If Brawly could provide the same training experience as Roxanne did after being defeated, maybe, just maybe, Chris could train a true powerhouse next.

It would have been fine for Combusken, another Fighting-type, to take on Kirlia.

But Machoke? Against Kirlia? Where did this small hope even come from?

Today's showdown was destined to be the stage for the future Psychic Queen—Kirlia!

"Machoke, use Bulk Up!" Brawly commanded.

Machoke immediately clenched both fists, turned to the side, and struck a classic muscle pose, his bulging muscles flexing impressively.

Unlike the earlier flashy movements, Bulk Up was a legitimate move that increased both attack and defense power.

"Pointless," Chris scoffed, clearly seeing through Brawly's strategy.

Brawly was hoping that Machoke's raw power would let him resist Kirlia's Confusion. But he had underestimated Kirlia!

Kirlia was a perfect 6IV Pokémon, and a Shiny at that—she was known as the "Daughter of Destiny." For her, battling opponents of higher levels was as easy as breathing.

"Kirlia, use Encore, then Confusion!" Chris called out confidently.

Kirlia smiled coldly, slowly turning her head back towards Machoke, her icy expression returning.

Her entire body surged with Confusion again, lifting her into the air, and her white skirt fluttered dramatically with the power surge.

In the blink of an eye, Machoke—who had been confidently striking poses—found himself no different from Meditite. Even more easily, he was lifted off the ground by Kirlia's psychic energy.

Then, just like Meditite before, Machoke was slammed heavily into the ground.

"Boom!" The impact reverberated through the battlefield, causing the ground to shake.

Kirlia, sensing her Trainer's disdain for her opponent, seemed even more ruthless this time.

"Machoke..." came a weak groan from the Pokémon, startling the apprentices watching nearby.

To battle a Psychic-type, being able to resist Confusion was the absolute minimum. Without that, you weren't even qualified to stand before such an opponent, let alone fight.

And Machoke certainly couldn't resist.

After the second slam, Machoke's eyes had already turned into swirls.

As a pure Fighting-type, Machoke was taking double damage from Kirlia's Psychic attacks. Even though Machoke was far stronger physically than Meditite, it still fared no better.

"Machoke is incapacitated. Kirlia wins!" the referee declared.

The first two battles had been utterly one-sided, with no surprises or back-and-forth. It had been a complete massacre.

Now, Brawly had only one Pokémon left—his last chance for victory.

He raised his hand and threw his final Poké Ball.

"Let's do this!"

The Poké Ball opened high above the dojo, and suddenly, the sky within the arena seemed to darken, as if a mountain were blocking the sunlight.

"Boom!" The ground trembled as the massive Pokémon landed, shaking the entire dojo.

Standing in the center of the battlefield was a humanoid Pokémon with armor-like muscles, legs as thick as stone pillars, and enormous hands capable of lifting tons.

It was the sumo master of Pokémon—the mighty Hariyama!

This was Brawly's ace, his signature Pokémon, and Chris could feel the weight of its presence.

Though officially known as Hariyama, Chris liked to think of it as the true "Super Power King"—and it was the evolved form of Makuhita.