a totally normal day

Sorry about that I deleted it by mistakes amidst a very chaotic situation. 😂😂


Do you know the feeling when you wake up and just feel new? Refreshed? Like a million bucks? You don't? Well, too bad for you! If you do, then you can imagine exactly how I feel right now. I just finished my morning rituals—some exercise, a shower, and pancakes for breakfast. And now I feel complete and ready to deal with the headache that's coming my way.

Oh, who am I kidding? This is going to be just me testing how patient I can be before I start a massacre. The first test subjects of the day are the masked and clocked individuals who have been trying to get into Hogwarts for hours. I'll just have Hogwarts send them to the Forbidden Forest to clean the Acromantula nest I remember being there. That's exactly what I did, though I also told her to bring them to the medical wing in case of injuries. Now all I have to do is go and tell Madam Pomfrey about it, and that's it.

"Madam Pomfrey, good morning," I greeted the Hogwarts nurse as soon as I arrived.

"Came here for that checkup? I thought you would hide from me for a while, hoping that I would forget," she gave me a look that told me she was suspicious but not entirely so. To tell the truth, I kind of forgot about that, even though I can't forget. It seems that my mind was protecting me from the judgmental looks and scolding.

"Uh, yeah, that, and also to give you a heads-up about some possibly injured people coming in…" I fumbled a little. Good job, me. Ugh, anyway, this is not the time to scold myself for my irrational fear of the school nurse.

"What do you mean, possibly injured people incoming? Who is injured? How did they get injured? Mr. Potter, what did you do?" she started asking while looking at me with that gaze that adults give children when they are expecting bad news.

"Uh, I don't know who they are. They have been here for hours trying to enter Hogwarts, but I sent them to the Forbidden Forest to clear the Acromantula nest that has been disturbing the balance there. You know, before they start getting stronger," I told her. She just stood there for a second, starting at me, before she sighed and began gathering things around the room. Thankfully, she did, because not even 1 minute later, two people were delivered to the infirmary with blood all over themselves. I just moved them onto the beds and stayed quiet near the door.

Three more arrived not a minute later, with only one of them looking haggard while the rest were injured.

"Where?" he started looking around while pointing his wand everywhere. I just snapped my fingers, and his wand flew from his hand into mine. This immediately got his attention locked onto me, and thus began the stare-down until he did something reckless and tried to look into my mind. Now, usually, this kind of stupidity would cost one's life, but I let him in there for a second before kicking him out. He immediately lost consciousness and dropped onto the ground. Using Legilimency on me is a stupid move. First, because my mind is protected, and I'm constantly upgrading that protection. And second, because my mindscape is shaped after the void. The only reason I myself know it's not the true void is because I have been there, this also means insanity might be a very mild consequence of using legilimency on me.

Anyway, I just dropped him on a nearby bed and went out. After changing their status in Hogwarts to "prisoners," I left.

An Auror squad was waiting outside the doors of Hogwarts. It just dawned on me that this upgrade might have cost Hagrid his job. Eh, I'll just find a new one for him. With Hogwarts' help, I was transported to the front door, which caused the Aurors to assume defensive postures, but I didn't mind that. I just looked at the woman in the center, surrounded by six Aurors: Amelia Bones. Hmmm, this might be interesting after all.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" I asked in a calm voice.

"Mr. Potter, we are here to investigate what happened at Hogwarts and to make sure the children are okay." Although her voice was calm, I could still feel the worry emanating from her. She did have a niece staying here after all.

"Well, I thought I already told Ms. Tonks everything, but sure, come on in," I replied dramatically, adding, "Just make sure your Aurors don't do anything stupid." I think my cold tone got the message across.

As we walked in silence, I decided that starting a conversation would be better, so I did just that.

"Amelia, you don't mind me calling you that, do you? I'm sure you don't," I began, a small, almost unnoticeable eye twitch flared on her face as I said that. "Right now, we have a five-person squad cloaked in black and wearing masks being treated in the infirmary. You don't know anything about that, do you?" She furrowed her eyebrows slightly but didn't answer, so I continued, "They arrived here hours ago and tried everything to enter Hogwarts before I just threw them into the Forbidden Forest, into an Acromantula nest that needed clearing. You don't happen to know anything about these individuals, do you? Because believe it or not, I'll be getting the information I want one way or the other." My voice had turned cold by the end of my statement.

This prompted one of the Aurors to raise his wand and cast the Killing Curse at me. I didn't even flinch. We were inside Hogwarts, and any curse casted at me by a person of his level wouldn't affect me while in here, Hogwarts protection and all that. There are many other reasons but I'm not sharing all my secrets now. Plus, I wanted to see the looks on their faces while also flexing a little to spread false information.

There it was—the look of horror and haunting fear that spread across their faces after witnessing one of them casting the *Avada Kedavra* curse on me while I shrugged it off like it was a tickling charm. Of course, now that I had a reason to take action, I did. I transported the man into one of the unused classrooms with a snap of my fingers, and the wands of the rest flew towards me with another snap.

"Amelia, and here I thought we were getting along well, and then one of your men tries to kill me. Is that what you're here for?" I asked with mock cheer in my voice. "Or is it so hard for you to understand that only Voldemort can kill me, and I him?" My last line landed with the needed impact, cracking Madam Bones' stoic mask, which was then replaced by a somber expression. The fear reflected in the faces of the other Aurors brought a smile to my face. I'm really good at playing villian huh? Maybe it's a gift.

We arrived in the great hall after walking the rest of the journey in silence. As we walked in I saw one Susan Bones rushing past me into the embrace of Amelia while shouting. "Auntie" . I just smiled and made my way towards the headmaster's seat and sat down.


Still in the hospital, if anyone just wants to know. Still I uploaded ch31 on pat reon so I thought why not here too 😂

Anyhow enjoy!! And don't forget the Power stones, comments and reviews please😁😁