a totally normal day 2

I have been sitting in the headmaster's chair in the Great Hall, waiting for the murmurs to stop or for a brave, 'stupid' person to point it out. I'm sure it won't take long. I also received a notification on my Grimoire that the so-called 'Defense/Dark Arts' is already compiled and analyzed. So, while waiting for the commotion to cease, I started browsing and reading the introduction. It's a contradictory subject to study. What they label as 'Dark' is actually magic heavily based on the desire aspect of wizardry. It's a dangerous area of study, especially for the young.

To give you an example, there's a spell named "umburam siphonare." This spell was invented by a seriously ill wizard who used shadows as a medium to siphon a bit of magic and life energy to keep himself going while trying to invent a cure for himself. When cast, this spell feeds on desperation, fear, and envy, along with magic to kick-start it into reality. The sensation of the spell's feedback, is in my opinion what , drives most people into this branch of magic. It provides a feeling of hope, contentment, and liberation, alongside the thrill of the power that the caster siphons. These feedbacks are intense and rarely negative, and, as you know, humans are seldom content with what they have; thus, they often indulge in the false feedback that this desire-based branch of magic—'dark,' if you prefer—provides.

There are multiple ways to lessen or even eliminate these drawbacks, ranging from acculumancy to periodic purification rituals, but these dimwits either hoarded the knowledge, lost it, or banned it. Ugh, the more I read, the more reasons I find to hate them. I'm going to have to start enforced periodic purification rituals here at school. Another problem to address later.

I was disturbed by the voice of a man entering the Great Hall while shouting. I lifted my head to see who it was and discovered that it was the one who had tried to invade my mind. Should I congratulate him for not going crazy, or should I beat the hell out of him for disturbing me? I still haven't decided. And how did he even get out of the medical ward? Ah, it seems Hogwarts is feeling mischievous. I snapped my fingers, and he was silenced by a quick spell that he almost evaded. Hmm, maybe he's not that bad after all.

"Now then, Mr. Mysterious, you came to my school with God knows what intentions. You started trying to force your way in, I dealt with you lightly, but you didn't seem to get the message. Then you tried to invade my mind, and the first thing you do after waking up is cause a commotion in the Great Hall. My question to you is: were you born this stupid, or did you acquire this talent with age?" My question and sarcastic voice seemed to agitate him further, but it drew a few giggles from the students.

I snapped my fingers again, and the silencing charm on him was lifted. He started talking.

"Mr. Potter, you are hereby informed that you will be arrested for your transgressions against the Unspeakables and the Department of Mysteries. Your list of crimes will be compiled when we take you with us…" He was sadly interrupted by a swift petrification curse cast by yours truly, leaving him standing there like a stone statue with his mouth open. I then directed my attention to Amelia, who had been sitting at the Hufflepuff table with her niece.

"Is it a special requirement in the Ministry to hire only incompetent people? Or is it just the inbreeding in the land that has made it so hard to come across a smart person? Is it a hopeless endeavor for me to try to elevate and improve the wizarding society of the British Isles? Because if it is, tell me now, so I can leave and let you all either die or become slaves to Voldemort. I don't have time to waste on foolish people who can't seem to grasp the message that the old Harry Potter is dead. The new me is going to either transform this wizarding society into something great or let it burn out and build something remarkable from the ashes of the old. Now, this has spoiled the mood for me, so start asking what you want before taking this garbage and his friends with you when you leave." My tone was steady until it turned cold at the end. I saw her grimace slightly before composing herself.

"Mr. Potter, we want to know the details of the ritual that occurred at Hogwarts, and we also want to know where the Headmaster is," she said.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen. The ritual details will not be shared with anyone. As for the Headmaster, he was cursed by a ring and is on sabbatical," I replied with a straight face.

"Mr. Potter, this is not a negotiation. We need the ritual details to assure the concerned guardians of the children that everything is okay, and to make sure that it is," she insisted with a forced tone.

"Exactly, this is not a negotiation. The ritual details are and will always be a Hogwarts secret. You can't and will not be getting it from anywhere. As for the guardians of the students, they can come and see for themselves that their kids are okay," I said with a smile. I think she understood the hidden meaning behind my words, judging by the forced smile and the annoyance radiating from her. I had essentially told her I didn't trust them with the knowledge, chalking it up as a Hogwarts secret for convenience's sake.

"Mr. Potter, there's also the issue of legacy books vanishing from libraries around the world. That wouldn't be your doing, would it?" she asked.

"Oh, and which family is bold enough to claim that they stole Hogwarts' books and is now crying to have them returned?" You see, Madam Bones, any book that has ever been given to Hogwarts, directly or indirectly, is imprinted with its magic. It's a fascinating feature created by Ravenclaw when they founded Hogwarts. Now, all the books that have been missing from the library have returned and are here. Tell those who claim their legacy is stolen to take it up with Ravenclaw or with their thieving ancestors." My blunt words caused her to recoil slightly, but she tried another approach.

"Mr. Potter, some books contain dark magic…"

I cut her off. "Amelia, dear, why don't you go to the library and broaden your horizons about magic before you say something foolish and embarrass yourself? My recommendation is to start with the theory of magic written by the founders. This will be the only thing taught in school for the upcoming days," I said with a smile, and she looked as if she had just tasted something sour.

"Now, I'm not in the mood for any more conversation, so do your own thing at your own risk—Hogwarts is watching. Classes are canceled for the next three days. Take my advice: start reading the magical theory books written by the founders. If you ask Hogwarts nicely, she'll provide you with a copy, no matter where you are, as long as you don't leave the school premises."

After I finished my speech, I began heading toward the Room of Requirement to start studying and training in my new magic.


Sorry for the delay, problems just don't leave me alone these days.

Anyhow, enjoy 😉 😁