shack in the state

Now then, let's get this over with.

I emerged from what turned out to be a basement. Making my way upstairs, I entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, only to find it empty. So, I cast an **Incendio** spell on it, after making sure the fire wouldn't spread too much I left.

Now, some may wonder, where am I going? Well, I'm teleporting directly to a shack owned by Lucas here in America using his own teleportation circle which by the by is crude yet ingenious way of transportation.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the bastard took me to the fucking USA just to kill me? Something about the church and some organization of magicians being after him in Europe.

Honestly, I didn't care enough to remember what he did or which other groups were after him. Anyway, here I am, in some nameless forest in the USA, heading toward the shack I claimed as a spoil of battle. Hey, don't judge me; I won it fair and square, and besides, its owner is already dead and I need a place to stay for a while.

I have this feeling that something good is about to happen soon.

As I surveyed the wooden shack, I made a sweeping motion with my hand, and my magic began its work of animating things to do the cleaning while My Grimoire was regulating the output and adjusting the necessary spells. To be honest, I didn't even need to move my hand, but it felt much cooler to do so.

I started exploring: there were two rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. I went into the first room and found a bed that didn't look all that comfy. I added it to my list of things to take care of.

The second room was better: an old wooden office desk with a slightly worn leather chair on the right, a wall-sized bookshelf on the left, and a large window in the middle. It was dusty as all hell but it had some of that old elegance to it so I guess I'll keep it as is—maybe a little reorganizing wouldn't hurt either.

I walked straight to the library, placed my hand on the book emanating the most mana, and pulled it out slightly.

Suddenly, a small hidden trapdoor appeared in the middle of the room. I approached it, opened it, and lo and behold, there lay the Wordstone. I inspected it closely and had to admit it was disappointing. Still, I activated it and closed the door behind me.

Some may wonder why I didn't just ward the shack myself. The reason is simple: it wouldn't work. The runes I know and use aren't recognized by either magic or nature in this reality. So, It would be like writing in Chinese for an English speaker.

It would work but I would also have to constantly power them myself using my own magic to continuously translate what I wrote and that would be quite the hassle. It's just not worth it.

I went to the kitchen, opened the fridge again—finding it empty, cursed a little, and then went outside. I teleported at random and ended up in a trash-filled alley. I cast cleaning and disguise charms on myself, exited the alley, and found a small grocery store.

I went inside and grabbed some cereal, milk, bread, chocolate, chicken, vegetables, a few apples, and various fruits, some canned food, rice, noodles, pasta and other necessities.

At the counter, I hypnotized the man standing there, took my new supplies, and left. I then teleported directly back to the shack.

I cooked some chicken and vegetables, ate until I was full, and then headed to the bedroom. I transfigured the bed into a comfy, cloudy one and laid down.

Why a cloudy bed? Well, now that the memories of my new life had settled in, I had this strange desire to sleep on a cloud. The younger me was a geek who was hooked on that trashy anime called **Drag- so- Ball** or something, where the protagonist uses a yellow cloud as a mode of transportation. Thus, the urge to sleep on a cloudy bed.

I slept well, though I'm not sure for how long—probably just a few hours. Anyhow, breakfast first, and then it's time to begin my work and study the new magic system.

You know, I'm starting to think that the problem is with me. But I just didn't like what I found out about magicians here.

I have been studying the magic system used by humans here, and all I can say is, "eh."

I mean, it's probably due to their magic being based on calculation aspect or for some other reason I have yet to figure out, but most of the spells are derived from devil magical spells.

No one bothered to invent new ones, and if they did they didn't publish them.

No one bothered to try and upgrade the magical system after Merlin either;

And no one bothered trying to figure out a way to use mental magic to make it easier for them to cast spells.

After a while, I concluded that studying human magic was a waste of time. I should probably find a devil and see if I can make a deal to study magic circles, how to create them, and runes too. Hmm, yeah, I'll do that.

Time to start purifying nature here. It's one of the jobs assigned to me for being here, along with finding someone worthy to inherit Yehwa's position as God.

Something about it being needed and Him not being able to reform or reincarnate. Anyway, not my problem so I'll think about it later.

I started getting into deep meditation, using my own nature energy to purify the corrupted natural energy of the planet.

Here, unlike before, nature energy was different, with different properties and composition. Most of the corruption stemmed from either malice released into the air, clinging to it, or some very deep curses that I couldn't purify just yet because I'm not strong enough.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that there's a Gaia here? Like the primordial of nature?? The Mother Goddess??? I don't know if there was one while I was in the wizarding world; I couldn't perceive it if there was, but in this world there is one. She had been very active since I started the purification process, sending more and more corrupted energy my way while taking the purified energy and leaving me with very little.

Even though I didn't speak with her directly, I could still understand what she wanted.

The tasks she was issuing were not easy to solve so I wanted to say no, but before I could, she showed me how she had been hiding me from prying eyes until now, and suddenly, I couldn't say no.

What a rookie mistake. I should have noticed this the instant I woke up. I am a sage, which means anywhere I go, I will always be identified as a sage by anyone attuned enough to any kind of energy. They will always feel how nature seems purer and happier around me, plus I'm always purifying natural energy passively.

The only reason I meditate and do it actively is that it's a much faster and better process. If I have to give an example, the passive purification is like a small personal water filter, whilst the active one, is like a factory sized one. Did that make any sense? It didn't? Well, I don't care deal with it.

I was alerted by the wards about a group of people entering the three-meter boundary in front of the shack, forcing me to stop, so I stood up, and went to open the front door.

Let's see who the visitors are.

"Well, well, well, would you look at that? I was right—there's a mouse in the house," the guy in the middle said with a sarcastic tone, while the two following him chuckled. They looked young, in their early twenties I would say.

their magical reserves weren't big either. The one in the middle had the biggest reserves and even that was about one-tenth of mine.
