Devil’s playground

Looking at the people in front of me, all I could think about was whether I should lose my torture virginity on them or just kill them outright. It was a difficult decision, but in the end, I opted to extract information before swiftly killing them. Honestly, I didn't want to torture just anyone; they were nobodies, and I didn't need to waste more time on them.

"Hmm." I watched as one began to retreat slowly; he had good instincts. A golden bow appeared in his hands, which caught my attention. If I had to guess, this was what they called a Sacred Gear. I didn't know which one it was, though—I simply didn't have enough information on them,.

The other two noticed their companion's movement and quickly sprang into action. I still hadn't said anything; I merely observed as the two in front pointed their hands toward me, causing a magical circle to appear. The speed of the circle's materialization was slow, and the circles themselves were subpar at best. It was clear they had been handed these circles and were only taught the bare minimum needed to cast spells instead of the proper way.

The first one casted a fireball spell with his friend following by what looked like a wind blade spell. Their spells though had a great synergy, the way the heat of the fire ball and sharpness of the wind blade created the feeling of being against a firey blade of death.

It was a great tactic, I guess it was either rehearsed or used often judging by the way they behaved when they casted their spells. With No signals or anything. This would have worked if it was anyone that wasn't me, and if that anyone was much weaker .

I on the other hand didn't even move; I just stood there and watched their expressions change when they saw their spells fizzle out of existence before reaching me.

It was a funny moment for me—their wide-open eyes and mouths, their posture, and the way they stopped breathing for a few seconds.

The archer was the first to break out of his shocked state, firing four consecutive shots of pure light energy at me. His light shots that should have been arrows in my opinion gave off more heat than the fire ball. Ooh, what an interesting things these sacred gears are.

I simply raised my hands and made them stop right in front of me. With a dismissive gesture of my left hand, I sent his shots back to him with slightly more speed. He was quick and dodged one, but the other three hit him square in the chest, neck, and face, killing him instantly.

Oh, I might have overestimated him; he died too quickly. Looking at the other two, I snapped my fingers, causing the teleportation circles that had appeared beneath their feet to fizzle out. I waved my hands, animated their own cloaks to restrain them. I snapped my fingers one last time, making some leaves levitate from the ground, collide together, and transfigure into ropes that started tying them up.

I didn't want to complicate this more than I needed. They were so outclassed that I wouldn't say it was a fight even if I was blind. That's just the simple truth. Had they been at least half as strong as me the fight might have been more enjoyable and less boring.

Really it's like a fight between a baby monkey and a silverback gorilla, the monkey just doesn't know how fucked it is untill it dies.

I dusted my hands just for effect and because it looked cool, and then looked towards the one who had been spying on us since the beginning. There was a reason I hadn't spoken yet—I didn't want to say anything in case I started bragging about something I didn't want anyone else to hear.

I didn't want to kill someone simply because they overheard something they shouldn't have. I was not some kind of trashy anime villain, you know.

"Now then, would you like to come out yourself or should I help?" I asked, looking toward where our peeping tom was hiding.

There was no answer for a few seconds, but then, with the sound of a few leaves rustling, a girl appeared.

"Oh… Are you a devil?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity. Some might ask. Harry how did you guess? Well, she didn't feel human plus I have mage sight.

Looking at the girl who had just appeared with my mage sight was a great choice. Her magical energy was about two-thirds of mine. Even though she didn't give off the unpleasant feeling I had imagined devils would, she didn't exactly exude a pleasant one either. To me, it felt like her existence was tolerated by nature but not necessary.

Her magic, however, consisted of a somewhat impure mana heavily based on desire and imagination aspects, which gave off an allure that I could almost taste.

It gave the impression that as long as you had enough desire, grit, energy, and imagination, you could do whatever you wanted—This was not a good thing. I didn't have time to ponder more as she began speaking as soon as she was a few meters away from me.

"My name is Kuisha Abaddon, a servant devil of the noble clan of Bael," she said with a smooth voice—as if that means anything to me. Now that I looked at her, she was quite pretty—blonde hair in a ponytail and a professional attire that highlighted her great figure.

"Good to know. Now, may I know what it is that you want to achieve by sneaking around?" I asked her. I didn't introduce myself because I wanted to see if she would be offended by that—she was.

"It's rude not to introduce yourself, you know," she said, not answering my question.

"It's also rude to spy on people and to refuse to answer questions when asked," I replied with a wry smile on my face.

"I didn't spy on you! I just sensed mass teleportation being used in our territory and wanted to know who was using it," she said, maintaining an even tone.

"And you just decided to linger there since the beginning because it was comfortable?" I asked sarcastically. "And you still haven't answered my question."

"You still haven't introduced yourself," she said stubbornly.

"Why would I introduce myself to a stalker? What if you started investigating my background like what happens on TV?" I said seriously. At this point, I was just playing with her.

"I am not a stalker. You are a magician in a devil territory; you should be the one introducing yourself, and I should be the one asking questions here!" she said with an angry voice. I guess I was successful in getting under her skin.

"Devil territory? Are you stupid or something? Don't you have an underworld to rule over? Since when did you start lording over Gaia's domain?" I asked seriously, my voice carrying an unmistakable tone that suggested if I didn't like her answer, we would have a problem.

"Gaia's domain? What are you, Gaia's spokesperson or something?" Her sarcastic remark earned her a look that said, 'one more word and I will kill you.'

The magicians who had been tied up since the beginning began speaking.

"You don't like it, do you? Having a filthy devil on our land, controlling territory and all that. Untie us, and let's kill her. Then join us in the Hero Faction. We will purge the human world from their filthy clutches," one of them said.

"Yeah, yeah. You should join us. You're strong; I'm sure the leaders will allow you to have one of the top positions," the other one chimed in, supporting his friend.

I stared at them for a second before sending two very fast stunning spells their way. I still wanted information, and they looked like they had it.


If you enjoy the story and want to read more

I have +15 advance chapters in my Pat-reon

Anyway, Enjoy~~~