"It's not always the one with the most power who wins." That was a quote I read somewhere that suddenly popped into my head, I have just one single response to that: if someone had the power and didn't win, then they didn't have enough power.
I believe that if you have enough power, you will win. I mean, what can anyone do to you if you can erase them from existence? Nothing!! That's right nothing!!
And with that, I rest my case.I have just proved my point: if you didn't win, then you didn't have enough power. No, seriously, I thought about it, and I couldn't find a way to argue otherwise.
Let's face it: against overwhelming power, everything else falls short, whether it's experience, luck, or anything else.
Oh, I know that I might change my opinion in the future if I witness something that proves me wrong, but I guess that would also be part of living life and growing old.
Is that what living and experiencing life is all about? Allowing our experiences to shape us?
Anyhow, why was I going all philosophical? I don't know. It was just a random thought that popped into my mind as I was watching the very excited Sairaorg dragging Kuisha away while talking about the thrilling training routines they were going to do once I installed the gravity wards for him.
Our interaction was sudden, abrupt, and unorganized, leaving me surprised by just how easily everything happened, but still, I shrugged it off.
I figured that whatever the reason was, I didn't have the power nor the reason to oppose it—it was working in my favor, so why bother, right?
Yet that thought didn't put me at ease. It just made me feel like I wouldn't have an easy time like this in the future.
But that didn't matter now that I am left to my lonesome, so I better start thinking about how to approach the gravity situation. Should I create a spell circle? Should I make it a ward as I told them? Or should I create a gravity room that works as a mix of both? I couldn't decide yet.
Every option has its pros and cons. The circle wouldn't be the easiest to make, but it would be the safest—I just have to give someone a copy and instructions on how to do it, and that's all. But the downside would be the amount of magic needed and the inflexibility regarding any adjustments.
The ward option requires less magic and allows for more flexibility with adjustments; however, it would make it inconvenient to live in a place where the ward is up all the time.
The hybrid option seems to be my best solution for this problem: I could create a gym room with a gravity ward and circle hybrid, where one can adjust the volume, intensity, and everything else themselves.
Now all I have to do is start simulating how to go about it using my Grimoire. That's what it was for….
Oh, fuck me! How can I be so stupid? How did I forget the reason I created the Grimoire in the first place? I wanted to have a tool that helps me with my magical endeavors—collecting, analyzing, and simulating knowledge so that I can later transfer it directly to my mind and start practicing and experimenting, all while enjoying an easy life.
"What's wrong with me?" I asked myself. "Ugh, let's not open that can of worms now," I retorted :)
I need to start doing what I should have been doing a long time ago, which is transferring knowledge to my mind.
I took a deep breath, laid down, and entered my mindscape. The process from there was smooth; I copied the charms and transfiguration knowledge I lacked first—because I was daft enough to forget to do it before, so I had studied them manually. I also wanted to experiment to see what would happen.
How did the process go? Well, it was easy. With the help of my Grimoire, I created copies of the knowledge in the shape of two books labeled "Transfiguration" and "Charms," then placed them on a table….
I didn't need to do anything else; the rest was just an automatic response.
As it turned out, that was a dumb thing to do—relying on automatic response, I mean…. I needed to find a better way or to do it slowly, depending on how much information I transfer to my mind at once.
So I can't just dump everything in my Grimoire into my mind at once. My mind needs to adjust to the knowledge and all that.
'My hopes are dashed, and my day is ruined.'
The massive headache I had as soon as I was done did not help either, but I couldn't care less, because right now, I was truly experiencing the joy of having intuitive aptitude.
Things just clicked. Small mistakes were noticed and corrected, and I could almost tangibly feel myself getting better. I should do the same when I receive the new books…
At one point, I had to knock myself out just to rest because the headache was intensifying—it felt like a million ants were walking inside my skull, with half of them taking turns to bite. But that still didn't dampen the elation I was feeling.
I woke up feeling very hungry. I went to the kitchen and started cooking. I didn't even wash my face first; I just went straight to the kitchen. A few eggs, bacon, toast, and a milkshake with flavor enhancement later, I finally felt alive.
With my headache gone, my stomach full, and my body energized, I was going to start doing the same with everything I know about the magical knowledge of this world, but I was still waiting for the new books, so I had to think of something else.
Why not practice a little? Feel the changes brought by yesterday's events?
It was a very fulfilling hour. I did different spells, transfigured different things, and cast different charms, and I have to tell you I was better. My casting was smoother, my control over spells was greater, and shifting and changing spells midway was downright fantastical.
I mean, I could be in the middle of casting, let's say a 'Bombarda' spell, and then just as easily change the spell into a human transfiguration spell or animation spell. It was great.
What the new knowledge gave me was the information about how to alter the energy and spells when they're already out, mid-casting, or how to have control over my magic spell even after casting. That's just Grandmaster-level stuff. It also proved insightful about magical energy aspects control and spell modification…
This opened up so many possibilities, can you imagine what would happen if a group of magicians come and attack me at the same time? That's where the new insights I gained shines the brightest, in Group fights where you have to keep yourself engaged constantly and your spells diverse…
I didn't have time to spellcheck and proofread so inform me if there's anything that needs change