"Okay, fine, I will go out! Just stop pestering me!" I groaned in annoyance. This is one of the most frequent requests Gaia sends me on a daily basis…
It hasn't been a month since I regained consciousness, and I haven't done anything worthwhile. And Now, I have to go out and try to make friends….socialize she said, it's good for your development she said.. I still don't know how she conveys what she wants or how I understand, but I owe her so I have to do it.
Since I decided to go out and make friends… like she told me to…even though I really don't need them—it's not like I am going to live here for long—but who can reason with a primordial? Definitely not me.
I apparated randomly, making my intent very clear— I wanted to go to a place that either needed me or a place I wouldn't like so that I could have an excuse to return home and do my own thing.
'Pop!' A soft popping sound marked my arrival at the destination the spell took me to.
Now, why was there a sound? It turned out not all magic spells work the same way in different realities… who knew?
'Ugh!!!! What the hell!!!!'
What is this place? The smell is nauseating—strong, disgusting scents of blood and various other things I don't want to list…
I instinctively cast a bubble-head charm to protect me from the smell and the air here. It took me a few seconds just to regain my bearings and start questioning where I was.
I used natural energy to sense life while casting a small 'Lumos' for a clearer view.
I wish I hadn't; this place was littered with recently killed bodies of people, from all ages.
There were even children among the corpses—children!!!
I could feel myself losing control as I looked around and witnessed the horror-stricken faces of these people, especially the children.
That's where I draw the line.
I don't care much for the rest; I can sympathize a little with the elderly and others from different age groups, but children are sacred in my books…
I don't even know where I got this rule from, but I could make a sure guess later.
I used one-third of my reserves just to lock down the space with a temporary sealing ward that encompassed about a mile,—that's a lot of magic for a temporary ward but I couldn't care less…. I then let my emotions run rampant. I couldn't keep them in check any longer.
All my energy reserves were running amok—be it magic, or natural energy,. I was pretty sure anyone with even a slight sensitivity to energy felt it immediately.
I started walking slowly, trying hard to avoid looking around, heading towards the twenty or so lifeforce energies I sensed.
Vampires, huh.
"Hahahahahaha!" I started laughing. I wasn't sure if I was laughing out loud or not, but as soon as I saw three vampires approaching with blood-constructed weapons in their hands, it clicked—I knew who was responsible.
I didn't even bother stopping as tree roots sprouted from the ground, intercepting, restraining, and dragging them behind me.
I couldn't register what they were shouting; I just kept walking until I arrived in a larger room where different people lay dead, and the remaining vampires stood ready to attack.
"Kill him!" one female vampire shrieked!
I simply waved my hand, and roots began to emerge from the ground, doing the same thing they did to the first three. I could see her trying to escape into the shadows, but I tightened my hold on her, especially.
Everyone here is dead. There was even a pregnant girl there—oh, not a woman, a girl. How did I know that despite the state of her body? I don't know; I just did…
Looking up to the ceiling of the room, I covered my face with my hand and felt the bubble covering half of my face. Only then did I realize the tears running down my cheeks.
'Uh, when was the last time I cried?' I couldn't remember.
'When was the last time I felt this much hatred?' I couldn't recall hating anything or anyone. Even Voldemort and Dumbledore—I didn't hate them, not truly, not like this.
I lowered my head and saw about twenty-one vampires in the room. They were all yelling different things, yet I couldn't comprehend what they were saying.
"Why?" I asked, my voice coming out croaky and hoarse.
"Who do you think you are to question us…?" one male vampire began, but I silenced him with a castration curse I thought I would never use. His agonizing cries brought the room to a halt.
"That wasn't an answer, but you know what? I don't need one. There's no justification for this, no matter what I hope for. So instead, I'm going to make your last moments on this earth a living hell. I will make you feel an agony that will break your very soul," I said in an emotionless voice.
I waved my right hand slightly, and the familiar blue diabolical fire began to surround me. I spent double the usual magic to cast it, but I didn't dwell on the reason. Not yet.
I then started cursing everyone with every sensitivity-heightening spell I knew.
Once I was done, I let the fire slowly, very slowly, move in their direction while I began burning them from the feet up.
Their cries of agony and pain soothed my soul. I kept staring at them without blinking, wanting to commit their horror and agony-stricken faces to memory, hoping it would help ease the painful emotions I was feeling.
'This was supposed to be an outing' I thought…
A weak pulse of life energy snapped me out of whatever condition I was in. I turned around faster than I ever had before. I walked toward the weak pulse, which was coming from the pregnant girl's belly.
I stood there stupefied for seconds before I started laughing and muttering thanks to whatever god had helped with this miracle. Slowly, I positioned the girl on her back, moved my hand toward her lower abdomen, and let my instincts take over. I haven't done this before, the only way I knew about how to do it was because the young me read about it….
Somehow, I was able to extract the baby.
"Uwaaah" 'she cried, hehehehe.. I succeeded
It was a fragile little thing, so small, so tiny!!
I cast every cleaning spell I knew on her first, then slowly injected her with natural energy which carried a bit of my life energy with it—That helped somewhat, and her life signature grew a little stronger.
I took off my T-shirt, cleaned it three times with every spell I could think of, and wrapped the little baby girl in it. I didn't notice that I had cast a noise-canceling charm until I was done; I doubled down on the charm, took the baby, and stood up slowly.
I didn't know what to do now! I had cleaned her as best I could and wrapped her in very clean clothing. What's next? Temperature regulation charm! Yeah, let's cast that too. Okay, now what else?….
'Ugh, I can't think of anything'... so For now, let's get out of this place and burn it down.
I started walking out, letting my 'Diabolica' flame consume everything. I would have preferred to bury the victims, but I didn't have time for that now. So with a silent prayer, I walked out.
——— ——— ———
Enjoy 😊