
"You're finally up," I said while looking at my mother who was up, I will have completed creating the 100 spells tomorrow. The amount of spells I had created was in the millions, it's just that some spells had more effect on her than others, and that was the troublesome thing. By the way, all of those millions of spells could heal the Sleeping disease, 

"Yeah... I have been thinking, we should move back to America." My mother said after thinking for some time. 

"Stop trying to force me to do something I could care less for. I'm going job searching tomorrow after school, your job is to sit back and rest." I said to which she gave me a pained look,

"It isn't that hard anyways to get rich, off the top of my head I have thousands of ways I could become a millionaire without using magic," I said while giving her the fast food I had bought for her.

"Also, tomorrow my girlfriend's sister in law would come to check up on you. Although I should have a way to cure you once I return from school." I said calmly, to which she wanted to say something, but she said nothing... so the day went by.

The next day while I was at school, a Maid teleported inside my house. This maid was known as Grayfia Lucifuge, wife to Rias' elder brother. She looked around and saw my mother who was looking at her with a serious look.

"A devil?! How are you connected to Anos!" She said in shock, to which Grayfia's eyebrow raised not expecting her to know about devils.

"Your son is dating a devil..." Grayfia said to which my mother's eyes widened in shock.

"Anos want nothing to do with the supernatural world... please leave." She said confusing Grayfia

"I thought he didn't know about the supernatural world... if he does, why is he dating Rias?" Grayfia asked to which my mother sighed.

"He must doesn't know, or else he would have never approached her." My mother said, knowing how rarely I used magic. Grayfia paused for some time, she knew that Rias had begun training for her love...

"I will respect your wishes... but are you human? Devils are the only ones who should be affected by the sleeping disease." Grayfia said to which my mother sighed

"I'm human..." She said with a look that said she knew why she was under this disease, but she didn't explain. Grayfia bowed lightly before teleporting away, going to report everything to Rias to see how she wanted to go from this... and as expected, Rias was hit with unease hearing that I had no interest in the supernatural world.

"Hey, are you Anos Voidigoad?" A young beautiful black haired girl asked while shily standing before me. I was currently looking at the papers I needed to sign if I wished to join the student council. I looked up from my papers and looked at the girl,

"That's me... and you are?" I asked calmly, 

"I'm Amano Yuma." She said to which I nodded with an uninterested look, but I looked at her waiting for her to say why she was bothering me.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked uneasily, I looked at her for some time before sighing.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend... and I will not go out with someone who wears a mask instead of being themselves. If you know your true self isn't it, then you're not it." I said before walking off, leaving Yuma frozen on the spot before her eyes burned with rage like nothing she had ever seen before.

"So, you want to see my true self?" She asked hatefully, to which I paused and looked at her. I watched as she went on to give me a cruel and ruthless look, a look that screamed all of the evil she wanted to do to me.

"That's better, sadistic girls have their charm. Carry yourself with some more confidence." I said calmly, leaving Amano speechless not knowing what to say. 

"... fine, you want to go out with me like this?" She asked with an annoyed look, she wanted to kill me where I stood, but that might draw unwanted attention from the school behind her.

"Nope, I have a girlfriend... but I am going on a job search, you can join me if you want since you should know this place better than me," I said with a shrug, leaving her speechless for a second, but she nodded as she had to find something out first.

"So, why do you want to date me? Someone as beautiful as yourself doesn't need to act to take anyone's heart, so it's weird that you do." I said calmly,

"Mind your own business." She said throwing me a glare, to which I shrugged

"Are you the tsundare type?" I asked causing a vein to pop on her forehead, she gritted her teeth looking at me with full intent to kill me.

"Oh? Did I hit the mark? First time I have been glared wold, leaving my pure and innocent self shaking in fear." I said lightly to which she through a fist towards me, which I smoothly dodged, and with smooth and skillful moves, she found herself in my arms.

"You have a superiority complex, you see others as lesser lifeforms than you... I like a girl who knows her worth." I joked while she paused seeing how close we were. At my words, she snapped back to reality got out of my arms, and shot towards me, throwing fists and kicks, all limited to the capability of a normal human... even so, I smoothly blocked or dodged every blow that could defeat most humans who didn't have a supernatural gift.

"You're not half bad, but just watch as I have you on the ground licking my feet." She said with a grin,

"You're into some weird stuff... but then again, normal is boring," I said with a smirk. Yuma moved, trying her best to even hit me, but in the end, she was forced to realize that I had better martial arts capability than her.

"You're not bad, it's rare to find people of your skills," I said calmly watching her catch her breath and searching for a weak point. I turned to walk away, leaving Yuma annoyed before she followed me.

"How did you get so strong?" She asked while looking at everyone who had paused to look at our small clash.

"Strong? I don't think I'm strong. I have some skills, that's all." I said lightly, Yuma looked at me for a moment, before looking up ahead.

"I know a place you can work, they pay well." She said lightly, causing me to look at her in shock.

"Don't tell me... you care?" I asked causing Yuma to grit her teeth in anger.

"Shut up before I kill you. I just want to see you degrade yourself, that's all." She said with a snort, to which I raised an eyebrow.

"No job is degrading, so long as the job pays the bills and puts food on the table with clean money, then it's a job to take pride in," I said lightly, making her look at me with a sneer.

"So, you would say the same thing for a stripper?" She asked to which I nodded without needing to think,

"Of course, not everyone is born equal or with the same opportunities as everyone else. Everyone is only equal at birth, and when they die. That's the only moment we are all treated fairly. From the moment you are born, you are either born into a poor family, a middle-class family, or a rich family. That starting point would judge the opportunities you would have in your lifetime, and how much effort you would need to put in. The poor are living life in hard mode, the middle class is living life in a normal mode, and the rich class is living life in easy mode." I said calmly,

"Life isn't a game," Yuma said speechless with my strange outlook on life.

"But isn't it? Life is a game without a respawn button. A rich kid could have everything he wanted, but if his parents didn't train him and get him ready for the boss fights, he would fail." I said to which Yuma thought before she agreed

"So, what would beings like angels and gods be in this game if they exist?" She asked to which I shrugged

"they would be living life in challenge mode, I highly doubt human rights is something those beings would care for. I would see that world as a chaotic world filled with death left and right, with the gods pushing for their goals, along with the others, making peace impossible. Adding the fact they might be immortal, that would mean they are old fools who have been in power for so long that the concept of learning and changing is impossible for them." I said lazily, causing Yuma to laugh as she found herself agreeing with my outlook.

"But chaos is fun, you said it yourself." She said to which I shook my head.

"What is the point after? This isn't an anime where one can just go ahead with their dreams to destroy the world or start a grand war. What's the point of spreading chaos if you don't have a grander goal behind it? What's the point of being evil without reason behind it? Unless you were born evil, the embodiment of evil, or some huge event happened in your life that made you pure evil... what's the point of spreading chaos? Why do something for the sake of doing something?" I asked making Yuma feel like she was being attacked.

"At least Naruto was unique, it had broken heroes turned villains, and the big bad guy black Zetsu had a reason to be evil... you might not watch anime, never mind." I said calmly, to which I paused for a second before speaking.

"I will watch it when I get home." She said to which I shrugged, not really caring if she did.

"You sound like you have a different outlook on the whole spreading chaos things... I'm curious, does it turn you on? You were not thinking of kidnapping me, chaining me to your basement, and doing some perverted stuff right?" I asked with an unguarded look, leaving Yuma not knowing what to say.

"Just who do you think I am? Why would I waste so much time with something as weak as you? I was just going to give you a slow painful death while taking pleasure in it all." She said with a snort, to which I gave her a disdainful look.

"You, the same girl who couldn't even hit me?" I asked causing Yuma to almost use her magic, but she stopped herself and just snorted while looking away.

"Don't get mad junior, maybe if 10 or so billion years, your cultivation can rise to challenge me," I said like a wise expert who has seen the birth of universes, and the fall of universes. I went as far as patting her head, causing Yuma's body to vibrate from her rage... and shame that she kind of like being patted on the head.