Riser Phenex (2/4)

[The Next Day]

"Okay class, we have a transfer student!" The teacher called out to the class, the class looked over and saw a blonde hair loli standing before everyone. My eyes narrowed seeing this loli, causing me to stand up and walk over to her.

I ignored the teacher and the fact I made the little girl uncomfortable and instead went on to look the loli deeply in the eyes for some time before I spoke.

"What are you doing man?" Issei called out while standing up, but I completely ignored him.

"Are you by chance named Asia?" I asked lightly, to which the loli nodded with unease. I nodded lightly while smiling at her and holding out my palm.

"I'm your brother, mom would be happy to hear you are alive and doing well," I said with a smile, stunning Asia along with the whole class.

"But she wouldn't want me... she abandoned me," Asia said, all her life she thought her mother abandoned her, and now she was hearing something else.

"That's something you should talk with her about, but she never abandoned you, she refused to tell me what happened," I said to which Asia nodded lightly, while I returned to my seat, allowing for the class to begin.

Well, with that happening, it was clear where Asia sat. She sat next to me and I went on to show her pictures of my mother... my mother's name was Asiya Argento by the way. 

"You don't look anything like my mother... where is my father?" Asia finally asked, to which I smiled.

"I don't know who my bio parent is. About a month after she had to give you up, she found me dying in the rain, she took me in and raised me as her son. She always went above and beyond to raise me, seemingly trying to make up to someone for not being a good mother." I said to which Asia nodded, lost while looking into her mother's loving smile, and the same green eyes they shared.

"Would she welcome me?" Asia asked, to which I nodded while rubbing her head.

"of course she would, she is so glued to me out of fear of losing me. So you would be doing me a favor if you stepped in and took me out of the spotlight. But I have to warn you, she would shower you with so much love it might kill you." I said with a smile, Asia bit her lips slightly before she slowly began crying.

This scene broke the hearts of many people who saw this sight, after all, Asia was just too adorable. 

"I'm sorry, this is all just so sudden. I'm happy, but I'm scared. What if she doesn't accept me... what if this is all a mistake." Asia said while trying her best to stop her tears, but they wouldn't stop.

I pulled out a tissue and went on to remove her tears while having her look at me, while gently holding her chin.

"You're my little sister, blood-related or not, nothing will ever change that... unless you reject me," I said, causing Asia to nod with a gentle smile. I rubbed her head lightly, before looking up, just to realize everyone had their nose in my business.

"What? jealous?" I asked lightly, and to that almost 99% of the class nodded their heads, leaving me speechless. I ignored them and waited for lunchtime to arrive, and the second it did, Sona came to get me as today she made me my lunch box.

"You want to join me for lunch?" I asked to which Asia hesitated for a moment while looking towards Issei who had been down ever since I took her away.

"I'm currently staying at Issei's house. Issei saved me... he is a good person." Asia said, slowly adding more information as she saw my frown growing.

"Did he touch you?" I asked lightly, to which Asia quickly shook her head, having a bad feeling that if Issei had... well, the world would forget he had ever existed.

"You don't owe him anything, I do," I said lightly, rubbing her head before I left. Asia nodded while touching her head, watching me leave with a gentle smile. But after a moment, she went up to Issei, who tried to be cheerful for her...

"So, she is your sister... didn't see that coming," Sona said lightly, to which I smiled.

"Fate works in weird ways..." I said with a faint smile, while opening the lunch box she made for me... as always, it was made with high-end ingredients, almost like a wife making food for her husband.

"You like it?" Sona asked with a blush, to which I nodded with a smile.

"You're smiling more than normal... it's hard to get used to." She said with a smile, to which I nodded once more while taking a bite of the food. Indeed, I was smiling more lately, ever since I fixed the problem with my source, I returned to normal...

"Hey, Anos..." Sona said trying to bring up the matter of her defeat in the chess game, but she instead changed her mind when I looked at her.

"I find it funny that your name is mine but spelled backward." She said, to which I paused as I never thought about it. That was indeed true... well, we finished eating on the roof, Sona promising to herself to speak about this matter next time. Meanwhile, Rias was secretly watching this sight from afar, Raynare words filling her head...

The end of the school day came by, and once it did, joined with Rias and Asia, we headed to my house. Asia was nervous the whole way, all while I tried to calm her down to ease her. By the time we arrived at my house, my mom just opened the door, about to leave but paused seeing me about to open the door.

"Don't you have work today? If you're going to skip work, why work at all?" She asked with a speechless look, before she noticed Rias, and paused upon noticing Asia. She blinked for some time, looking at Asia as if she were a ghost, not daring to believe what she was seeing was true.

"H-hi," Asia said nervously, and with that, she was pulled into my mother's arms before they burst out crying. Asia also began crying, a sight which left me and Rias smiling, as we let the two let it all out before we went inside, where my mother told her story.

"Well... my faith faced some bumps back then when I found out a secret." My mother said, thinking back to when she heard that god had died. That news shook her faith, and she gave up being a nun and went to try and live a normal life. She got married and soon gave birth to Asia... but it was around that time things went downhill fast.

It looks like a few people in the church knew she knew that god died, and this led to the death of her husband. She had run for some time with Asia, but after many close-death moments, she realized for Asia's safety, she had to drop her off at an orphanage and run around the world. Although her faith in got was shaken at that time, it was when she gave birth to Asia that she realized it didn't matter if god was alive or not. All that mattered was the teaching, and she held that teaching to her heart. It's the main reason she took me in, she was loyal to god, not loyal to the church.

But she ignored talking about the supernatural world around this topic, not wanting Asia to step into this world. That I could support, anyways Rias and I left the two alone while we went for a walk.

"Where did you go yesterday, I wanted to show you my skills behind the bar," I said with a smile, to which Rias awkwardly smiled remembering how she left after Raynare got her enraged.

"Family problems... but at most 2 weeks things should be over." She said lightly, to which I sighed, what could I do if she didn't want to tell me?

"... Have I ever told you I had 2 siblings in the past?" Rias asked, changing the subject, and at her words, I shook my head as this was new to me.

"I had a twin brother, but he died the day we were born... it's because of his death my elder brother and parents spoiled me a lot." Rias said with a sad smile, wondering what it would have been like to have a twin brother...

"You're a devil!" Asiya cried in shock seeing her daughter was a devil, to think when she made a small prayer, her daughter would cry in pain.

"Y-yes," Asia said with unease, scared this would get her rejected.

"Don't worry, I don't care that you're a devil. I'm just shocked. how did this happen?" Asiya asked realizing her shock scared Asia. Asia went on to tell her what happened 3 days ago, and how she died thanks to a fallen angel after her sacred gear.

"From now on, you're staying with us. If anything like that happens, you run to Anos right away." Asiya said seriously,

"Anos? Is he strong?" Asia asked in confusion, to which she nodded with a prideful smile.

"Your big brother has no equals, if you ever face any problems, don't think twice, call for him. He would know, and he would come to save you. Do you remember 10 years ago, there was an earthquake that was felt all over the earth?" She asked to which Asia nodded as she didn't remember that event well, but she did recall how deadly that earthquake was.

"That was Anos when he was sleepwalking, he almost destroyed Earth... I think he did, he did say something about turning time backward... but anyway, if someone can't destroy the planet, know your big brother at just the age of 8 years old was more than enough to deal with that matter in his sleep. Alright?" Asiya said to which Asia nodded with a stunned look...