Frizz rode the bus, resting his face in his hands and staring out the window, actively trying to ignore his older brother, Weng's, piercing gaze. The longer he ignored it, the more intense and annoying it became.
"What!?" Frizz finally broke the silence, snapping.
"First, you come home with several injuries, and now you come home with a girl." Weng stated, mock curiosity lacing his tone. "Who are you, and where's my original brother?"
Frizz rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up. Besides, she isn't someone, just a coworker who I am helping," he explained, careful with his words.
Weng, surprised, gestured a vulgar motion with his fingers. "You mean it's just a—"
Frizz realized the implication, irking him. "No, what are you even thinking!" He snapped.
"Well, you bring home a girl to sleep in your room, and nothing actually happened?" Weng asked for clarification, then finally realizing and smiling in relief.
"Oh thank god you're gay." Weng patted his younger brother. "We'll always accept you."
"No!" Frizz loudly denied, causing a few heads to turn.
Weng chuckled, amused by the teasing of his younger brother. "Jokes aside. When are you going to tell me what's happening to you?" His older brother asked. "You used to be timid and uncaring, but now, suddenly, you changed like you found a purpose."
"You're not wrong. Things have changed, and I will tell you soon, I promise. Just give me time."
"I can't always be understanding, Frizz; you just arrived one day full of bruises and injuries; you were practically bleeding." Weng pointed out, worried.
"I've been patient enough to not tell Mom or Dad, but whatever you experienced, it was a life-or-death scenario, and I can't be patient with things like that."
"Spill it out, whatever it is," Weng demanded, absolutely focused on the welfare of his younger brother. Frizz just stared at his older brother, unsure of what to say.
The bus stopped; they've arrived at their destination. "Look, I'll tell you once I am done with this whole police crap. I have to make a few statements."
Weng shook his head, giving up. "Fine, I'll see you at home," his older brother added, fuming as he walked away.
Frizz walked toward the police station, greeting the officer outside and inquiring about a certain detective who wanted to talk to him. The officer pointed him to a desk inside, saying that was where he inquire more about his appointment.
Fifteen minutes later...
Frizz's patience grew thin; the detective wanted to talk to him, but they weren't present. (If they don't arrive within the next five minutes, I'll just leave.) He decided since he wasn't here from an arrest or a warrant.
Then suddenly, the door opened, and it was Detective Micah. "I apologize for being late; I had a lot of work to tend to first." Frizz waved his hand, gesturing it was no big problem.
The detective sensed Frizz's annoyance. Both men sat down. "Let me introduce myself again. I am Detective Micah, and I'll be taking your statement. Remember, you're not under arrest, nor are you a suspect. You're free to leave whenever you want."
"I hope you weren't waiting long. How was the trip here? Any troubles?" the detective asked with a disarming smile, attempting to ease the tension.
"No troubles, Detective. Can we please get straight to the point? I have a lot of things to do," Frizz replied, maintaining his politeness.
Detective Micah nodded in understanding. "Yes, sure. Let's get to the point; four of the men that attacked you are now receiving proper medical care, and they've still yet to reveal the reason why they attacked you."
"That's not because they're refusing to talk or anything; it's actually because they were simply tasked to kill you, nothing more, nothing less."
The detective made a pistol gesture with his fingers. "They don't know anything because, as hitmen for a drug cartel, their job is to kill, not to ask questions."
"However, things have changed since yesterday. A local drug leader was captured in your town, actually, last night," the detective added. "We believe they are linked to your four attackers."
"Yes, I've heard, but please, how does this relate to me?" Frizz replied, feigning ignorance but fully aware of the capture since he'd instigated it.
"Well... Baron."
Frizz twitched after hearing that name; it was noticed by the detective. "Apparently, this guy has some serious issues with you. Baron said that you stole money from him before and after his arrest."
"Of course, he and some of his men also said some outlandish things, like you being able to make things fly, but that's out of the question." The detective shrugged off the claims, snickering.
"There's also the fact that based on what the suspects and some eyewitnesses have told me, two individuals, a masked man and a woman, invaded their compound and incapacitated all of them with some bomb and then fled on a motorcycle while carrying a bag full of cash."
(What about the elderly boss? Baron's superior?) Frizz mused, listening intently.
"Now, I don't have to connect the dots, but fleeing on a stolen motorcycle and the profile description they gave is a bit similar to you. That can't be a coincidence, right?" The detective chuckled, eyeing a response.
"Now, I strongly believe you had nothing to do with this. Wrong timing maybe, bad luck even, but if there's something that you know about our current investigation, you can tell me."
Frizz locked eyes with the detective, realizing what he was implicating. "I don't know why Baron named me or anything, but I had nothing to do with this," he emphasized, trying to be polite.
"Is there any evidence of me actually stealing other than the words of a criminal drug pusher? If not, then I'd like to leave; I am very busy, detective," Frizz added, having had enough of the interrogation.
"Of course, that was always an option. Thank you for your time." Detective Micah reached out a hand, and Frizz shook it.
Exiting the police station, Frizz went straight to the bus station, planning to go to work. As he left, Detective Micah and his partner, who had been watching behind the glass earlier, eyed him until he disappeared in the distance. "Do you think he knows something?"
"Yeah, definitely, but we can't pin him on anything, and we can't get a warrant for him." Detective Micah sighed, exhausted. "If the higher-ups agree to an investigation on him, it'll be an informal one."
Eight hours later...
Frizz was in the break room of the convenience store, relaxing with his usual favorite beverage. The soft buzz of an electric fan from above was the only ambience as he focused his thoughts. (Baron was captured, but not the boss? Earlier, that detective didn't mention it.)
(Shit, this complicates things. I thought he was captured alongside the others.)
Frizz turned on the breakroom computer and instantly went to Fishbook, searching for information about the recent arrest. He found the article, posted by a local official, and browsed the several pictures posted.
(Shit, that car is missing. That should be his ride, right?) He mused, scratching his head.
(Fuck, why am I so fucking sloppy and so damn stupid? Always so goddamned complacent.)
"Frizz? You okay?" Mina asked from behind, placing her hand on Frizz's shoulder, snapping him away from his thoughts. "Oh hey." He replied.
"Nothing, nothing much really. Just more things for me to worry about." Frizz logged out and turned off the computer, but Mina caught a glimpse of the monitor, aware of what he was browsing.
Mina placed her hands on Frizz's hair, ruffling it. "I'm sorry to hear that your problems increased," she said comfortingly. "I'm also sorry for branding you a pervert months ago. I saw the hole in the wall and heard shuffling, so I assumed the worst."
"Now that I think about it, you are not that kind of a guy. I am sorry for the allegations; I take it all back," Mina shyly apologized.
Frizz half-listened, focused on his own problems. However, he managed to give a polite reply. "Yeah, sorry for calling you a slut back then."
"You called me a slut?"
"Oh, I didn't?"
"I don't think so; I've never heard you say it."
Frizz and Mina both chuckled, her chest softly brushing against his head. "Listen, after this, do you want to head out and eat? It's on me," Mina offered, winking and softly smiling.
Frizz looked at her; he'd never seen her smile like that. The smile was genuine, radiating a clear sense of connection, and he smiled back. However, he had different plans for tonight. "Sorry, I am a bit busy today. Yani wanted something from me."
"Maybe some other time." Frizz stood up, towering over Mina. He then left the break room and looked for Yani.
Behind him, Mina was about to follow, but a notification from her phone interrupted her. It was a message from her boyfriend. "Dylan…" she muttered, looking at the contact picture with a blank stare.
Yani tugged Frizz's sleeve; he didn't see her. "Hey Frizz, I wanted to talk to you." She asked, catching his attention.
"I know what you can do; I've seen what you can do. Please help me," Yani added, her eyes almost tearing. "Please kill the loan sharks."
New objectives for New Name.
Help Yani: 0/1
Rewards: Enough experience to advance.